ChemAnesthesiaApplications Flashcards
What is CaO2
Unlike either PaO2 or SaO2, the value of CaO2 directly reflects the total number of oxygen molecules in arterial blood, both bound and unbound to hemoglobin.
Oxygen saturation, which is the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood that is bound to oxygen
The pressure of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
How is CO2 moved throughout the body?
Only a small amount of CO2 is dissolved in the blood. Most is transported in the form of HCO3(bicarb) or bound to hemoglobin.
Fick’s Law of Diffusion describes
The transfer rate of gas through a tissue membrane: aka - alveolar surface
What factors will directly influence the transfer rate of an inhaled gas
Partial Pressure (driving force)
Diffusion Coefficient (solubility)
Membrane Surface Area
What factors are inversely related to transfer rate of an inhaled gas
Membrane Thickness
-Thinner membrane, more transfer
-Thicker Membrane, less transfer
Molecular Weight
-Less weight, easier transfer
-More weight, less transfer
What sort of change does anesthetic gas transfer/absorption with a COPD patient have?
COPD patients have reduced alveolar surface area and, therefore, have a slower rate of inhalation induction transfer of anesthetic.
How does knowing Oxygen’s solubility coefficient (0.003) help us calculate oxygen delivery?
Multiplying the PaO2 by oxygens solubility coefficient allows us to calculate how much oxygen is dissolved in the blood
4 Applications of FICKs Law
- Diffusion Hypoxia
- Patient with COPD has slower rate of inhalation induction
- Calculating Cardiac Output
- Drug transfer across Placenta