Chartlet #8 Flashcards
Latitude 33°45’N
・8.2mm to the S of the main dock of the cruise ship dock.
・2.8mm S of the top of the west-facing dock in Basin Six.
・15.5mm N of the top of the north slip in Southeast Basin.
Longitude 118°12’W
・28mm to the E of the corner of the western-most south face of Pier G in the Southeast Basin.
・18mm to the E of the corner of the north face of Pier J in the Southeast Basin.
・18mm to the E of Light “6”’s corner of the southern-most face of Pier J.
・103mm due W of E end of Middle Breakwater.
Longitude 118°11’W
・28.8mm to the E of the Cruise Ship Dock’s S finger.
・15mm to the E of the of the east face of Pier J.
・25mm due E of E end of Middle Breakwater.
Longitude 118°10’W
120mm due W of the end of the chart.
West tip of Pier J - Reference Points
WPJ #3: 171° at 53mm.
South-SouthWest corner of Pier J - Reference Point
SSWPJ: 226° at 16mm.
SouthEast corner of Pier J - Reference Points
・SEPJ #1: 212° at 41mm.
・SEPJ #2: 113° at 48mm.
Middle Breakwater East - Reference Points
・MBE #1: 7mm due N of the hump for LB Lt.
・MBE #2: 238° at 8mm.
Long Beach Breakwater - Reference Points
・LBB #1 Reference Point: 332° at 29mm.
・LBB #2 Reference Point: 7mm due W of the end of LB Breakwater.
・LBB #4 Reference Point: 046° for 13mm.
Pier J South Breakwater - Reference Points
・PJSB #1: 073° at 63mm.
・73. Off Pier J Northern Breakwater Knuckle Buoy “2”: 55mm due NE of the end of Pier J South Breakwater.
・PJSB #2: 036° for 52mm.
Pier J Dock 260 - Reference Point
PJ260: 38mm due NE of the end of the northern dock face in Slip J (Dock 260).
Long Beach Cruise Terminal North - Reference Points
・LBCTN #1: 141° at 14mm.
・LBCTN #2: 079° at 60mm.
Island Freeman - Reference Points
・IF#1: 196° at 53mm.
・IF#2: 93. Inside Anchorage E-3, Eastern Mooring Buoy “M-3”: 338° at 35mm.
LB Channel W Channel Lines
・Heads to MBE #1. (Line is parallel to line drawn between the NE corner of Pier J, and SW corner of Slip J - Chartlet 8 only).
・From MBE #1 lines goes to MBE #2.
・Line runs from MBE #2 at 175° (parallel to the range line) to the end of the chart.
LB Channel E Channel Lines
・Goes to WPJ #2. ・WPJ #2 goes to SSWPJ Reference Point. ・Goes to SEPJ #1 Reference Point. ・Goes to LBB #1 Reference Point. ・From LBB #1 lines goes to LBB #2. ・Line runs at 175° (parallel to the range line) to the end of the chart.
Southern Limits of Harbor Restricted Area
・First line goes from tip of Pier F (at light “F”) to notch just inland of Light “8” on Pier J.
・This line continues through Pier J and goes another 4mm.
・Next line goes from Tip of Navy Mole to 3mm away from WTPJ #1 Reference Point.
・Goes to WPJ #3 Reference Point.
・Turns up and goes to the small line that juts out of Pier J.
Anchorage B Outline
・Starts near WPJ #1 Reference Point. Is actually 2mm away, towards NE tip of Pier F peninsula.
・Starting from this starting point, aim towards LB Light. Stops 2mm to the E of due S of corner turn of flat face of N dock of Slip J.
・Next line is perpendicular to the last one. It aims NE at the NE-most corner of Pier J. Stops 6mm N of Middle Breakwater.
・Runs parallel to middle breakwater until due S of the western face of Pier G in Basin Six.
Pier J Entrance Range Lights & Course Line
・65. Pier J Entrance Upper Range Lt: 6mm N of S-most docks in Slip J. 2.5mm from edge of W-most docks in Slip J.
・66. Pier J Entrance Lower Range Lt: 6mm N of S-most docks in Slip J. 13mm from edge of W-most docks in Slip J.
・Line extends due East. Dashes until 118°11’W.
Long Beach Channel Buoy “3”
- LB Channel (Marks 60’ Curve) Buoy “3”: On the S Channel Line. Due S of 1mm E of E-most edge of Southeast Basin.
LB Breakwater Cable Area
・Goes 12mm due N of hump for LB Light.
・Crosses exactly to the E.
・Meets with line 12mm due N of 1mm from end of LB Breakwater.
・Goes 12mm due S of 1mm from end of LB Breakwater.
・Crosses exactly to the W.
・Meets with line 12mm due S of 1mm from E end of Middle Breakwater.
LB Entrance Range Lights & Course Line
・70. LB Entrance Lower Range Lt: 3mm away from Pier J on southern jetty for the Pier J Slip.
・74. LB Entrance Upper Range Lt: From Lower Range Light, in line with Range Line, sitting on the northern jetty for the Pier J Slip (8.5mm for reference).
・Line extends 175° to the end of the chart. Dashes until the LB entrance. (22.5mm from either Breakwater).
Pier G/J Tower
Due S of W-most prong on Shoreline Marina Breakwater. Due E of 1mm N from N-most pier at E end of Southeast Basin.
