Chf Flashcards
Hope study
Cad OCD Stroke DM with another risk factor DM with smoking or micro albuminuria
Early satiety is a sign of
Right heart failure
Beta blockers
People with prior mi
Reduce mortality
Prevent recurrent mi
Prevent CHF
CHF increase mortality
With elevated JVD and S3
Not for routine screening
> 500 high PPV
<100 high negative predictive valuey
Obesity low bnp
Peak VO2
Less than 14 is tranplant candidate
Betablockers reduce VO2 but increase survival
Breathing reserve normal value is 30%
Myocardial biopsy
Rapidly worsening CHF
Malignant arrhythmias if you suspect sarcoidosis or giant cell myocarditis
Do not routinely combine acei and ARB
Betablockers for asptomatic patients with low EF
Dose dependent effect
Max benifit only with 25 mg bid
Max all meds
Aldosterone in CHF
Increased 20 times normal in CHF
Rales study shows benifit
But needs to be on acei first
Eplerinone which is an Aldo blocker in emphasis trial shows improved survival
Hydralazine/ nitro in CHF
A heft trial
Class 1-4 in blacks
In non blacks who has symptoms despite max meds
Failure usually due to non compliance
Renal failure
Low cardiac out out
Loop diuretics are better
Loop diuretics
Ethycrinic acid no sulfa
Bumex and torsemide are better when lasix fails and in right heart failure
Keep level below 1
No survival benifit in CHF only symptom
CHF adjuvant
Pneumonia vaccine
Flu vaccine
Sleep apnea
Ssri better than tricyclics
Heart failure with normal EF
Elderly females HTN DM Obesity Cad no previous mi Survival same as with CHF with reduced EF
High in both types of CHF
30% reduction necessary before DC
Mitral flow do valsalva
CHF with pedal edema and dyspnea is diastolic CHF
Hfpef no treatment works