Classical Civilisations 2 : Cicero and Pompey (simple) Flashcards
What are the differences between Pompey and Cicero?
Pompey had military reputation
Pompey is unconstitutional
Cicero works his way up in his social standing
Cicero is a novus homo
What are the similarities between Pompey and Cicero?
They are not patricians
When was the Lex Gabinia?
67 BCE
What was the Lex Gabinia?
The pirates were causing massive problems in the Mediterranean.
The tribune, Gabinius, propose Pompey is given massive powers to destroy the pirates.
This would get Pompey huge popularity, prestige and power.
What is Cicero’s reaction to the Lex Gabinia?
When was the Lex Manilia?
66 BCE
What was the Lex Manila?
The tribune, Manilius, proposes that Pompey replace Lucullus in the war against Mithridates in the East
This would gain Pompey unprecedented prestige and power
What was Cicero’s reaction to the Lex Manilia?
Makes a speech supporting Pompey - Pro Lege Manilia
Why did Pompey need Cicero to gain the command in the east for Pompey?
He represented the moderates
What did Cicero want from Pompey?
Support to become consul
What did Pompey need from Cicero
Support and protection whist he was away in the east
What three ways does Cicero do to protect Pompey?
The Rullan Bill
The Trial of Rabirius
Pro Rege Alexandrino
What was the Rullan Bill?
Proposed by a tribune, Rullus, on behalf of Crassus and Caesar
Aimed to set up land commissions to redistribute land.
Who did the Rullan Bill target and why?
He would have asked for this land for his veterans
Crassus and Caesar would refuse Pompey this land
This would massively damage Pompey’s popularity and prestige
How does Cicero protect Pompey during the Rullan Bill?
Cicero delivers his speech - Against Rullus
He defeats the proposal and protects Pompey
What was the Trial of Rabirius?
Caesar rakes up a murder charge from 30 years before.
Rabirius had killed a tribune, Saturninus, during an S.C.U.
Caesar is attacking the S.C.U ( Pompey had received these ‘commands’ ) , the senate and the senates decisions
How does Cicero defend Pompey during the Trial of Rabirius?
Cicero delivers the Pro Rabirio speech
Cicero defends Pompey
When was the Catilinarian conspiracy
63 BCE
How did the Catilinarian Conspiracy start?
Catiline want to be consul but is prevented from standing for it. He tries again and attempts to get the plebs to support him through his policy of Tabulae Novae ( the cancellations of debts )
Who were Catiline’s supporters?
Sulla’s veterans
Disaffected patricians
Who disliked Catiline?
Plebs after a while
Cicero’s actions in stopping Catiline (8)
Gets senate to pass S.C.U against Catiline
Cicero wears breastplates as ‘protection’
Tricks conspirators to gain proof using the Allobroges
Arrests ringleaders
Debate in senate - Cato ( excute plotters) vs Caesar ( not to execute plotters) - executes plotters without trial
Gets colleague, Antonius, to fight Catiline at Pistoia - defeats him
Gave Antonius his province of Macedonia
Cicero claims ALL the credit
Was Catiline a threat?
Result of the Catilinarian conspiracy for Cicero?
Cicero gains military prestige
Senates backing
Pater Patriae
When was the Bona Dea Scandal?
62 BCE
What was the Bona Dea Scandal?
Clodius commits an “impure deed” during a festival.
Cicero prosecutes him for “ultimate wrongdoing”
Why was it not clever for Cicero to not support Clodius?
Clodius had supported Cicero’s actions against the Catilinarian plotters
Cicero creates an unnecessary enemy
Clodius bribes jury and is acquitted - becomes tribune
When did Pompey return form the East?
62 BCE
What was Pompey’s reaction to Cicero?
Pompey gets a tribune to veto Cicero’s farewell speech
Pompey thought that Cicero believed that his achievements were better than Pompey’s in the east