Cold War Crises 1958-70 Flashcards
Why was tension created between Cuba and the USA in 1959?
Fidel Castro, the new leader of Cuba was a nationalist and did not want his country ro be under American control
Why did tension escalate between Cuba and the USA after Fidel Castro become leader?
US refused to provide economic aid unless Cuba followed guidelines
Cuban government took control over all land owned by foreign nationals
Castro appointed a communist government
Eisenhower reduced the amount of sugar the USA would buy from Cuba.
Why was this so significant
Sugar was Cuba’s main export and the USA was an important investor
Which President of America replaced Eisenhower?
President John F Kennedy
What did JF Kennedy and the CIA plan to otherthrow Cuba?
To train Cuban exiles so they can otherthrow Cuba
Why did JF Kennedy and the CIA want to use cuban exiles to overthrow Cuba?
The USA could claim they were’nt involved and it was a counter revolution
What was the ‘Bay of Pigs’ incident?
When John F Kennedy and the CIA trained cuban exiles to otherthrow Castro
Why was the ‘Bay of Pigs’ incident a complete failure?
The cuban exiles had little military experience
US could not send any support
Castro’s government found out about the invasion plan
What did Castro do to humilate the USA after the ‘Bay of Pigs’ incident?
He showed wrecked aeroplanes and evidience of Cuban victory to journalists around the world
What the result of the ‘Bay of Pigs’ for the USA?
A humiliating and embarrassing failure
How did the ‘Bay of Pigs’ incident effect the relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union?
Relations became stronger
After Castro defeated the USA’s failed invasion, what did he ask Krushchev to do?
Help him defend Cuba against any future attack from the USA
When Cuba asked krushchev for help of safety after the USA’s failed invasion, How did Krushchev respond?
Krushchev publicly announced that he would provide arms to Cuba
Why was Kennedy extremely concerned that Krushchev would provide arms to Cuba?
Cuba would now have modern military equipment and training, meaning the USA wouod be under direct threat
Krushchev told the USA that he would not send nuclear weapons to Cuba
How did America find out he was lying?
An american spy plane caught soviet ships sailing to Cuba, carrying missiles
Why did Krushchev take the highly provokative step, sending nuclear weapons to Cuba?
NATO had missiles in Turkey which was a threat to USSR
the berlin wall was seen as a krushchev failure so we wants to restore his reputation
What was The Thirteen Days, 1962?
President JFK and an executive commity discussed how USA should react to thr threat of cuban missiles
How did President JFK decide to respond to Soviet ships carry nuclear weapons to Cuba?
He set up a naval blockade around Cuba and prepared 54 bombers incase war broke out
What did the soviet ships do when they saw the naval blockade around Cuba?
They turned around
Soviet ships turned around when they saw the naval blockade around Cuba. Two Days later Khrushchev offered Kennedy a proposal
What did this include?
Khrushchev offered to remove missiles from Cuba if the americans agreed not to invade
What was the policy of Brinkmanship?
Pushing disagreements to the point where there is risk of war
Why were there important steps taken between Kennedy and Khrushchev after the Cuban Missile Crisis?
They were aware that there disagreements could lead to war
What steps were taken as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A hotline between Washington and Moscow was set up
Test Ban treaty was signed
Outerspace treat was signed
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed
What was the ‘hotline’ 1963?
A direct communications line between Washington and Moscow
What was the Test Ban Treaty 1963?
Prohibited testing of nuclear weapons in outer Space, underwater or in the atmosphere
Who signed the Test Ban Treaty 1963?
United States
Soviet Unnion
Great Britain
Why was the Test Ban Treaty 1963 so significant?
It was an important step towards arms control
What was the Outer Space Treaty 1967?
Prohibited use of Military weapons in orbit, on the moon or on any other celestrial bodies
What was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Prohibited sharing nuclear technologu with other countries
How was President Kennedy’s reputation effected after the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved?
His popularity increased
Everyone saw him as a strong leader
How was Khrushchev’s reputation effected after the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved?
Became unpopular
Military felt that they had been forced into a humiliating withdrawal
What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
All communist contries would be prevented from introducing reforms to give individual rights
How many East Germans left for West germsny for better living by 1958?
4 million
How long did Krushchev give western powers to agree to withdraw troops from berlin?
6 months
How did Fidel Castro become communist?
The friendship and support he had from Krushchev awas appealing
What was the Prague Spring attempt?
Where czech people attempted to reform the communist system to make it controlled by society rather than indivduals
How long did the Prague Spring last?
4 months until it was crushed by the Soviet Red Army
What was the Soviet Red Army?
The Amry of the USSR
What caused the people of Czech to attempt the Prague Srping?
Weak economy
Lack of personal freedom
Thought USA would support them
Why was the berlin wall built?
To stop east germans fleeing
East germans could travel and see what capitalism offered
What was ‘Checkpoint charlie’?
The main crossing point in the Berlin wall
What was JF Kennedys inital response to the contruction of the Berlin wall?
Sent US tanks on the west of Checkpoint charlie
How did the USSR respond to US tanks stationed on the west side of the wall?
The responded equally with tanks on the ewst side of the wall
Two armies with two sets of forces and tanks on each side of checkpoint charlie of the berlin wall.
What happened?
The two sides remained there until diplomatic negotiations agreed that both side would slowly withdraw
How long was the Confrontation between Kennedy and Khrushev during the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962?
13 day confrontation
What conditions did the USSR agree on removing missiles from Cuba?
If the USA promised not to invade Cuba again
If they secretly removed missiles in Turkey
When was the Berlin Wall Built?
What was the berlin wall of 1961 a symbol of?
Symbolism of physical and ideological division
Why was the Berlin wall embarrasing for soviet Union?
It showed the failure of communism
Who was the Prague Spring 1968 led by?
Alexander Dubček