Classical Conditioning - Pavlov (1849-1936) Flashcards
Unconditioned Stimulus
Occurs naturally and triggers an automatic response - the smell of food cooking
What is Classical Conditioning?
Process whereby a response, that occurs as a natural reflex, can be conditioned to occur to a new stimulus. (Ivan Pavlov 1849-1936)
Unconditioned Response
Occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus - triggers a hunger reponse
Conditioned Stimulus
Previously neutral stimulus that after becoming associated with an unconditioned stimulus, will eventually trigger an unconditioned response.
(In Pavlov’s experiments, the sound of bells/electric shocks etc were associated with the arrival of food to dogs, and eventually the same conditioned stimulus used alone would also trigger a hunger response)
Conditioned Response
A learned response to previously neutral stimulus
What else is classical conditioning used for?
Treatment of phobias and anxiety (pairing anxiolytic stressor with a neutral/calming stimulus)