D Anchorage Outline
・From LBB #4, goes due east, 9mm above breakwater, until the end of the chart.
・From LBB #4, points directly N for 61mm (to SEPJ #2 for Chartlet 8).
・Turns to PJSB #1.
・Runs due E to end of chart.
Explosives Anchorage Radius
・Center is 355° at 34mm from where top of LB Breakwater reaches the end of the chart.
・Radius is 146mm.
E Anchorage Outline
・Starts at PJSB #1. Shares lower line with Anchorage D.
・Goes to PJSB #2.
・Goes to PJ260.
・Goes to LBCTN #1.
・Goes to LBCTN #2.
・Runs at 110° to 0.5mm away from IF Reference Point.
・Almost perpendicular (1 degree flatter) to top of Anchorage D Line.
Special Anchorage Area E-1
・Go 50mm along last line from corner of Anchorage E near IF Reference Point. This. Is where it starts.
・Runs parallel to top line of Anchorage E Outline. Ends at crossing of next line.
・Go 32mm along top line of Anchorage E Outline away from LBCT #2. From here head due South until crossing the line above.
C Anchorage Outline
・Starts 16mm from FI Reference Point, in line with top line of Anchorage E Outline..
・Runs at 116° to end of chart
・Runs at 179° to a point 1mm S of due East of Freeman Island.
・Then goes 094° to the end of the chart.
- East of Island White Mooring Buoy
Due E of N end of Island White’s peninsula. 32mm from edge of the chart.
- SW of Anchorage C-1 Mooring Buoy “S-2”
62mm due East of the Western-most tip of Island Freeman
Rest of LB Mooring Buoys
・93. Inside Anchorage E-3, Eastern Mooring Buoy “M-3”: IF#2.
・95. Between Anchorages E-2 & E-3 Mooring Buoy: From IF #2, 290° for 36mm.
・94. Inside Anchorage E-3, Western Mooring Buoy “M-4”: On same line as above, 1mm W of 118°10’W.
・97. Inside Anchorage E-5, Eastern Mooring Buoy “PT”: From IF #2, 224° for 53mm.
・96. Southern Edge of Anchorage E-3 Mooring Buoy “Fl”: On the edge of circle for anchorage E-3, halfway between line from above and 118°10’W.
・90. Inside Anchorage C-1 Mooring Buoy “H”: From IF #2, 107° for 91mm.
・92. West of Anchorage C-1 Mooring Buoy “M-2”: On same line as above (107°), due S of E end of Island White.
・Starts at end of chart, 1mm N from the top line of the Anchorage C Outline.
・Goes in a straight line to the NW corner of the Anchorage C Outline.
・Continues west, curving slightly down as it rises no more than 3mm above Anchorage E Outline.
・Connects with the NW corner of the Anchorage E Outline.
Freeman Island Cable & Pipeline Area - Eastern Line
・Line starts at NW corner of the Anchorage C Outline.
・It runs parallel to a line drawn between Isl. White’s S-most Marker and Isl. Freeman’s NE-most Marker
・Extends 10mm to the N of its starting point and stops.
・Runs to the S of its starting point until abeam the NE-most Marker on Isl. Freeman.
・Then curves slightly to the SW until meeting with the Explosive Anchorage radius and ending on Isl. Freeman.
Freeman Island Cable & Pipeline Area - Western Line
・Starts 4mm to the E of Island Freeman’s NW Point.
・Runs from starting point, through the NE corner of the Anchorage E Outline, then extends 15mm to the N.
・”Cable & Pipeline Area” between Lines.
Eastern Cable & Pipeline Area - Bottom Line
・Starts at end of chart, 5mm N from the top line of the Anchorage C Outline.
・Runs parallel to the pipeline, until due S of the E end of Island White.
・Curves up to meet top end of Freeman Islands Eastern Cable and Pipeline Area line.
Eastern Cable & Pipeline Area - Top Line
・From middle of flattest spot on SE side of Island White, 122° until the end of the chart.
・”Cable & Pipeline Area” between Lines.
General Anchorage P
・From the S-most marker on Island White to chart end. Line is parallel to the top of Anchorage C Outline.
Cable Area (East of Island Grissom) - Top Line
・Starts on Island Grissom’s S shore at a point due S from tip of Shoreline Marina’s Eastern Breakwater
・Runs to tip of Island White’s peninsula.
・”Cable Area” between Lines.
Pipeline Area (East of Island Grissom) - Bottom Line
・Starts at top end of Freeman Islands Western Cable and Pipeline Area line.
・Curves down and west to meet with top line of the Anchorage D Outline. Curve is similar to anchorage E-3.
・Runs entire length of top line of the Anchorage D Outline.
・Curves up to meet NE end of Shoreline Marina’s Outer Breakwater. Stops 1mm from breakwater.
Pipeline Area (East of Island Grissom) - Top Line
・Starting point is in line with top end of both of Isl. Freeman Cable and Pipeline Area lines and is equidistant.
・Curves down to a point that is due N of where Anchorage E-3 gets closest to the Anchorage E Outline.
・Runs parallel to top line at 12mm off.
・Starting from due N of where Anch. E-1 gets closest to the Anch. E Outline, curves up to meet Cable Area bottom line.
・”Pipeline Area” between Lines.
Spruce Goose Dome
Due W of middle of accessways to Long Beach Cruise Terminal. Due S of 1mm E of Queen Mary support.