advance 5 Flashcards
criticize severely
express strong disapproval of
بددهانی کردن
To browbeat is to intimidate with language. Picture yourself in a police station. The cops are trying to get you to talk by using tough, even abusive, language. They are browbeating you.
1/verb discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
2/verb be bossy towards
He had much more fun back at Group, browbeating everyone he wasn’t afraid of.
She was determined to browbeat everyone into believing her.
to try to make someone do something, especially in a threatening way
browbeat somebody into doing something
defiant aggressiveness
If you get into fights all of the time, you might be accused of truculence and sent for anger management classes. Truculence is showing a fierce (خشمگین- همراه با شدت- حار) kind of aggression.
کله خری و کله شقی
defiant: stubborn ب حرف گوش نده adj
defiant children
Ineffable ideas and emotions are difficult to put into words (indescribable). Parents might feel an ineffable sadness and pride when watching their youngest child graduate from high school.
ineffable joy
She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full.
Ineffable can also be used to describe a name that is so sacred you’re not allowed to say it.
“the ineffable name of the Deity”
pinpoint: to discover exact facts around
adjective very generous
“called for unstinting aid to Britain”
unstinting support, help, praise etc is complete and given willingly
I am also grateful for the unstinting help of those who staffed the stall and baked as well.
trick (from artificial) ساختگی
If a politician pretends to be angry as a way of rousing(برانگیختن) the anger of the voters and getting more votes, he’s guilty of artifice — a subtle and crafty trick.
This time, along with many other artifices, they brought a flying carpet.
something impossible in real life that only exists in your mind. Like quixotic
illusion - خیال باطل- رویایی ک هیچوقت واقعی نمیشه
many believe that a world free of war is a chimera.
I felt satisfaction because such a geology confirmed that I was right, that this island was a chimera, a play of the mind.
Atavism is a return to a previous way of doing, saying, or seeing things. It can be casual, like wearing retro clothing and listening to vinyl records
مث اینه ک دوباره نزدن پشم مد شده
Like resurgence
رو مخ like nuisance
causing irritation or annoyance
Maria found her coworker’s cell phone nettlesome.
full of energy and determination
paragon of sth means سلطان چیزی بودن
paragon of gentleness
a paragon of virtue
Jordan is the paragon for basketball players.
noun a natural stream of water smaller than a river
verb put up with something or somebody unpleasant
as a verb means tolerate or to put up with
put up with باهاش کنار اومدن
to accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining
She put up with his violent temper.
like diatribe and vitriol
a strong verbal attack
Can the government survive this latest broadside from its own supporters?
care and concern for someone’s health, safety etc
She was grateful to him for his solicitude.
Dont mistake ot with solitude: تنهایی(+)
پر از خشم و نفرت
expressing anger, hatred, or a wish to harm someone
a baleful look
a baleful omen
An apothegm is a short instructive saying that’s easy to remember and sometimes even slightly witty, like “haste makes waste.” An apothegm often expresses a fundamental truth or general rule.
practice makes perfect.
جمله قصار like epigram
be besotted (with somebody/something)
to love or want someone or something so much that you cannot think or behave sensibly
He’s completely besotted with her.
My parents were besotted with each other and always in each other’s arms.
to complain or say that you are disappointed about something
He was bemoaning the fact that lawyers charge so much.
bemoan the lack/absence/loss of something
an article bemoaning the lack of sports facilities in the area
But I didn’t bemoan the loss of my free time.
primitive - inchoate
in an early stage of development
If something is described as embryonic, it’s just starting to develop or come together.
The plans are still only in embryonic form.
quick to notice and understand things SYN perceptive or acumen
a percipient author
fake, and not as good as the real thing
ersatz coffee. like semblance
The ersatz version of something is an inferior substitute or imitation. You might speak in an ersatz French accent, but you won’t fool the Parisian who runs the local French bakery.
A gambit is a strategic move, often in chess but also in politics or business, where a player sacrifices something up front for future gain.
randy played a gambit, telling his boss that he would leave at the end of the week if he didn’t get a raise.
verb happen
“These political movements recrudesce from time to time”
It disappeared amongst the people, only to recrudesce in some localities as fresh infection…
Deign means to reluctantly agree to do something you consider beneath you. When threatened with the loss of her fortune, an heiress might deign to get a job, but she might look down her nose at the people she’d have to work with.
I can’t afford to hang around here waiting until you deign to come back to collect me.
سطح خودتو پایین اوردن
نمونه - سرمشق
“an exemplar of success”
Milt’s career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times.
بدون حد و مرز
Something that’s untrammeled is completely free and unrestricted. If you live a truly untrammeled life, you feel free to follow your dreams.
someone who does not like or understand art, literature, music etc
When it comes to art, the man’s a philistine.
