Classical Civilisations 6 : Cicero and the Second Triumvirate (simple) Flashcards
Where did Brutus and Cassius go after the funeral?
What did Cicero call Caesars assassins?
Who took charge of Rome after the funeral?
Mark Antony
What did Antony offer to Brutus?
What did Cicero advise Brutus to do?
Antony offered the supervision of the corn supply in Sicily
Cicero advised Brutus to take the offer as Cicero believed that Brutus was a figurehead of the Republic ( because of his family history ) and he could not risk death.
What does Cicero feel about Antony being spared?
He thinks it was a massive mistake
Following Cicero’s meeting with the liberators, what does Cicero say?
Brutus and Cassius have no plan
He compares them to a sinking ship in fragments
“No plan, logic or system.
Cicero believes that it is up to him to save the Republic - how does he plan to do this?
Attack Antony in the senate
Use Octavian against Antony
This was to buy Brutus and Cassius time
How many speeches are there in Cicero’s Philippics?
What was the aim of Cicero’s Philippics?
To make the senate against Antony
What was the results if the Philippics?
S.C.U against Antony
Antony flees to Gaul and attacks Decimus Brutus at Mutina
Attacks in the Philippics
Antony not a legitimate consul
“Son-in-law of an ex-slave”
“Spewing rather than speaking”
He says that Antony is far worse that Clodius or Catiline
“Loathsome gladiator”
Who does Cicero send to Gaul against Antony?
Two consuls - Hirtius and Pansa
Why is Octavian sent to Gaul?
Pro-praetor ( aged 18 )
“Raised, praised, and erased”
Who does Cicero feel is a bigger threat? Antony or Octavian?
Who is the real threat?
Who was the Battle of Mutina against?
Antony vs Hirtius, Pansa, Octavian, Decimus Brutus
Who survives the Battle of Mutina?
Antony vs Octavian (Decimus Brutus also survives)
After the victory at Mutina, what does Octavian ask Cicero for?
The consulship
What does Suetonius allege? About Hirtius and Pansa?
That Octavian killed Hirtius and Pansa to create an opportunistic power
Octavian states that he would let Cicero be the lead consul with him. What does Plutarch state that Cicero was?
“Utterly taken in by him”
Why is Lepidus sent to Mutina?
Cicero sent him to finish off Antony
What happened to Lepidus when he met Antony ?
Lepidus’ legions had gone over to Antony’s side
Why does Cicero make sure that Octavian is elected as consul?
Because Cicero wanted to use all of his resources to get rid of Antony
What happened as soon as Octavian was made consul?
Octavian dropped all contact with Cicero
Who were the second triumvirate?
Why did Antony benefit from the Second Triumvirate?
Gets S.C.U reversed
Revenge on Cicero
Cash proscriptions
Bigger army
Powers of dictator
How did Octavian benefit from the Second Triumvirate?
Revenge on Cassius and Brutus
Much bigger army
Cash proscriptions
Powers of dictator
Why is Lepidus part of the Second Triumvirate?
Right time at right place
Cash proscriptions
Antony demands that Cicero should be executed. What does Plutarch allege about Octavian?
Octavian “fought for Cicero’s life and on the third gave in to Antony”
This may be Augustan propaganda
Who is proscribed at the same time as Cicero?
Quintus (his brother)
Quintus minor was also proscribed with his father
What happened to Cicero after his death?
Hands and tongue nailed to the senate door
Who is the Battle of Philippi between?
Brutus, Cassius and the Republicans. Vs. Antony, Octavian, Caesarians