Chartlet #1 Flashcards
Latitude 33°43’N
・Intersects base of Cabrillo Marina Breakwater.
・1mm S of SW corner of Pier 400.
Latitude 33°42’N
48.5mm from southern edge of chart.
Longitude 118°17’W
・90.5mm from western edge of chart.
・Touches edge tip of line by ramp.
Longitude 118°15’W
Intersects Pier 400 at 9mm, 17mm, and 60mm, north to south, respectively. All measured from western ends of Pier 400 (inner elbow and SW corner).
1) Point Fermin Lt
9mm from western chart edge, WNW of actual point, almost on coast.
3 Dashed Lines.
14mm (Thick), 15mm, 93mm - from western chart edge. (Regulated Navigation Area, Security Area, ??? Area).
PAV Friendship Bell
10mm W of chart edge. Just S of being due W of lower dip of Cabrillo Spit.
Due S of inner hook W of Ramp Lts. Just S of being due E of the Friendship Bell.
2) Off Point Fermin Buoy “6PF”
184° for 57mm from Nub E of Pt. Fermin
Pt. Fermin W Cable
Start at 164° for 48mm from Nub E of Pt. Fermin (on 33°42’N):
・218° to Chart Edge.
・From start, easy curve to 4mm W of Second Nub E of Pt. Fermin.
Pt. Fermin E Cable
Start at 160° for 45mm from Tip of Groin Pier on S SP Breakwater:
・187° to Chart Edge.
・From start, easy curve to 13mm WNW of base of Groin Pier on the beach.
San Pedro Breakwater N Cable Area
・Starts out touching the top of small ruins N of Cabrillo Spit. This line runs parallel to the ruins off of the Ramp Lights.
・Turn is due N of the Pt. Fermin East Cable Area landfall.
・Along the straight edges, it runs parallel to SP Breakwater, 4mm off (touching edge of N Pier on the W side of the curve).
・Along the curve runs 3mm off.
・Goes to the nub just W of the LA Light and connects with LA Entrance Cable Area.
LA Entrance Cable Area
・Runs from connection with SP Breakwater Cable Area, at right angle to SP Breakwater for 3mm, starting from nub just W of LA Light.
・Crosses LA Entrance slightly steeper than parallel. Goes 5mm past end of M Breakwater, 8mm off.
・Runs at right angle to Middle Breakwater for 8mm and continues past Middle Breakwater for 6mm.
・Crosses to the S of LA Entrance slightly steeper than parallel. Ends abeam LA Light, 7mm off.
・Goes to LA light, 7mm, perpendicular to the Breakwater.
・Regulated Navigation Area Line
・Colregs Demarcation Line
・Territorial Sea
Directly between SP and M Breakwaters:
・Thick dashed magenta line.
・Dashed magenta line.
・Solid gray line.
LA Ferry Routes
Start on Territorial Sea 39mm from SP Breakwater:
・218° to chart edge.
・190° to chart edge. Meets chart edge at 118°15’W.
LA Pilot Area
・Start 2mm Due S From SP Breakwater. 174° until chart edge. Meets chart edge 1.5mm E of 118°15’W.
・Start 208° at 6mm from Middle Breakwater. 143° until chart edge.
・Connect the two above points.
・Inner Line 2.5mm thick.
Main Channel Line - WEST (Southern Section)
Start at 114°, 18mm from SP Breakwater: 159° to chart edge.
Main Channel Line - EAST (Southern Section)
Start at 275° for 13mm from W end of Middle Breakwater: 159° to Chart Edge (parallel w/ MCL - W).
3) LA Approach Buoy “5”
On Western Main Channel Line, Due S of LA Entrance Lt. 8.
4) LA Approach Buoy “6”
On Eastern Main Channel Line, Abeam from Buoy “5” (perpendicular to course).
Pier 400, SW Corner - Reference Points
・P400 #1: 229° for 13mm (for Main Channel Line - East)
・P400 #2: 227° for 40mm (for Main Channel Line - West).
・P400 #3: 241° for 52mm (for Main Channel Line - West).
・23) Lt “B”: 231° for 56mm.
Pier 1, SE Corner - Reference Points
・P1SE #1: In line with SE end of Pier 1, 10mm (for Main Channel Line - West).
・P1SE #2: In line with SE end of Pier 1, 38mm. (for Main Channel Line - West).
