basic 3 Flashcards
to laugh loudly
We guffawed at what Graham had written.
Like demean ارزش چیزیو پایین اوردن
How can you degrade yourself by writing such trash?
to reduce the worth of something, as when smoke and pollution degrade the environment.
made less hopeful or enthusiastic. انگیزه و امیدو از دست داده
تو دل کسیو خالی کردن
after the visiting team scored nine times, the fans were disheartened, some leaving the game early.
1 solve, → settle
resolve a dispute/conflict/problem etc
The crisis was resolved by negotiations.
Barnet was desperate for money to resolve his financial problems.
2 make a definite decision
After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.
Mary resolved that she would stop smoking.
sturdy and strong
of a person : healthy and strong, or strongly built. Like vigorous
of a food or drink: a robust wine has a rich, strong flavor.
difficult to capture
1 an elusive person or animal is difficult to find or not often seen
She managed to get an interview with that elusive man.
2 an elusive result is difficult to achieve
She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.
3 an elusive idea or quality is difficult to describe or understand
For me, the poem has an elusive quality.
to celebrate a person
noun , verb
after world war ll, war heroes were feted at first, but quickly forgotten.
دبه کردن
renege on an agreement/deal/promise
to not do something you have promised or agreed to do SYN go back on
They reneged on a pledge to release the hostages.
we will no longer work with that vendor(فروشنده خیابانی) since it has reneged on every agreement.
1 anxiety
Dad has some apprehensions about having surgery.
I woke before the alarm, filled with apprehension.
2 arrest
Authorities then use the profiles to identify suspects and to attempt to elicit confessions after their apprehension.
3 one’s understanding فهم
The discussion centered on our apprehension of the nature of God.
Worried or nervous
I was appehensive that something would go wrong.
insulting or contemptuous(اهانت آمیز) in an indirect way. نیشدار
snide remarks/comments
In fact, Grandma has been over here more than a minute and hasn’t made one snide remark about her yet.
باز داشتن
to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results → deterrent
The company’s financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.
The security camera was installed to deter people from stealing.
Don’t let a few problems put you off. (deter you)
to publicly support a particular way of doing something
Extremists were openly advocating violence.
behaving or dressing in a way which is not respected by many people but which is still confident and attractive
an interesting character with a raffish air.
the men found him raffish, but the women adored his smart clothes and casual attitude.
someone who supports something or persuades people to do something.
proponent of
Steinem has always been a strong proponent of women’s rights.
leading/main/major proponent
Dr George is one of the leading proponents of this view.
dominance. like hegemony
a position of power, influence, or control → ascendant
moral ascendancy
the ascendancy of nationalist forces
Butler established ascendancy over his critics.
He slowly gained ascendancy in the group.
a teaching method that is currently in the ascendancy
be in the ascendant
formal to be or become powerful or popular
a political party that’s in the ascendant
very eager or enthusiastic
an avid collector of old jazz records
an avid reader
قابلیت شکل دهی داره
1 something that is malleable is easy to press or pull into a new shape
malleable steel
2 someone who is malleable can be easily influenced or changed by other people - amenable
a malleable child
be obstacle to. like thwart, deter
to make it difficult for someone or something to move forward or make progress
• Progress has been impeded by a number of economic factors.
• Rescue attempts were impeded by the storm.
to prevent someone from doing what they are trying to do. like deter or impede
Fierce(خشن) opposition thwarted the government’s plans.
Congressional Republicans have made clear their intention to thwart these efforts.
Thwart - deter - impede - stymie - preclude - avert - hamper - hinder - enjoin - stifle - check - stem
significant - conspicuous
large enough to be noticed or considered important
There’s no appreciable change in the patient’s condition.
covered with a lot of decoration
an ornate gold mirror
a small object that you keep in your house because it is beautiful rather than useful
a shelf covered with books and ornaments
china ornaments
something beneficial or helpful
The bus service is a real boon to people in the village.
modern technology has been a boon to the travel industry.
Is snow an environmental boon or a menace?
to wander aimlessly
1 if a river, stream, road etc meanders, it has a lot of bends rather than going in a straight line. Like tortuous
meander along/across/down etc
The river meandered gently along the valley floor.
