CHPT 11 Flashcards
A specific situation where a medication, procedure, or exercise should be avoided because it may prove to be harmful to the individual
it is necessary to always screen an individual with an _____ prior to starting any exercise regimen that involves exertion
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+)
It is a questionnaire given to prospective clients to gain insight into their current health and wellness.
PAR-Q+ reflects these health indicators:
current physical activity
signs or symptoms or known disease
desired exercise intensity
Part one of the PAR Q has
7 questions
An HHQ typically contains the following information about a client
Physician’s name and contact information
Emergency contact information
The physiological process by the body maintains a constant internal body temperature
Peripheral vasodilation
The action of expanding the diameter of a blood vessel near the surface of the skin, which helps remove heat from the body
Arterial system
The system of arteries carrying blood away from the heart.
Brachial artery
The primary artery of the upper arm, which is often used as a site for measuring blood pressure
BMI calulation
703 × weight (lb) ÷ [height (in.)]2
BMI healthy
Jackson and pollock seven site protocol: men & women
Chest, mid-axillary, subscapular, triceps, abdomen, suprailiac, thigh
Four-Site Durnin–Womersley protocol: men &
Biceps, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac
Jackson and Pollock Three-Site Measurement: men
Chest, abdomen, thigh