Chest Practice Flashcards
45yo non-smoker presents with rhinorrhea and sneezing
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK borders not well defined
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields: round opaque lesion in the RML
- Foreign bodies: none
- Gastric bubble: NA
- Hilum/mediastinum: mostly ok, maybe a little wide
DX: carcinoid tumor
38yo male with dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain for a week
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: ok
- Diaphragm: ok
- Equal lung fields: left lung cavitary lesion in the LUL with and air fluid level
- Foreign bodies: none
- Gastric bubble: NA
- Hilum/mediastinum: ok, loss of aortic knob
DX: cavitary lesion associated with community acquired MRSA
45yo female with productive cough and fever for 1 week
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- hazy opacity in the left lingual segment on PA
- more pronounced on lateral over the heart
- Foreign bodies: none
- Gastric bubble: ok
- Hilum/mediastinum: ok
DX: LUL lingual pneumonia
38yo male with fever, chills and SOB of 4 days duration
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- fluffy indistinct opacity in the LLL
- silhouette against the left diaphragm on PA
- sillhouette on spine in lateral
- Foreign bodies: none
- Gastric bubble: ok
- Hilum/mediastinum: ok
DX: pneumonia
63 yo male smoker with history of dyslipidemia, HTN and myocardial infarction presents with increasing SOB of 1 week duration
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: midline
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: slightly enlarged
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- increased vascular markings
- engorged hilar vasculature
- kerly B lines
- fluid in horizontal fissure
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: engorged hilar vasculatire
DX: CHF, diffuse pneumonia, pulmonary edema
20yo with gradually increasing SOB & cough over 6 mo
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- numerous opaque densities bilaterally
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- numerous round opaque densities bilaterally
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum
- widenend
DX: metastatic disease
35yo female with history of heavy smoking and chronic lung disease
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway
- right deviation
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung field
- linear/curvilinear opacities bilateraly
- assymetry of the left breast
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
DX: CHF, diffuse pneumonia, interstitial lung disease
60yo female with history of congestive heart failure presents to the clinic with a 3 week history of worsening SOB
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: NA
- Diaphragm: NA
- Equal lung fields
- RLL and LLL obscured by fluid density
- fluid in the right horizontal fissure
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: NA
- Hilum/mediastinum
- widened, opaque
DX: pleura effusion
24 yo male with sudden onset of SOB while lifting weights
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- expanded right lung
- left pulmonary lines lost
- visceral line noted
- hyperlucent hemithorax
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
DX: pneumothorax
52yo female smoker presents to the clinic with 5 month history of a chronic productive cough
- Airway
- Bones
- Cardiac Silhouette
- Diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- Foreign bodies
- Gastric bubble
- Hilum/mediastinum

View: PA and lateral
- Airway
- cant see because the view in under pentrated
- Bones
- increased AP diameter
- Cardiac Silhouette
- appears small
- Diaphragm
- flattened
- Equal lung fields
- hyperlucency bilateraly
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
34yo male with cough of 10 days duration
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA/lateral
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- RUL opacity
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
DX: lobar pneumonia - RUL
48yo female with substernal chest pain
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields: OK
- Foreign bodies: breast implants
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum
- calcification in the aortic knob
DX: athersclerosis
36yo male with fever, cough and SOB of 1 week duration
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- silhouette right heart border
- Diaphragm
- ill defined opacity on the right
- Equal lung fields
- RML opacity with a sharp superior border and difffuse inferior border
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
DX: pneumonia, RML atelectasis, lung carcinoma
58 yo male with SOB
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- not visable on the right
- Diaphragm
- not visable on the right
- Equal lung fields
- no lung markings on the right
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
DX: pleural effusion, hemothorax, right pneumoectomy
58 yo male smoker with complaints of SOB
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- narrowed
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- bullae
- hyperlucent bilaterally
- opaque lesion on the right lower lobe
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum
- narrow
DX: emphysema, asthma, bronchiolitis
26 yo with cough for the past 3 weeks
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA/lateral
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- right heart border a little enlarged
- Diaphragm
- mininimally flattened
- Equal lung fields: OK
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum: OK
DX: Normal - indicates asthma or bronchitis based on symptoms
26yo female who presents with an abrupt onset of SOB following a motorcycle accident
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway
- Left shift
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- left shift
- Diaphragm
- loss of costophrenic angle due to mediastinal shift
- Equal lung fields
- hyperlucent right side
- no lung markings
- haziness over left lung
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: NA
- Hilum/mediastinum
- left shift
DX: tensio pneumothorax
7 year old previously healthy Hispanic male presented to an emergency department with 1 week of a non-productive cough and intermittent fevers measured at home to 103.5°F
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA/lateral
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- RUL opacity
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: not visable
- Hilum/mediastinum
- slightly increased vascularity
DX: pneumonia
60yo female with cough and SOB over the last 6 days
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA/Lateral
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette: OK
- Diaphragm
- high
- Equal lung fields
- opacity RUL with air bronchogram
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: not visable
- Hilum/mediastinum: silhouette with RUL
DX: pneumonia with air bronchogram
62 yo male presents to the ER with worsening SOB
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- silhouette right heart border due to opacity
- Diaphragm
- silhouette obscuring right hemi diaphragm
- Equal lung fields
- right fluid density ove the RML and RUL
- peribronchial cuffing on the right and upper left lobes
- Foreign bodies: OK
- Gastric bubble: OK
- Hilum/mediastinum
- slightly increased vascularity on the right
DX: pleural effusion
65yo male with DOE and a feeling that he “can’t catch my breath”
- Airway:
- Bones:
- Cardiac Silhouette:
- Diaphragm:
- Equal lung fields:
- Foreign bodies:
- Gastric bubble:
- Hilum/mediastinum:

View: PA
- Airway: OK
- Bones: OK
- Cardiac Silhouette
- slightly enlarged
- borders less distincton the RML and RUL
- Diaphragm: OK
- Equal lung fields
- reticular opacity bilaterally
- Foreign bodies: EKG wires noted
- Gastric bubble: NA
- Hilum/mediastinum
- hazy vascular margins
DX: CHF exacerbation leading to pulmonary edema