2 to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way rather than take the most direct way possible
meander along/through etc
Cows still meander through these villages.
old-fashioned and no longer used
archaic words
archaic civilizations
characterized by jokes and good humor
my uncle was always in a jocular mood at family gatherings.
a moot point/question مورد بحث
something that has not yet been decided or agreed, and about which people have different opinions
Whether these controls will really reduce violent crime is a moot point.
be mooted مطرح شدن - ب دادخواهی گذاشته شدن
to be suggested for people to consider SYN put forward
The question of changing the membership rules was mooted at the last meeting.
to persuade
Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.
• The ads entice young people to smoke.
slow and laborious (taking a lot of time and effort)
plodding research
Charlie may seem to run at a plodding pace, but he runs up to 100 miles.
a break from doing something
every afternoon, the small company has a respite in which workers play foosball or broad games.
The pain went on without respite.
respite care : temporary care for people who are too old or ill to look after themselves, which allows the people who usually look after them to rest.
This has worked well for both permanent and respite care.
1 native - indigenous
Irish cuisine makes great use of potato, but ironically potato is not endemic to Ireland.
2 an endemic disease or problem is always present in a particular place, or among a particular group of people → epidemic, pandemic
Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago.
1 muted sounds, voices etc are quieter than usual SYN subdued
Everyone was sitting round discussing the accident in muted voices.
2 a muted reaction to something is not expressed strongly
There was muted agreement from most of the people in the room.
The speech received only a muted response from the unions.
3 a muted colour or light is soft and gentle, not bright
muted pinks and blues
4 a muted musical instrument has been made to sound softer
as verb
1 to make a marriage or relationship complete by having sex
2 to make something complete, especially an agreement
as adjective
a consummate chef is the ultimate chef. or a consummate jerk is the ultimate jerk.
of weather: severe or harsh weather that is cold and wet.
of a person: showing no mercy(رحم)
1 تبعیض قائل شدن
Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.
It was found that the company still discriminated on the basis of race in promotions.
2 تفاوت قائل شدن
Newborn babies can discriminate between a man’s and a woman’s voice.
no one would get him to change his obdurate attitude.
obdurate - heretic - adamant - truculent - refractory - intransigent - uncompromising - inexorable - fractious - obstinate
سلب کردن حق رای
Enfranchise means to give someone the right to vote. Disenfranchise means to take it away. The U.S. has a shameful history of disenfranchising African-American citizens through bogus laws and outright intimidation.
1 move clumsily(ناشیانه - دست و پا چلفتی وار) or struggle to move, as in mud or water
They were floundering chest-deep in the freezing water.
2 behave awkwardly; have difficulties - شیش زدن
“She is floundering in college”
• The team was floundering in the first half of the season.
lasting a very short time
if life was not transitory…
ill-tempered - gloomy - sullen - grumpy
He stared morosely at the floor.
خونسرد و خشک مزاج
ب راحتی احساساتی نمیشه
elephants may appear stolid to casual observers, but they actually have passionate emotional lives.
Phlegmatic - unflappable
قوه ابتکار
I was impressed by the ingenuity and energy of the contestants.
It took some time and a little ingenuity, but we were able to rescue the animals.
concise and full of meaning. Like elliptical
Press releases must be short and pithy.
a series of pithy quotations
continuing without stopping SYN constant
The child’s incessant talking started to irritate her.
incessant rain
a disease or sickness مرض
or a serious problem in society
The airline suffers from a common malady - lack of cash.
lack - paucity - shortage
a dearth of job opportunities
There was a dearth of pens that day in class.
1 to use or visit a particular shop, restaurant, hotel etc
Many homosexuals patronize gay-owned companies simply because they feel more comfortable there.
2 to speak to someone in a way that suggests that they are not as intelligent as you
ی گو نخور خاصی تو صداشونه وقتی دارن پاترونایزت میکنن
The agency has a reputation for patronizing clients who don’t agree with its creative ideas.
3 to support or give money to an organization or activity
The State patronizes the arts by designating ten thousand Kuwaiti Dinars annually for the selection and purchase of paintings by Kuwaiti artists.
If you have a waterproof raincoat, you could say that your coat is impermeable to the rain.
Kate was in a quandary over whether to go or not.
If the laws change and make your will obsolete, the lawyer is in a quandary.
acting independently
autonomously ب صورت خودگردان
spontaneously ب صورت خودجوش
simultaneously ب صورت همزمان
Anonymously ب صورت ناشناس
young and inexperienced. Like novice
A fledgling is a fuzzy baby bird just learning to fly, or someone (like a baby bird) who’s brand new at doing something. Awww.