Cognitive Psych Pt 2 Flashcards
False Memory
Retrieval of an event that never occurred
Misinformation effect
Decreased accuracy of episodic memories because of information provided after the event
Imagination inflation
Confidence boost from imagining misleading information
Effect of repeated interrogations
Can lead to someone questioning their innocence
Source memory
Ability to recall the context in which we aquired a memory
Source amnesia
Forgetting the source of our memories, but knowing the event
Source monitoring
Not knowing if the source of our facts is an article or a newsfeed
Reality monitoring
Forgetting if an event was real or imaginary
Verbatim memory
The specific details of a memory
Deese-Roediger-McDermott false memory paradigm
- induce false memories in the lab
- read a list of words out, have participants say as many as they remember, they usually say ones that weren’t on the list in the first place
Conclusions drawn from evidence at hand
Choices that affect our behaviour
Rational Decision
Decision based on logic and reason
Bounded rationality
Rational decision making is limited by cognitive ability, available info, and time
Dual-processing theory
There are two types of thinking for making decisions, the controlled system and the automatic system