Coagulation Modifier drugs Flashcards
What is hemostasis
General term for any process that stops bleeding
What does coagulation mean
The process of blood clot formation
What is the difference between a thrombus and an embolus
Thrombus is a blood clot
Embolus is a blood clot that moves through blood vessels
What is the cascading effect of coagulation
Each activated factor serves as a catalyst that amplifies the next reaction
What is the result of the coagulation system
Fibrin, a clot forming substance
What is the purpose of the fibrinolytic system
Initiates the breakdown of clots and balances the clotting process to prevent blood vessel blockage
How does fibrinolysis occur
Fibrin in the clots bind to plasminogen
Binding converts plasminogen to plasmin
Plasmin is an enzyme that eventually breaks down thrombus into fibrin degradation products
This keeps the thrombus localized and prevents it from becoming an embolus
What is hemophilia and what are the 2 types
A genetic disorder in which natural coagulation and hemostasis factors are limited or absent
Factor VII deficient
Factor VIII and/or IX deficiency
What are the 5 categories of coagulation modifiers ?
Hemorheological drugs
Thrombolytic drugs
How do anticoagulants prevent clot formation
They don’t affect clots that have already been formed
Prevents thrombosis by decreasing blood coagulability
Used prophylactically to prevent embolus and thrombus
What are the different types of thromboembolic events
Embolus in coronary artery: MI
Embolus in brain: Stroke
Embolus in lungs: Pulmonary embolus
Embolus in leg veins: DVT
What is the MOA of heparin anticoagulants
Inhibit clotting factors IIa(thrombin), Xa and IX
XI and XII also inactivated but not as important
Name an example of an unfractionated heparin and low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
Heparin and Enoxaparin
What requires more frequent lab monitoring of bleeding times? LMWH or Unfractionated Heparin
Unfractionated Heparin. It is not needed for LMWHs
When are the indications for heparin
Prevention of clot formations
Used as bridge therapy for patients to stop warfarin after surgery
What does warfarin do?
Inhibits vitamin K synthesis in the GI
This impairs the synthesis II, VII, IX and X
Prevents clot formation
How do antithrombin medications work and name one
Directly inhibit thrombin (factor IIa)
Dabigatran (synthetic)
T/F: Dabigatran has no antidote even though it has the most severe adverse effects
Name a direct acting Xa inhibitor
What are the indications for anticoagulants
Unstable angina
Atrial fibrillation
Conditions in which blood flow may be slowed and blood may pool
What are the contraindications of anticoagulants
Acute bleeding or high risk of bleeding
Epidural catheters with LMWHs for risk of epidural hematoma
What are the adverse effects of anticoagulants
Increased bleeding time
Abdominal cramps
Muscle pain
Skin necrosis
Purple toes