Muscles of the pelvic girdle (that move the femur)
- Gluteal muscles (posterior)
- Tensor Fascia Latae (posterior)
- Iliopsoas (anterior)
- Six deep lateral rotators and abductors (lateral)
Gluteal muscles and their actions
Gluteus Maximus, medius and minimus. Extension and lateral flexion (Maximus) abduction and medial rotation (medius and minimus)
Tensor Fascae Latae actions
Flexion and abduction of thigh
Iliopsoas actions
Flexion and lateral rotation
Majority of muscles that move the femur originate and insert where?
Originate in pelvic girdle and insert into femur
Muscles of the Thigh (that move femur, fibula and tibia)
- Quadriceps (anterior)
- Sartorius (anterior)
- Hamstrings (posterior)
- Medial (adductor) compartment
Quadriceps insertion and action
Common tendon inserts into patella (tendon becomes patellar tendon) only muscle that extends the leg (rectus femoris also flexes thigh)
Sartorius (longest muscle in body) action
Cross legged sitting (flexion, abduction and lateral rotation of thigh, flexion of leg)
Hamstrings action
Extension of thigh and flexion of leg
Medial (adductor) compartment of thigh (muscle names)
- Pectineus
- Adductor longus, brevis and Magnus
- Gracilis
Medial (adductor) compartment of thigh, origin, insertion and action
- Origin: pubis
- Insertion: linea aspera
- Action: adduction and flexion of thigh (gracilis: medial rotation of thigh)
Pes Anserinus (looks like goose foot) made of:
Conojoined tendons of sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus (bursa under pes Anserinus may become injured with overuse)
Muscles of the Leg (that move foot and toes)
- Anterior compartment
- Lateral (fibular) compartment
- Deep muscles
Anterior compartment of leg muscles include (and action)
- Tibialis anterior
- Extensor hallucis longus
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Fibularis tertius
- Action: dorsiflexion of foot and extension of toes
Lateral (fibular) compartment of leg includes: (and action)
- Fibularis longus
- Fibularis brevis
- Action: plantar flexion and eversion of foot
Superior and inferior extensor retinaculum
Hold distal tendons of anterior and lateral compartment muscles at ankle
Posterior compartment of leg muscle include: (and action)
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Plantaris
- Action: flexion of leg
Deep muscles of leg include: (and actions)
- Popliteus (flexion and medial rotation of leg)
- Tibialis posterior (plantar flexion and inversion of foot)
- Flexor hallucis longus (plantar flexion and flexion of hallux)
- Flexor digitorum longus (planter flexion and flexion of toes)
Intrinsic muscles of foot include:
- Dorsal group (extensor hallucis and digitorum brevis)
2. Plantar group (4 layers, planter aponeurosis supports longitudinal arch and encloses flexor tendons)