Clinical Assessment of the Neurosurgical Patient’ Flashcards
functions of frontal lobe
Voluntary control of movement - precentral gyrus
Speech – pars opercularis, pars triangularis
Saccadic eye movements - frontal eye field
Bladder control – paracentral lobule
Gait – periventricular
Higher order
Restraint, Initiative, and Order (RIO)
examining the frontal lobe?
Inspection Decorticate posture ‘Magnetic gait’ Urinary catheter Abulia Pyramidal weakness UMN signs – weakness, increased tone, brisk reflexes, up-going plantar Pronator drift Saccadic eye movement Primitive reflexes Speech
how do you examen language?
Ensure hearing is intact and patient’s first language is English Handedness Fluency – Broca’s Nominal aphasia Repetition – arcuate fasciculus 3 step command – Wernicke’s ‘Baby hippopotamus’ – cerebellar speech Orofacial movement – ppp, ttt, mmm Reading Writing
functions of parietal lobe
Body image representation – primary somatosensory area Multimodality assimilation Visuospatial coordination Language Numeracy
examening the parietal lobe?
Cortical Sensory Syndromes Sensory inattention Astereoagnosia Dysgraphasthesia Two point discrimination
functions of temporal lobe
Processes auditory input (Heschl gyrus) Language Encoding declarative long-term memory (hippocampus) – semantic/episodic Emotion (amygdala) Visual fields (Meyer’s loop)
what rae the questions you would ask in regards to spine?
Does it fit with nerve root (radiculopathy)? – unilateral, single myotome, single dermatome, (reflex), LMN
Does it fit with peripheral nerve? – unilateral, motor and sensory deficit fits with PN, LMN
Does it fit with cord (myelopathy)? – bilateral, motor and sensory level, UMN (long tract signs)
Does it fit with peripheral neuropathy? – glove and stocking
Is it actually higher? Brain stem/hemisphere
what is myelopathy?
Cervical or thoracic pathology
Motor and sensory level
UMN below lesion
Long tract signs – clonus, upgoing plantars, increased tone, Hoffman sign, brisk reflexes, proprioception impairment – Romberg’ test, tandem walking
what is radiculopathy?
Pain in single dermatome
Dermatomal sensory disturbance
Weakness in myotome
Loss of reflex