Civil Rights Movement Flashcards
Brown vs. Board of Ed.
Thurgood Marshall
Emmett Till
Martin Luthor King Jr
Malcolm X
Rosa Parks
Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Nation of Islam
1964 Civil Rights Act
1965 Voting Rights Act
1968 Civil Rights Act
De facto segregation
De jure segregation
What basic protesting policy did SCLC, SNCC and the NAACP have in common? Why did they adhere to this policy? What were the drawbacks to this policy?
At the March on Washington in 1963 there was a deep rift between the older and younger movement organizers. What was this rift about and how did it signal a split in the movement moving forward?
What previous Supreme Court case did Brown overturn? What was the decision in Brown 1954? What was the decision in Brown 1955 and why was that wording so important?
Aside from the outcome for schools, why was the decision in Brown so important to the Movement?
What happened to Emmett Till and the men accused of the crime? Why did his mother want an open casket funeral and why was that decision so important?
What did Rosa Parks and the NAACP start and what gave them the legal backing to do this? Why was this event so important nationally?
Why was the Kennedy administration so slow to get involved in the Civil Rights Movement? What finally pushed it to get involved?