Childhood milestones Flashcards
4 domains
Gross motor
Vision and fine motor
Hearing, speech and language
Social, emotional and behavioural
tracks object/face
6 weeks
palmar grasp, transfer hand to hand
6 months
object permanence (involves understanding that items and people still exist even when you can’t see or hear them.)
9 months
neat pincer grip, stack 2 bricks.
12 months
(throwing) Casting bricks which should stop by 18m, casting beyond 18m is abnormal.
stack 4 bricks
18 months
draw vertical line, stack 8 bricks, able to turn several pages of a book at a time.
2 years
draw horizontal line
2.5 years
draw circle
3 years
draws cross, stacks 12 blocks
4 years
draws square
4.5 years
draws triangle
5 years
Good head control, raises head to 45 degrees when on tummy
Six weeks
Sit without support, rounded back. Rolls tummy (prone) to back (supine). Vice versa slightly later.
Six months
Stands holding on
9 months
Walks alone
(12-18m). 18 months is threshold for concern i.e. Duchenne’s, hip problems, cerebral palsy etc.
Runs on tiptoes, walks upstairs, 2 feet per step
2 years
Kicks ball
2.5 years
Hops on one foot for 3 steps. Walks upstairs 1 foot per step but still 2 feet per step on way down.
3 years
walks up and down stairs in an adult fashion.
4 years:
Startles to noise
6 weeks
Turns head to loud sounds, understands ‘bye bye’
6 months
Responds to own name
9 months