cognitive 2nd year Flashcards
what is attention
involves the cognitive processing of information through a set of filters
what is a dichotic listening task
involve having two stimuli presented at the same time , 1 to each each ear
what is selective attention
the ability to focus on one set of information that will be important to us whilst ignoring anything irrelevant can be broken e.g by hearing your name -cocktail party effect
what was the aim of morays 1st study
to investigate whether selective attention occurs
what is the sample in morays 1st study
female and male undergraduate students and research workers
describe the word recognition test from exp 1 in morays study
happened 30s after task
21 words
7 from passage
7 from rejected
7 from neither
what were the mean number of words recognised from first exp of morays study
from passage -4.9
from rejected word list - 1.9
from neither -2.6
what are the conclusions from morays First experiment
unattented info is not processed and therefore not recognised
selective attention effects do occur supporting Broadbent
what controls are used in morays study
all passages recorded by same male speaker 150 words a min
brennel mark IV modified to give 2 outputs
aim and sampleof exp 2 of moray
whether meaningful info breaks selective attention barriers.g name
12 female and male undergrad students and research workers
moray 2nd experiment procedure
2 passages played at same time and told to listen to right ear and shadow it
they would receive instructions to change ear in 3 rejected passages name was in instruction
attention measured as they changed ear and shadowed
what were the results and conclusions from morays 2nd experiment
with name without name
presented -39. 36
20. 4
meaningful attention is enough to break selective attention barrier
what was the aim and sample of morays 3rd experiment
to check validity of 2nd experiment to see if the instructions affected the results
28 female and male undergraduate students
what was the procedure of morays 3rd experiment
1 Condition told to remember as many digits as possible and the other condition was told to answer questions about the shadowed message
random digits played in either 1, both or no ears p`s asked to recall them
what was the conclusion of morays 3rd experiment
no significant difference between the 2 conditions so the warning had no effect , numbers were insignificant so didnt break attention barrier
what is the overall conclusion from morays study
selective attention does occur and most info is lost if attention is not payed to it
important info breaks the barrier
what are the 4 independent variables in Simons and chabris study
opaque or transparent video
Easy -count passes or hard -count bounce and aeriel passes
either umbrella woman or gorilla walking across screen
counting passes for Black or white team
what was the aim of Simons and chabris study
to build on previous research into divided visual attention and further investigate innatentional blindness
what was the sample from Simons and chabris study
228 undergraduate students
how many participants data was used in Simons and chabris study
what were the overall results from Simons and chabris study
54 % noticed event
48% didn’t
what were the results from the transparent vs opaque condition
what were the results from the gorilla vs umbrella woman
umbrella woman-65%
what was the results from the hard /easy Condition
what are the conclusions from Simons and chabris study
innatentional blindness does occur jn dynamic events
level of innatentional blindness depends on difficulty of task
unexpected event more likely to be noticed if it is similar to what we are already focused on
there is no conscious perception without attention