Classical Civilisations 3 : Cicero and the First Triumvirate (simple) Flashcards
What did Caesar want?
Military command
What did Pompey want?
Settlement of the East ratified
Land for veterans
What did Crassus want?
Rebate for the equites following Pompey’s eastern campaigns
What did Pompey’s support and Crassus’s money make happen?
Caesar consul in 59BCE
What does Caesar do once his is consul?
Passes legislation that brings the triumvirates what they want
Was cico invited to join?
What was Cicero’s answer to the the invitation to join? Why did he say this?
He refused to join
Because it went against Concordia Ordinum
What was the public perception of the triumvirate?
No one was saying anything in public even though most disagreed with it
Since Cicero was criticising the new order Caesar decided to get rid if him
What led to Cicero’s exile?
Execution of plotters (without trial)
Enemy of Clodius (Bona Dea)
Attack on triumvirate
What position does Clodius hold?
What does Clodius do to get back at Cicero?
Creates a law attacking anyone who had out citizens to death without trial
E.g. Cicero executing plotters during the Catilinarian conspiracy without trial
Once Clodius passes the law what happens to Cicero?
He his exiled
His property is confiscated
His house is destroyed
When Cicero is in exile who does he write to?
What does Cicero say in his letter?
“I have been an utter fool”
But he is sure that the Triumvirs will fall out
Who recalls Cicero?
From the advice of Pompey
When he is recalled, where is Caesar?
In Gaul
When Cicero is recalled who is on Cicero’s side?
Pompey and Milo
What is Pompey doing when Cicero is recalled
In charge of the corn supply
Cheap corn = support from the plebs
Who is working with Crassus after Cicero is recalled?
Clodius ( as Caesar is away)
What does Crassus do against Pompey?
Sops Pompey from helping Ptolomy of Egypt
When Cicero returns what does he do?
Starts attacking the Triumvirs
Why is it not clever when Cicero attacks the Triumvirs
The triumvirates have met at Ravenna and Luca and patched up their differences
The meeting at Luca made sure what happened to each of the Triumvirs?
Extension of Caesars command
Pompey and Crassus are ma consuls
Pompey is consul of Spain
Crassus is consul of Syria
Why is Cicero forced to sing his palinode?
He is isolated
He wants protection from Clodius
What does Cicero say about him making a decision on who to help after his recall
“Since the powerless do not want to be my friends, I must make sure the powerful are”
How does Cicero sing his palinode?
How does Cicero helps Balbus ?
Balbus’ citizenship is challenged
Cicero is asked to handle the case
Uses speech to express admiration for Triumvirs
How does Cicero help Vatinius?
Tribune ( in military command to Caesar) was accused of bribery for praetor
Vatinius had attacked two of Cicero’s friends in the courts prior to this so did not want to help him
Cicero made speeches against Vatinius
Vatinius is acquitted
How does Cicero help Gabinius ?
He had passed lex Gabinia
As consul he had helped Clodius to exile Cicero
He had been accused of extorts and treason as a governor of Syria
Cicero gave a half hearted defence and Gabinius was exiled and his property was confiscated
Who was the gang warfare between?
Milo (and Pompey) vs Clodius (and Caesar and Crassus( before he died)
When did Crassus die?
55 BCE
What did Milo want in 52 BCE
He was going for consulship
What did Clodius want in 52 BCE
He was going for praetorship
Where di the two gangs meet?
Appian way
What happens when the two gangs meets?
Milo kills Clodius
What happens when Clodius dies?
Riots in Rome
Full blown gang warfare
Senate house burned down
What happens to Pompey once Clodius dies?
Pompey is made sole consul
52 BCE
How does Cicero help Milo?
Speech Pro Milone
What happened during the trial if Milo?
Cicero is intimidated by the hostile crowd
Cicero does not do a good job on his speech
Milo is prosecuted and exiled
Cicero then publishes his speech that he should have said
Optimates in the senate use Pompey as sole consul as an opportunity to…
Make sure that Pompey goes against Caesar
How does Pompey start attacking Caesar
A legislation called Lex Provincia
When was Cicero governor of Cilicia?
51 BCE
Who was the previous governor of Cilicia
Cicero writes to who during his governorship about supplying panthers
What significant achievement does Cicero get in his governorship of Cilicia