Cold War Flashcards
What is a Cold War
A state of political tension and military rivalry between nations that stops short of full-scale war
What were the two alliances
NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
What does NATO stand for
North Atlantic treaty organization
NATO or A collective security agreement was formed by
The USA and 11 other Western European countries
The Warsaw pact or a collect secure agreement among
8 communist states
United States believe in…
Individual freedom, capitalist belief, democratic government
The Soviet Union believed in…
Communist government, one-party rule, state- run economy
What was the spread of communism throughout the Eastern European countries referred to
Soviet Expansion
The nations under Soviet control were called..
Satellite nations
Who made the phrase Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill
How did the US feel about the spread of communism
We must CONTAIN it. We followed a policy of containment
What did Truman do about the spread of communism
Gave aid to any country the didn’t want to be communist
What countries did Truman aid with 400 million $$
Greece and Turkey
What was the Marshall plan also known as
The European Recovery Program
What was the goal of the Marshall plan
Rehabilitate the economies of 17 western and southern European countries
What was a major fear in US government about communism
The feared poverty and unemployment would make communism seem more appealing
West Germany recieved
Aid from the Marshall plan
When/ why did the marshal end
In 1951 when the US became involved in the Korean conflict
What happened in Germany because of the Marshall plan
The non- Soviet zones of Germany grew stronger
What did France Britain and the US announce they were doing with their parts of German
Combined their zones making the formation of west Germany government
What happened on June 24,1948
The Soviet Union blocked all roads canals and railways to Berlin— this cut off all shipments
What was the Soviet goal of the Berlin blockade
To drive western powers out of Berlin
How did the US still send supplies to Berlin
Was the Berlin aircraft successful
Yes- it left the Soviets embarrassed
The Allie’s set up what
The federal republic of Germany in the west
The Soviets set up what
The German Democratic Republic in east
How long did the division of Germany last
40 years
Japan has control over Korea… but what happend
The US drove the Japanese out
How was Korea divided
Soviets had the north and US had the south
Who was the north side ruled by
Kim IL sung
Who ruled the south
President syngman rhee
North =
Democratic people Republic of Korea
South =
Republic of Korea
The division of the 2 forces was the
38th parallel
The north invaded the south and what happened
The United Nations security council called for an immediate cease fire
The UN votes and passed a resolution calling…
North Korea the aggressor
Truman ordered US forces into action under the command of…
general Douglas MacArthur
At first the North Koreans were too much and pushed the allied forces back to..
The city of Pusan
What did MacArthur use as a strategy
Flanking the enemy forces
Flanking worked the North Koreans ran to the..
Yalu River which bordered china
MacArthur was told to stay away from where
Chinese border
What did the Chinese do because they felt the UN was too close to their border
The Chinese sent 300,000 troops to push UN forces back
Where did the UN forces eventually get the defense line near
The 38th parallel
Mac Arthur was mad and asked to do what to North Korea and china
Drop the atomic bombs on them
What did Truman do to Macartur
Removed him from his post
Did the US people like the fact Truman fired MacArthur
No- they booed Truman and MacArthur got a heroes welcome home
What happened to the war
A stalemate happened
What does Truman do at the next election
Decides not to run
Who was the republican nominee
Dwight D. Eisenhower
How did Eisenhower bring North Korea to the peace table
Hinting at using nuclear weapons
What’s an armistice
An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time
What did the armistice do
Divided Korea into two nations at the 38th parallel
What’s the Korean War thought of in todays world
The forgotten war
What was the spread of communism called
The red scare
Who helped fuel the suspicions of communist spies
Joseph McCarthy
Who were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
American citizens executed for conspiracy to commit espionage - passing information about the atomic bomb
What did McCarthy get inspiration from
What does HUAC stand for
The house UN-American activities committee
What was the goal of the HUAC
To find communist
What area was specifically targeted by the HUAC
What does blacklisted mean
A list of register of entities or people, for one reason or another, are being denied particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition
What happened in result of blacklisting
Anti-communist films were made
Who was Whittaker Chambers
He was a writer and editor who was a former communist party meme we and spy
When Whittaker chambers testified to the HUAC who did call out
Alger hiss
What was Alger hiss convicted of
Why were people scared of challenging McCarthy
He would accuse them of being communist
Who was Arthur miller
He wrote the crucible and drew parallels between McCarthyism and the Salem witch trails
Who was Edward R. Murrow
A famous newscaster who questioned MacArthur tactics
What did McCarthy’s wheeling speech basically say
There were communist in the Us army
What did McCarthy claim
He had a list of a certain number of communist - but the number would change