Colour Perception Flashcards
Subtractive Colour Mixing
- Mixing of paints, dyes, etc
- When coloured pigments selectively absorb some wavelengths and reflect others
Cyan, magenta, and yellow
- When coloured pigments selectively absorb some wavelengths and reflect others
Additive Colour Mixing
- When coloured lights add their dominant colour to the mixture
- Red, green, blue
- Whenever you mix primary with complementary colours you get a greyish white
- Grey light = sum of complementary colours
Human colour perception is based on this
Trichromatic Theory
proposes that retina contains 3 different kinds of cones
Issues with Trichromatic Theory
- Yellow seems to be a primary colour
- Certain pairs of wavelengths produce white
- Complementarity of afterimages
Opponent-Process Theory
- Each colour receptor is made up of a pair of opponent colour processes
Blue-yellow, red-green, light-dark
Retinal Cones
contain the three different types of cones, red green and blue
Ganglion Cells
contain opponent pairs, respond to colour in center-surround fashion
when a colour receptor is excited for a prolonged period of time you get a rebound effect when you stare at a neutral colour like white, so the colour receptor will go to opposite state causing complementary colour to be perceived
High Resolution Channels
one cone transmit info to one ganglion cell, small receptive field
Lower Resolution
- Multiple cones transmit info to a single ganglion cell
Large receptive field
Magnocellular Layer
2 layers that process info about movement and depth
Parvocellular Layer
4 layers, info about red/green and green/red ganglion cells, form, and fine detail
Kaniocellular Layer
important for transmitting info from blue/yellow or yellow/blue ganglion cells to primary visual cortex
Cytochrome Oxidase Blobs
- Regions of cytochrome oxidase containing neurons that are distributed at roughly equal intervals over PVC
- Respond exclusively to colour information
Show little to no response to shape, orientation, or movement
- Respond exclusively to colour information
Extrastriate Cortex
where colour is integrated with shape, orientation and movement
red/green colour blind, red cones filled with photo pigments for green
red/green colour blind, green cones filled with photo pigments for red
blue cones are defective, sees red, greens and greys
two cone deficiency
four different active cone receptors