Pier 1, SW Corner - Reference Points
・P1SW: In line with SW end of Pier 1, 35mm. Dashed line to this point (for East Channel).
・34) LA Entrance Range Lt Upper: 104° for 5mm.
LA Main Channel Range
・115.4° from Upper Range Lt. Main Channel Range Line ends about 5mm from Colregs Line. Dashed until due S of southern end of CG Dock.
・35) LA Entrance Range Lt Lower: 7mm from Upper Range on Main Channel Range Line.
Pier 1 Tank
Just N of Due W of the corner of Ryan’s pier. Due N of Upper Range Lt.
Main Channel Lines - EAST
From 400SW #1 to top of Main Channel Line East (southern section). Parallel with Main Channel Range Line.
15) Buoy “10”
Just inside Eastern Main Channel Line, 7mm SE from 400SW #1.
Main Channel Lines - WEST
・From P1SEC #1, runs to the N towards S end of CG dock on Reservation Pt. Connects w/ 3mm off parallel line (from Chartlet #2).
・From P1SEC #1 to P1SEC #2, parallel to Pier 1.
・From P1SEC #2 to 400SW #3 (parallel to Main Channel Range Line).
・From 400SW #3 to 400SW #2.
・From 400SW #2 to due N of LA Light, parallel to Main Channel Range Line.
・From end of above line to the top of the Main Channel West Line (southern section).
East Channel Lines
・From P1SW Reference Point to Main Channel Line at 093°.
・From P1SW Reference Point, 217° to just below Dock 44.
・Turns perpendicular for 1mm to meet Dock 44.
NW corner of Dock 45 - Reference Point
NW45: Right angle to face of dock for 13mm. Dashed line to this point. (for West Channel Line).
West Channel Lines
・From NWC45 parallel to Pier 1. Line stops just before last set of finger piers.
・From Dock 45 NW parallel to Pier 1. Dips in at an angle after first set of N finger piers, then angles back after second set.
・Continues on, in line with first section of the line, until…
・Line turns perpendicular and connects with the top of the first line.
West Channel to Main Channel - West Lines
・From NW45 to due S of the SW Corner of Pier 1, parallel with San Pedro Breakwater.
・Turns at 076° to Main Channel Line - West.
14) Buoy “11”
Just inside Western Main Channel Line, where the West Channel Line meets with the Main Channel Line - West. 4mm from 400SW #2.
30) Lt “F”
191° for 11mm from Cabrillo Marina Breakwater Entrance.
General Anchorage N
1st Knuckle of Cabrillo Breakwater to SP Breakwater Pier, parallel to Pier 1.
Pip off Dock 47 - Reference Points
・33) Mooring Buoy: 075° for 13mm. ・24) Lt "C": 117° for 41mm. ・25) Oc Lt: 144° for 48mm. ・26) Lt "D": 170° for 26mm. ・P47 #1: 204° for 39mm (for Subm. Dike). ・P47 #2: 176° for 47mm (for Subm. Dike).
Dike Plan - East Edge
・Dike is 2.5mm thick.
・Light “B” is in the middle of the Dike, at the top.
・Draw a line from the edge of SP Breakwater to Light “B”.
・13) Dike Lt “A”: On outer edge of the line above (line actually bends out toward it), due W of Middle Breakwater West End.
DIke Plan - Top Western Edge
・From NWC45, go 1 more mm away from Pier 45.
・Draw a line that touches the above point and is parallel to the face of Docks 44-47 from the edge of General Anchorage N to almost due S (0.5mm E) of the SW Corner of Pier 1.
・26) Lt “D”: Light “D” is in the middle of the Dike, where the line above stops.
・31) Lt “E”: In the middle of the Dike from this line, due N of the West end of Nub on SP Breakwater North Pier.
DIke Plan - Western Lines
・7mm from the Top Western Edge line is the outer edge of another line. It runs parallel to Docks 44-47, starts at General Anchorage N, and stops before reaching Light “E” (see Western Southern Lines).
・In between these two lines is the turn of the inner side of the two Dikes (all parallel).
Dike Plan - Western Southern Lines
・Draw a line from P47 #1 to Light “E” (with “E” being in the middle of this Dike Line). This line connects with the bottom of the Dike Western Lines.
