COMAS Flashcards
What is the definition of consciousness?
La conscience = avoir connaissance de soi et de l’environnement
This definition emphasizes self-awareness and environmental awareness.
What does vigilance refer to in the context of consciousness?
État d’activation cérébrale qui permet une adaptation des réponses aux sollicitations du monde extérieur
Vigilance is crucial for responding to external stimuli.
What defines a coma?
Suppression de vigilance (ou d’éveil), composante de la conscience
A coma involves a lack of wakefulness and awareness.
Which structure connects the two hemispheres of the brain?
Le corps calleux
The corpus callosum facilitates communication between the left and right hemispheres.
What functions are associated with the frontal lobe?
- Raisonnement
- Parole
- Mouvement volontaire
- Coordination
The frontal lobe is crucial for cognitive functions and motor control.
What is the role of the parietal lobe?
The parietal lobe processes sensory information.
What does the temporal lobe manage?
- Audition
- Gestion émotionnelle
The temporal lobe is involved in hearing and emotional processing.
What is the primary function of the occipital lobe?
Interprétation visuelle
The occipital lobe is essential for visual processing.
What does the cerebellum control?
Équilibre et coordination du mouvement
The cerebellum helps regulate balance and fine motor skills.
What is the role of the brainstem?
Système nerveux végétatif, lien entre la moelle et le cerveau, permet d’évaluer la conscience
The brainstem controls vital functions and consciousness levels.
What is the SRAA in the context of the brainstem?
Système réticulé Activateur ascendant
The SRAA is crucial for arousal and consciousness.
What are the four possible outcomes of a coma?
- État végétatif
- État de conscience minimal
- État confusionnel
- Mort encéphalique
These outcomes vary based on the severity and duration of the coma.
What is the difference between a vegetative state and a minimally conscious state?
État végétatif : ouverture des yeux sans conscience, sans possibilité relationnelle; État de conscience minimal : réponse intermittente et fluctuante
The vegetative state lacks awareness, while the minimally conscious state shows some awareness.
What does the Glasgow Coma Scale measure?
Niveau de conscience à travers des réponses oculaires, motrices et verbales
The Glasgow Coma Scale is essential for assessing the severity of brain injury.
Fill in the blank: The Glasgow Coma Scale scores range from _____ to _____.
3 à 15
A lower score indicates a more severe impairment of consciousness.
What are the components of the Glasgow Coma Scale?
- Ouverture des yeux
- Réponse motrice
- Réponse verbale
Each component is scored separately to evaluate consciousness.
What is the significance of the reflexes of the brainstem in coma evaluation?
Permet d’évaluer la fonction neurologique et la gravité de l’état du patient
Brainstem reflexes provide critical information about brain function.
What is a locked-in syndrome?
Conscience et vigilance préservées avec paralysie complète des mouvements
Patients are aware but cannot move or communicate verbally.
What is the difference between syncope and lipothymia?
- Syncope : brève et brutale, généralement réversible
- Lipothymie : malaise avec prodromes
Syncope is a sudden loss of consciousness, while lipothymia is a near-fainting experience.
What are the two categories of etiologies for loss of consciousness?
- Structurelle
- NON Structurelle
These categories help identify the underlying cause of the condition.
What are some common types of structural comas?
- Hématome extradural
- Hématome sous-dural
- Hémorragie sous-arachnoïdienne
These conditions involve physical damage or bleeding in the brain.
What is the appearance of an extradural hematoma on a CT scan?
Aspect d’une lentille biconvexe
This shape indicates the presence of blood between the skull and the dura mater.
What is the primary diagnostic tool for subdural hematomas?
CT scans are commonly used for rapid assessment of brain injuries.
What is the primary treatment for brain herniation?
- Neurosédation
- Soluté hyperosmolaire
Immediate treatment is crucial to prevent further brain damage.