A philistine is a person who doesn’t think a lot and isn’t interested in learning. Your uncle Marvin, who’s only interested in eating, sleeping, and watching game shows, could be considered a philistine.
very cruel and angry remarks that are intended to hurt someone’s feelings
We write vitriol about each other in our newspapers.
Vitriol is harsh, nasty criticism. You may have deserved some blame when the cake didn’t rise, but the head chef’s stream of vitriol was unnecessary.
not sincere and slightly dishonest OPP ingenuous (naive and honest)
Use the adjective disingenuous to describe behavior that’s not totally honest or sincere. It’s disingenuous when people pretend to know less about something than they really do.
to claim that you have a particular right, position etc, without having the legal right to it ادعای بیجا کردن
It was up to Kasparov to prove that he still merited the title he arrogated.
to become pitiful or weak طفلکی بیچاره اینجوری شد
Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.
West Ham United are currently languishing at the bottom of the league.
If you find someone to be unprepossessing, you find them unattractive. Not that they’re ugly
outdated قدیمی کس شر
a hoary joke, remark etc is so well known that people no longer find it amusing or interesting
nodded his hoary head
To be doleful is to be down in the dumps, to have a hole in your soul, to be full of woe. crestfallen or bereft or dolorous
the child’s doleful expression
revenge, retaliation
They didn’t tell the police for fear of reprisal.
reprisal against
There were reprisals against unarmed civilians.
in reprisal (for something)
Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.
only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
“a vague inchoate idea”
inchoate ideas, plans, attitudes etc are only just starting to develop
تازه ب وجود امده - هنوز کامل نشده- خام
1 someone who is effervescent is very happy, excited, and active
an effervescent personality
2 a liquid that is effervescent produces small bubbles of gas SYN fizzy, sparkling
Because meteors(شهاب سنگ) move through the sky so quickly, we often refer to something moving very fast as meteoric. A newly-popular singer might be said to experience a meteoric rise to the top. (The fall can be meteoric, too.)
An epigram is a short, clever remark. One of Oscar Wilde’s many memorable epigrams is “I can resist everything but temptation.”
like apothegm
noun the most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
He’s sweaty, and his pith helmet doesn’t protect his skin from the sun.
Like salient or paramount
یا پوست سفیدای روی نارنگی
Something that is appurtenant helps or supports something else. Good physical health is appurtenant to mental well-being.
like supportive
Empiricism means a method of study relying on empirical evidence, which includes things you’ve experienced: stuff you can see and touch.
calm and not easily excited or worried
They are just a little dull in expressing feelings or showing emotion. like unflappable or nonchalant or placid
The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.
1 the thick yellowish substance produced in your nose and throat, especially when you have a cold SYN mucus
2 unusual calmness in worrying, frightening, or exciting situations
noun strong feelings of embarrassment
Chagrin is a noun that represents an emotion or feeling and it’s an uncomfortable one. If you feel chagrin, it means that you are embarrassed or distressed as a result of a failure.
خجالت و ناراحتی و سرافکندگی
having a sophisticated charm
Someone debonair is charming or suave(polite, confident, and relaxed, sometimes in an insincere way). They have good manners, and they probably look good too.
good looking
the establishment of a good relationship between two countries or groups of people, after a period of unfriendly relations
rapprochement between/with
I hope for a rapprochement between our two countries.
دوباره از سرگیری داستان
A bristle is a stiff hair — the kind men shave off their face or the kind badgers(راسو) have all over. Bristle also means to get angry. Tell an animal rights activist you use a badger’s bristle shaving brush and you’ll get the idea.
bristle as verb
1 to behave in a way that shows you are very angry or annoyed
bristle with rage/indignation(خشم) etc
John pushed back his chair, bristling with rage.
bristle at
He bristled at her rudeness.
Dont mistake it with bridle: restrain
1 An antic is a prank(شوخی) to the extreme. It’s outrageous(ظالمانه), but it’s usually meant to be funny.
2 strange behavior
It’s as if she’s reporting on the antics of some primitive tribe(قبیله): true, but incredible.
I stopped to watch the antics of the squirrels(سنجاب).
1 someone or something that seems to belong to the past, not the present
The monarchy is something of an anachronism these days.
2 something in a play, film etc that seems wrong because it did not exist in the period of history in which the play etc is set
The film is full of anachronisms.
Inanity is complete nonsense.
total lack of meaning or ideas
bullshit کس شر محض
When you squelch something, you’re putting an end to it. You can squelch an idea or a rebellion.
to stop something from continuing to develop or spread SYN squash
Her creativity had been squelched.
he took steps to squelch all criticism.