chn prelim Flashcards
includes the prevention of health issues as a key component
community health practice
department of health (DOH) which was first established as
the department of public works, education in hygiene in 1989
reorganize government offices and created the division of nursing under the office of the secretary of health
executive order (EO) no.94
october 1947
the rural health demonstration and training center was established by the
the philippine congress approved
Republic act No. 1082 or the rural health law
Republic act No. 1082 or the rural health law created
81 RHU’s
republic act 1891 and 8 of RA 1082
Strengthening Health and Dental services in the rural areas and providing funds
an intervention implemented before there is evidence of a disease or injury
Primary prevention
reduce or eliminate causative risk factors
Primary prevention
encourage exercise and healthy eating to prevent individuals from becoming overweight
Primary prevention
An intervention implemented after a disease has begun, but before it is symptomatic
Secondary prevention
Early identification (screening, treatment)
Secondary prevention
check BMI at every well checkups to identify individuals who are overweight or obese
Secondary prevention
An intervention implemented after a disease or injury is established
Tertiary Prevention
prevent sequelae (stop bad things from getting worse)
Tertiary Prevention
Help obese individuals to lose weight to prevent progression or more sever consequences
Tertiary Prevention
to minimize potential disability and impairment, prevention entails expecting and avoiding problems or discovering them as early as possible
Preventive approach to health
the 3 levels prevention are
primary, secondary, tertiary
holds the over-all technical authority on health as it is a national health policy maker and regulatory institution
DOH has 3 major roles in the health sector
Leadership in health
enabler and capacity builder
administrator of specific services
its mandate is to develop national plans, technical standards, and guidelines on health. aside from being the regulator of all health services and products
kagawaran ng kalusugan
is the provider of special tertiary health care services and technical assisstance to health providers and stakeholders
The DOH performs its functions in accordance with the highest ethical standards, principles of accountability, and full responsibility.
The DOH employees work together with a result- oriented mindset.
Being stewards of health for the people, the Department shall pursue sustainable development and care for the environment since it impinges on the health of the Filipinos.
Stewardship of the health of the people
passed by congress in 1954 was implemented abolishing the Division of Nursing but created nursing positions at different levels in the health organizations.
1958 - 1965 Republic Act (RA) 977
reorganized the DOH and created several offices and services within the DOH.
1987-1989 Executive Order (EO) No. 119
was signed by President Estrada, redirecting the functions and operation of the DOH.
May 24, 1999 EO No. 102
the development of the Rationalization Plan to streamline the bureaucracy further was started and is the last stages of finalization.
all of the basic services
General hospital, level 1
All of the min. of Level 2 + teaching and/training in 4 maj. Areas
General Hospital, Level 3
“Rules and Regulations Governing the New Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines”
At risk
Vector control
Prevention of
transmission by
Prevention of
transmission by organ transplantation
Prevention of accidental transmission
Primary prevention
Early/asymptomatic disease
* Case finding
Early intervention Antiparasitic treatment
Periodic health examination
Secondary prevention
Established disease
Antiparasitic treatment
Symptomatic treatment
Responsible sectors
Intervention objectives
* Public health
Primary health care
Other sectors
Prevent the
transmission of the disease
No Chagas’ disease
Primary health care
* Public health
Prevent or inhibit disease in cases where infection has occurred
Indeterminate form
Management of
Continuing care
Tertiary prevention
All of the basic services + general ICU + NICU + HRPU + Level 3 Lab + Level 2 Radio (mobile xray and contrast examination).
General Hospital, Level 2:
It builds on the gains of earlier reform policies such the Health Sector Reform Agenda (1999), FOURmula One for Health (2005) and Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (2010).
gains of earlier reform policies such the
Health Sector Reform Agenda (1999),
FOURmula One for Health (2005) and
Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (2010).
It aligns with the National Economic Development Authority’s
Ambisyon Natin 2040
emphasizes the country’s commitment to
the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
It aims to uphold every Filipino’s right to health as enshrined in the
1987 Philippine Constitution.
PHA seeks to fulfill the global call for Universal Health Coverage, adopting
“All for Health towards Health for All”
as the rallying point to realize the vision of a Healthy Philippines by 2022.
“All for Health towards Health for All”
illness - wellness continuum is also known as the
health continuum
At one end of the spectrum is premature death, while the optimal health lies at the other end.
The _______ can be a tool for nurses to use as they help patients on the path to better health.
health continuum
aligned with the Philippine Development Plan 2023
The 8-Point Action Agenda
aims to guarantee that every Filipino experiences health and well-being.
The 8-Point Action Agenda
- A comprehensive plan focuses on placing Filipinos at the heart of healthcare reforms, promoting community health and strengthening healthcare institution and health care worker welfare.
The 8-Point Action Agenda
Foundation in humanistic leadership and good governance, the agenda emphasizes a service-driven and people-oriented thrust, clarity in roles and collaboration among stakeholders to ensure holistic health and well-being for all Filipinos.
The 8-Point Action Agenda
All individuals and families in the
community should have priority access to and availability of
primary health care.
through integrated system that is managed by numerous workforces with the necessary health management skills.
To provide effective primary healthcare
Dr. John W. Travis in 1972.
observed that doctors and nurses usually treat illness, disabilities and symptoms which bring a patient to the neutral zone.
Dr. Travis did
6 components of Personal Health:
Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social, Environmental and Spiritual.
“Adoption of the 8-Point Action Agenda as the Medium-Term Strategy of the Health Sector for 2023-2028”.
DOH Administrative Order (AO) No. 2023 - 0015
4 A’s of primary health care
the 1st WHO Health Conference in Alma Ata Kazakhstan [“Alma Ata Declaration”].
September 12, 1978
“Essential health care based on practical scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology, made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost which the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self-determination”.
is heavily concerned with people, especially with the principles of social justice, accessibility, appropriateness and acceptance of medical services with consideration of the needs of people in the communities, their participation and orientation to the concept of health services.
Primary Health Care (PHC) concept
Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No.
1896 and House Bill No. 5784
passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on
December 10, 2018.
11223 Begun and held in
Metro Manila, on Monday, JULY 23, 2018