Cognitive: Moray Flashcards
> humans selectively attend some stimuli and tune out remainder
2 methods of studying attention- selective, divided
cherry- shadowing method- when pps shadow a message they are ignorant of content from other message
stereophonic tape recorder which can present 2 independent outputs
exp 1 method
iv- dichotic listening test, reocognition test
dv- number of words recognised in rejected message
exp 2 method
iv- whether or not instructions were preceded by pps name
dv- number of affective instructions
exp 3 method
iv- whether digits were inserted in both messages or only one, if pps had to answer questions about shadowed messaged or remember digits
dv- number of digits correctly reported
undergrads and research workers, accurate pp number for each exp not recorded
exp 2- 12
exp 3- 2 groups of 14
pps given 4 passages of prose to shadow for practise, all passages recorded by one male speaker
exp 1
> short list of sample words presented repeatedly in one ear x35
pp shadows message presented to the other ear
pp asked to report all they can recall from rejected message
30s gap
recognition test of similar words
no trace of material from rejected message
shadowed- 4.9/7, rejected 1.9/7
exp 2
> what passes through attentional block
pps shadow 10 pieces of fiction
told to shadow as accurately as possible
instructions interpolated sometimes with pp name before it
pp responses recorded and analysed
passage read in steady monotone
most pps ignore messages and assume researchers are trying to distract them
instructions proceeded by name are more likely to break attention block
exp 3
> 2 groups shadow one of 2 dichotic messages
in some messages digits were interpolated at end
one group told they would be tested on shadowed message
other group told to recall as many digits as they can
no sig Dif in number of digits recalled between groups
in a situation where a pp directs attention to message from one ear and rejects message from other, almost non of content in rejected able to get through attention block
subjective info penetrated block
difficult to make neutral info break block