Chartlet #6 Flashcards
Latitude 33°43’N
・Intersects Pier 400 6mm N of SE end of Pier 400 (measuring from bottom of flat E-facing section.
・Crosses the TOP of the Middle Breakwater 149mm from the west end of the Middle Breakwater.
Latitude 33°42’N
48.5mm from southern edge of chart.
Longitude 118°15’W
・12mm due E of SP Breakwater.
・Intersects Pier 400 at 9mm, 17mm, and 60mm. All measured from western ends of Pier 400.
Longitude 118°14’W
・Crosses the BOTTOM of the Middle Breakwater 94mm from the west end of Middle Breakwater.
Longitude 118°13’W
・Crosses the TOP of the Middle Breakwater 232mm from the west end of Middle Breakwater.
San Pedro Breakwater N Cable Area
・Along the straight edges, it runs parallel to SP Breakwater, 4mm off (touching edge of N Pier on the W side of the curve).
・Goes to the nub just W of the LA Light and connects with LA Entrance Cable Area.
LA Entrance Cable Area
・Runs from connection with SP Breakwater Cable Area, at right angle to SP Breakwater for 3mm, starting from nub just W of LA Light.
・Crosses LA Entrance slightly steeper than parallel. Goes 5mm past end of M Breakwater, 8mm off.
・Runs at right angle to Middle Breakwater for 8mm and continues past Middle Breakwater for 6mm.
・Crosses to the S of LA Entrance slightly steeper than parallel. Ends abeam LA Light, 7mm off.
・Goes to LA light, 7mm, perpendicular to the Breakwater.
・Regulated Navigation Area Line
・Colregs Demarcation Line
・Territorial Sea
Directly between SP and M Breakwaters:
・Thick dashed magenta line.
・Dashed magenta line.
・Solid gray line.
LA Ferry Routes
Start on Territorial Sea 39mm from SP Breakwater:
・218° to chart edge.
・190° to chart edge. Meets chart edge at 118°15’W.
LA Pilot Area
・Start 2mm Due S From SP Breakwater. 174° until chart edge. Meets chart edge 1.5mm E of 118°15’W.
・Start 208° at 6mm from Middle Breakwater. 143° until chart edge.
・Connect the two above points.
・Inner Line 2.5mm thick.
Main Channel Line - WEST (Southern Section)
Start at 114°, 18mm from SP Breakwater: 159° to chart edge.
Main Channel Line - EAST (Southern Section)
Start at 275° for 13mm from W end of Middle Breakwater: 159° to Chart Edge (parallel w/ MCL - W).
3) LA Approach Buoy “5”
On Western Main Channel Line, Due S of LA Entrance Lt. 8.
4) LA Approach Buoy “6”
On Eastern Main Channel Line, Abeam from Buoy “5” (perpendicular to course).
Pier 400, SW Corner - Reference Points
・P400 #1: 229° for 13mm (for Main Channel Line - East)
・P400 #2: 227° for 40mm (for Main Channel Line - West).
・P400 #3: 241° for 52mm (for Main Channel Line - West).
・23) Lt “B”: 231° for 56mm.
LA Main Channel Range
・115.4°. Ends about 5mm from Colregs Line.
Main Channel Lines - EAST
・From 400SW #1 to top of Main Channel Line East (southern section).
・Parallel with Main Channel Range Line.
・15. Off Pier 400 Point Buoy “10”: Just inside Eastern Main Channel Line, 7mm SE from 400SW #1
Main Channel Lines - WEST
・From 400SW #3 to 400SW #2.
・From 400SW #2 to due N of LA Light, parallel to Main Channel Range Line.
・From end of above line to the top of the Main Channel West Line (southern section).
Dike Plan - East Edge
・Dike is 2.5mm thick.
・Light “B” is in the middle of the Dike, at the top.
・Draw a line from the edge of SP Breakwater to Light “B”.
・13) Dike Lt “A”: On outer edge of the line above (line actually bends out toward it), due W of Middle Breakwater West End.
Pier 400 Channel Plan
・400-WSW Line: From 400SW #1, parallel to the WSW side of Pier 400, 11.5mm off. Connects with Pier 300 Turning Basin Lines (Chartlet #2).
・Connection Line: From 400SW #1 draw a line towards where Pier 400 intersects with Latitude 33°43’N. It connects with the 400-SSW Line (below).
・400-SSW Line: 400-SSW Line is parallel at 7mm off. Starts at intersection of small line (above) and ends due S of S-most point of Pier 400.
・400-SSE Line: 400-SSW Line is parallel to the Middle Breakwater. Starts at end of line above at due S of S-most point of Pier 400. Ends when connecting to the next line below.
・400-PE Line: 400-PE Line is 11.5 mm off and parallel to the E side of the Pier 400 peninsula.
・400-CN Line: 400-CN Line is parallel to the S side of Pier 400, 7mm off.
・400-CE Line: 400-CE Line is 32mm off and parallel to the E side of the Pier 400 peninsula (parallel to 400-PE Line).
・SMSS Line: SMSS Line is parallel to the odd corner of the Submerged Material Storage Site at 4mm.
・400-TBW Line: Parallel with the long Submerged Material Storage Site lines, but in line with SMSS Lt “B”.
・400-TBS Line: Parallel to Middle Breakwater at 7mm off. Ends 8mm from the end of the Middle Breakwater.
・Last Line: Starts 8mm away from Middle Breakwater, and stays this far off at Colregs Line. Ends on Main Channel East Line about 3mm S of LA Pilot Area Line.
12) Lt “T”
Due south of the Pier 400 Channel Elbow very close to the south edge of Pier 400.
Submerged Material Storage Site (SMSS) SE Corner - Reference Point
SMSS: 146° at 34mm.
B Anchorage Outline
・From SMSS Reference Point, runs to MBC #1 Reference Point.
・From SMSS reference Point, runs almost parallel to Submerged Material E line (1° flatter).
Middle Breakwater Corner - Reference Points
・MBC #1: From TOP of Middle Breakwater’s Corner, 1.5mm E, then Due N for 6mm.
・MBC #2: From TOP of Middle Breakwater’s Corner, 9mm E, then Due S for 48mm.
G Anchorage Outline
・Both lines start from the following point: 125° for 57mm from W end of Middle Breakwater.
・Line runs directly at LA Entrance Light “8” to chart edge.
・Next line runs parallel to Middle Breakwater (47mm off) to MBC.