Class 7 - THE MUSCLES OF THE HEAD Flashcards
Muscles of the head (4)
Muscles of the facial expression
Muscles that move the eyeball
Muscles the aid mastication and speech
Muscles that move the tongue
Muscles of the facial expression (4)
Scalp muscles
Mouth muscles
Neck muscles
Orbit and eyebrow muscles
Muscles of the facial expression lie within…
The subcutaneous layer
Muscles of facial expression insert into…
The dermis of the skin
Muscles of the facial expression generally surround…
The natural orifices of the head (sphincters and dilators, i.e. eyes, mouth, nose, ears)
All muscles of the facial expression are innervated by which nerve?
Facial nerve (cranial VII)
Frontalis origin
Epicranial aponeurosis
Frontalis insertion
Skin superior to supraorbital margin
Frontalis action
Draws scalp anteriorly, raises eyebrows
Occipitalis origin
Occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
Occipitalis insertion
Epicranial aponeurosis
Occipitalis action
Draws scalp posteriorly
Orbicularis or is origin
Muscle fibres surrounding opening of mouth
Orbicularis oris insertion
Skin at the corner of mouth
Orbicularis oris action
Closes and protrudes lips (kissing, compresses lips against teeth, shapes lips during speech)
Zygomaticus major origin
Zygomatic bone
Zygomatic major insertion
Skin at angle of mouth and orbicularis oris
Zygomatic major action
Draws angle of mouth superiorly and laterally (smiling)
Zygomatic minor origin
Zygomatic bone
Zygomatic minor insertion
Upper lip
Zygomatic minor action
Raises upper lip, exposing upper teeth
Levator labii superioris origin
Superior to infraorbital foramen of maxilla
Levator labii superioris insertion
Skin at angle of mouth and orbicularis oris
Levator labii superioris action
Raises upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris origin
Depressor labii inferioris insertion
Skin of lower lip
Depressor labii inferioris action
Depresses lower lip
Depressor anguli oris origin
Depressor anguli oris insertion
Angle of mouth
Depressor anguli oris action
Draws angle of mouth laterally and inferiorly (opening mouth)
Levator anguli oris origin
Inferior to infraoribital foramen
Levator anguli oris insertion
Skin of lower lip and orbicularis oris
Levator anguli oris action
Draws angle of mouth laterally and superiorly
Buccinator origin
Alveolar process of maxilla and mandible and pterygomandibular raphe
Buccinator action
Presses cheeks against teeth and lips (whistling, blowing, sucking)
Draws corners of mouth laterally
Keeps food between teeth and not teeth and cheeks
Risorius origin
Fascia over parotid (salivary) gland
Risorius insertion
Skin at angle of mouth
Risorius action
Draws angle of mouth laterally (grimacing)
Mentalis origin
Mentalis insertion
Skin of chin
Mentalis action
Elevates and protrudes lower lip and pulls skin of chin up (pouting)
Platysma origin
Fascia over deltoid and pectoral is major muscles
Platysma insertion
Mandible (blends with muscles around angle of mouth)
And skin of lower lip
Platysma action
Draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting; depresses mandible
Orbicularis oculi origin
Medial wall of orbit
Orbicularis oculi insertion
Circular path around orbit
Orbicularis oculi action
Closes eye
Corrugator supercilii origin
Medial end of superciliary arch of frontal bone
Corrugator supercilii insertion
Skin of eyebrow
Corrugator supercilii action
Draws eyebrow inferiorly and wrinkles skin of forehead vertically (frowning)
The extrinsic eye muscles are some of the…
Fastest and most precisely controlled muscles in the body
The seven extrinsic eye muscles
One levator palpebrae superioris (LPS)
Four straight (recto) muscles: superior/inferior & medial/lateral
Two oblique muscles: superior/inferior
Common tendinous ring
Where most muscles originate in the back of the orbit and insert in the eyeball
Muscle that does not insert in the eyeball
Levator palpebrae superioris (LPS)
Muscle that does not originate from the common tendinous ring
Inferior oblique muscle
Recti muscles move the eyeballs…
In their directions (superiorly, inferiorly, laterally, and medially)
Superior oblique muscle moves eyeball
Inferiorly and laterally and rotates medially
Inferior oblique muscle moves eyeball
Superiorly and laterally and rotates laterally
Levator palpebrae superioris origin
Roof of orbit (lesser wing of sphenoid bone)
Levator palpebrae superioris insertion
Skin and tarsal plate of upper eyelids
Levator palpebrae superioris action
Elevates upper eyelids (opens eyes)
Muscles that move the mandible (4)
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Muscles of mandible are innervated by which nerve?
Trigeminal nerve (cranial V)
Masseter origin
Maxilla and zygomatic arch
Masseter insertion
Angle and ramus of mandible
Masseter action
Elevates mandible (closes mouth)
Temporalis origin
Temporal bone
Temporalis insertion
Coronoid process and ramus of mandible
Temporalis action
Elevates and retracts mandible
Medial pterygoid origin
Medial surface of lateral portion of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone; maxilla
Medial pterygoid insertion
Angle and ramus of mandible
Medial pterygoid action
Elevates and protracts mandible
Moves mandible from side to side
Lateral pterygoid origin
Greater wing and lateral surface of lateral portion of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
Lateral pterygoid insertion
Condyle of mandible, temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Lateral pterygoid action
Protracts mandible
Depresses mandible
Moves mandible from side to side
Two types of tongue muscles
Four extrinsic muscles of tongue
Genioglossus origin
Genioglossus insertion
Undersurface of tongue and hyoid bone
Genioglossus action
Depresses tongue and thrusts it anteriorly (protraction)
Styloglossus origin
Styloid process of temporal bone
Styloglossus insertion
Side and undersurface of tongue
Styloglossus action
Elevates tongue and draws it posteriorly (retraction)
Hyoglossus origin
Greater horn and body of hyoid bone
Hyoglossus insertion
Side of tongue
Hyoglossus action
Depresses tongue and draws down its sides
Palatoglossus origin
Anterior surface of soft palate
Palatoglossus insertion
Side of tongue
Palatoglossus action
Elevates posterior portion of tongue and draws soft palate down on tongue
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue originate and insert…
Within the tongue
Tongue is divided into two halves by…
A median septum that attaches to the hyoid bone
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue action
Alter the shape but do not move the entire tongue
Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by…
(Except one)
Hypoglossal nerve (XII cranial)
Palatoglossus innervated by…
Vagus nerve (X cranial)
All extrinsic muscle of the eye are innervated by…
Except two
Oculomotor nerve (III cranial)
Superior oblique muscle of the eye is innervated by…
Trochlear nerve (IV cranial)
Lateral recurs muscle of the eye is innervated by…
Abducens nerve (VI cranial)