✅COASTS Case Study - Odisha ICZM Flashcards
What is an ICZM?
A continuous and iterative process designed to promote sustainable management of coastal zones
What objectives do ICZMs bring together?
A means to accept and bring together different objectives for coastal areas in such an order that multiple social, economic, cultural and environmental goals can be achieved
What goals does the Odish ICZM have
-Preserve biodiversity
-Provide livelihood security
-Pollution/ environmental quality management
-Improvement o& conservation of cultural/ archaeological assets
Why did an ICZM work in Odisha?
Because a large area needed protection
Where is Odisha?
The East coast of India
How long is Odisha’s coast
480 km
How much coast does the ICZM cover?
160 km
Is Odisha a high energy coastline
Yes- only 14% is stable
Where is more erosion happening in Odisha
The South, upstream. Therefore groynes not used to prevent causing more erosion in the north, downstream
What hazards impact Odisha’s coast
Storm surges - 1999 cyclone made an 8m storm surge which killed 10,000- mangroves can help mitigate
Why is sustainability so important for Odisha?
India is a developing country where carrying out work in an economical way to reach as many goals as possible is more sustainable
Why are the local community stakeholders?
The live and work in the area, so any decisions made higher up will likely affect them and their livelihoods
Most of Odisha’s population live at the coast
Why are ecologists and wildlife specialists stakeholders?
Wildlife and the environment may be damaged so care must be taken to ensure that as little damage as possible is done
Why are local government officials stakeholders?
The ICZM will be carried out on state owned land, and could be partially or entirely funded by the government
Why is the Odisha Tourism Development Corporation a stakeholder?
Tourism is a crucial industry in the area so any negative impact would have huge social and economic repurcussions
Why is the Odisha State Pollution Control Board a stakeholder?
The pollution board was consulted so that any pollution caused by the ICZM could be controlled to reduce pollution in the air and water
Why were the fishing community stakeholders?
Many people rely on the sea for their source of income, so fishing communities were consulted on the effects the ICZM may have on their business
What area of mangroves in Odisha?
What is being done to improve environmental sustainability in Chilika Lake
3000+ fishing and tourist boats are being converted into into Eco-friendly vessels that no longer rely on diesel and other fossil fuels
Important to protect the lake’s biodiversity
Example of biodiversity in Chilka Lake
Rare Irrawaddy dolphin
150+ bird species
What is being done to provide livelihood security?
Alternative option set up for those who have lost their job
600+ self help groups set up in 80 fishing villages
Why mangroves used
Easier and more environmentally friendly to install than sea wall
Can be sustainably managed by locals, e.g, communities have been trained to plant mangroves- have planted 200 hectares so far
Which organisations were involved?
State government
World Bank
Ministry of environment, forest and climate change
Why were mangroves necessary?
Mangroves provide habitats for endangered species such as the Olive Ridley turtle, as well as protecting the coast from erosion
When was the ICZM pilot project?
2010 - 2015
What are the benefits of planting mangroves?
Wind aswell waves reduced Flooding impacts of storm surges reduced Tsunami heights reduced Roots bind and build soils Cheap to plant
What is resilience?
The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
What is adaption?
The process of change by which something becomes better suited to its environment
What is mitigation?
Reducing the severity of something
What are the landforms around Odisha like?
Many recent depositional landforms
What is the coastline made up of?
6 deltas, ‘hexadeltic region’
What is the Chilika lake like?
A salty lagoon, renowned for birdlife but less saline in monsoon season when diluted by rainfall
Where does the sediment around Odisha come from?
The six deltas, sediment is fluvial
How much of Odisha’s coastline is dynamic?
Why is adaption and mitigation needed in Odisha?
It is frequently hit by tropical storms, cyclones
How does Odisha show resilience?
Because people still live there despite the cyclones and threat of coastal changes and erosion.
How has the state adapted to the threats it faces?
It provides supplies ahead of any storms and staged evacuations are done every so often to mimic real evacuations. Warnings are broadcast of any incoming storms