Cognitive App LAA - Reconstructive Memory - schemas Flashcards
What is meant by reconstructive memory?
memories are fragments of information at we build into a memory
What is the key term for fragments of information that are used to build a memory?
Reconstructive memory
If memories are just fragments of information, what does this mean for the accuracy of the memory
the memory may not be accurate
What can influence the accuracy of our memory?
What is a schema?
a mental framework that helps us to make sense of the world, by providing short cuts to identifying new information that we come across
In simple terms, how is a schema described?
a mental framework
How do we develop schemas?
develop through experience and guide our expectations from a given situation/event/person
Where do we get our schemas?
develop through experience and guide our expectations from a given situation/event/person
How do shemas influence our behaviour?
- changes our expectations for situations
- helps us fill in gaps (mental short cut)
What can a schema act as to help us save time and effort?
a mental shortcut
What happens to our schema’s as we go through more experiences?
they become more complex
What happens to our schema from birth?
they become more compleX
What negative implications can come from schema’s?
tendency to bend towards stereotypical thinking and can also distort perceptual processing along the lines of those stereotypes.
How can schema’s affect our memory
some parts of a memory are missing, some are distorted, and some are added based off our schema’s
What is meant by confabulation?
Parts of a memory are invented to fill in ‘gaps
What is the term for when Parts of a memory are invented to fill in ‘gaps
What is meant by rationalisation?
Parts of a memory are recalled but in a distorted way that fits your schemas
What is the term for Parts of a memory are recalled but in a distorted way that fits your schemas
What is meant by shortening?
Parts of a memory that don’t fit in with your schema are left out
What is the term for Parts of a memory that don’t fit in with your schema are left out
What is meant by a memory script?
a sequence of expected behaviour based off our experiences
How does a memory script work with people?
Person schema
Our memories contain our organised knowledge and expectations about other people’s personalities
How can a person schema influence our perception?
we make assumptions of the persons personality and behaviour
What can influence the person schema?