・Draw a line from P47 #1 to P47 #2. These points are on the outer edge of the Dike.
・Draw a line from P47 #2 to Oc Lt, which is on the outer edge of the Dike as well. This line gets intersected by the following branch:
・It starts 7mm from P47 #2. It goes down 23mm at 200°, then goes to the SP Breakwater perpendicularly from the breakwater.
Dike Plan - Middle Eastern Lines
・Draw a line from the Oc Lt directly at Lt “B”. It does not make it all the way to “B”. Gets weird. It jumps to the SE to allow B to be on the middle of the Dike Line.
・Draw a line creating a Dike Lt “D” towards Lt “B” in line with Light “C” (Lts “D” & “C” are in the middle of the Dike). It does not make it all the way to “B”. Stops when it connects with line above.
‘SS Lane Victory’
On dock 50. Nose touching Latitude 33°43’N. 11mm long.
Pier 400 Channel Plan
・400-WSW Line: From 400SW #1, parallel to the WSW side of Pier 400, 11.5mm off. Connects with Pier 300 Turning Basin Lines (Chartlet #2).
・Connection Line: From 400SW #1 draw a line towards where Pier 400 intersects with Latitude 33°43’N. It connects with the 400-SSW Line (below).
・400-SSW Line: 400-SSW Line is parallel at 7mm off. Starts at intersection of small line (above) and ends due S of S-most point of Pier 400.
・400-SSE Line: 400-SSW Line is parallel to the Middle Breakwater. Starts at end of line above at due S of S-most point of Pier 400. Ends when connecting to the next line below.
・400-PE Line: 400-PE Line is 11.5 mm off and parallel to the E side of the Pier 400 peninsula.
・400-CN Line: 400-CN Line is parallel to the higher S side of Pier 400, 7mm off.
・400-CE Line: 400-CE Line is 32mm off and parallel to the E side of the Pier 400 peninsula (parallel to 400-PE Line).
・SMSS Line: SMSS Line is parallel to the odd corner of the Submerged Material Storage Site at 4mm.
・400-TBW Line: Parallel with the long Submerged Material Storage Site lines, but in line with SMSS Lt “B”.
・400-TBS Line: Parallel to Middle Breakwater at 7mm off. Ends 8mm from the end of the Middle Breakwater.
・Last Line: Starts 8mm away from Middle Breakwater, and stays this far off at Colregs Line. Ends on Main Channel East Line about 3mm S of LA Pilot Area Line.
12) Lt “T”
Due south of the Pier 400 Channel Elbow very close to the south edge of Pier 400.
Pier 1 Cable Area
・Start 1mm E of SW corner of Pier 1.
・First Line: 159° for 35mm (1mm away from East Channel Line).
・25mm at right angle.
・Parallel to first line.
・Parallel to last line.
・25mm at right angle to last line.
・Last Line: Touches SW end of Reservation Point. Goes 275° from Pier 1 for 37mm.
Reservation Point - Reference Point
RP: In line with E edge of Reservation Point, extends for 12mm.
Reservation Point Lines
・The East Side line runs 12mm off. This line is better represented in the Pier 300 Turning Basing Lines (Charltet #2).
・From RP, a line goes up to meet the East Side Line. They meet due W of the lower corner on the West corner of Pier 400.
・The South Side line runs 12mm off, starting at RP. It stops 1mm short of intersection with Longitude 118°73’W.
・From this point, a line goes up to meet the West Side Line (standard 3mm off) where the West Side Line meets the Pier 1 Cable Area.
Key \\ ⫟ or ⫠ ⦜ ∢ ⧷ ⤍|⤍ ⤞ ⇥ ↦ ∠ Ω → ← ↑ ↓ ☉T ☉D ☉P ☉S ☉B
Key \\ = Parallel to... ⫟ or ⫠ = Just touches... ⦜ = Perpendicular to... ∢ = Turns at... ⧷ = Intersects at... ⤍|⤍ = Extends in line with... ⤞ = Points towards... ⇥ = Stops at... ↦ = Starts from... ∠ = Corner (or turn) of... Ω = End of Chart ↑ → ↓ ← = Due North of, Due East of, Due South of, Due West of... (respectively). ☉T = Tank. ☉D = Dome. ☉P = Pavillion (PAV). ☉S = Silo. ☉B = Building