common 4 Flashcards
someone who is incorrigible is bad in a way that cannot be changed or improved – often used humorously LIKE immutable
an incorrigible liar/rogue etc
an incorrigible criminal
a warning or expression of disapproval about someone’s behavior
an admonitory glance like askance(
if you look askance at someone or something, you do notapproveof them or think they are good)
Many illiterates(بی سوادها) can not read the admonition on a pack of cigarettes.
not including anything new like trite or banal or platitude
“Roses are red, violets are…” — enough already?! That’s hackneyed stuff.
an apocryphal story is well-known but probably false
It is difficult now to tell which tales are real and which apocryphal. almost like spurious and specious
the web is notorious (infamous) for sandwiching apocryphal stories between actual news.
like courtesy
Decorum is proper and polite behavior. If you let out a big belch(burp عاروق) at a fancy dinner party, you’re not showing much decorum.
تبرئه کردن - مبرا کردن
acquit, vindicate
He was totally exonerated of any blame.
Sometimes he punished himself when others were inclined to exonerate him.
not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy; impenetrable to sight
“opaque windows of the jail”
“opaque to X-rays”
easily irritated or annoyed. Like peevish
a person or behavior that is irritable in a childish way.
whiny or querulous
make one thing compatible with another
if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptable
The possibility remains that the two theories may be reconciled.
reconcile something with something
Bevan tried to reconcile British socialism with a wider international vision.
وفق دادن، آشتی کردن، دو طرف رو راضی کردن
یه دنده
If you stubbornly refuse to change your mind about something, you are adamant about it.
She begged me to change my mind, but I remained adamant.
adamant that
Madonna is adamant that she will not tour this year.
obdurate - heretic - adamant - truculent - refractory - intransigent - uncompromising - inexorable - fractious - obstinate
to emphasize the fact that something is important or true - underline
The report underscores the importance of childhood immunizations.
he underscored the importance of carrying enough water.
to support an idea or cause
such as your friends who espouse environmentalism and as a result walk whenever possible instead of taking the car.
praise or extol
the teenagers exalted the rock star, covering their bedrooms of him.
Exult: to show that you are happy
Exile: banish. Expatriate
Use the adjective exacting to describe something or someone very precise or strict in its requirements. Like martient
If your teacher has exacting standards about spelling and punctuation, you better carefully check your final paper.
She was an exacting woman to work for.
بی تفاوتی
a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and strange a bit عجیب غریبی
like aberrant
Peggy’s numerous idiosyncrasies include wearing mismatched shoes and laughing loudly to herself
contingent on/upon
Further investment is contingent upon the company’s profit performance.
Making money is contingent on finding a good-paying job.
difficult to understand. incomprehensible
like recondite, inscrutable
the professor’s lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them
a copious of something = a lot of something
she took copious notes
copious provisions
like surfeit or glut
1 old-fashioned when someone never drinks alcohol because of their moral or religious beliefs
2 formal sensible control of the things you say and do, especially the amount of alcohol you drink SYN moderation (میانه روی)
Anthony continued with her temperance and abolition work, but her focus shifted to women’s rights.
short-sighted. Almost like insular or blinkered
the government’s myopic attitude to environmental issues
unusual, like idiosyncrasy or singular
different from an accepted norm
aberrant behavior
aberration = anomalous
Singular: very unsual and strange
His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.
Her question completely confounded me.
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