Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Def: Classical Conditioning
The learning of a contingency between a particular signal and a later event that are paired in time and space
Def: Unconditional Stimulus
one that unconditionally and automatically triggers a response in the absence of any learning
Def: Unconditional Responses
the specific response that an unconditional stimulus triggers - biologically programed reflex
Def: Conditioned Stimulus
Previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus - typically appears before the unconditioned stimulus
Def: conditioned response
similar to the unconditioned response, but the response the CS elicits after pairing with the US
Def: Acquisition
The process by which a contingency between the CS and US is learned - follows a negative acceleration curve
Def: New inhibitory response hypothesis
assumes that the original learned response remains, but is modified by a new inhibitory learned response gained through extinction
Def: Spontaneous recovery
following extinction process and rest period the CS once more elicits CR
Def: Stimulus generalization
The process by which stimuli similar to the CS will also elicit a CR
Generalization gradient
a graph of normal distribution representing the degree of stimulus generalization for various similar stimuli
Def: Stimulus Discrimination
restricts the range of conditioned stimuli that can elicit a response
Def: Implosive therapy
an individual with a particular phobia is encouraged to confront the CS that evokes their anxiety using their imagination - CS is presented in the absence of the associated US
Def: Phobia
An exaggerated, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activites, things or people
Def: Systematic Desensitization
gradual exposure to the feared stimulus - start with extinguishing stimuli at the far end of the curve and gradually work towards the middle of the generalization gradient
Def: Compensatory response
A response that counteracts some other change that has occurred in the body
Def: Extinction
When the CS no longer elicits the CR - occurs when the Cs is repeatedly presented alone
Def: Contiguity
The extent to which the CS and US occur together in the time and space
Def: Inhibitory Conditioning
The presence of the CS predicts the absence of the US
Def: reaquisition
the reintroduction of conditioning trials after extinction has occurred - faster indicating original learning was retained
Def: Sensitization
an increase in response to a stimulus as it is repeatedly presented
Def: Higher-order conditioning
a neutral stimulus is paired with a CS to produce the same CR as the CS