Chartlet #2 Flashcards
Latitude 33°45’N
・Crosses just under 1mm to the S of the large indent at Pier 96 (and 1mm above VT Bridge).
・10.5mm from the top of the western shore in West Basin.
Longitude 118°17’W
・90.5mm from western edge of chart.
・Intersects at base of NW-most finger pier on Cabrillo Marina’s N face.
Longitude 118°15’W
・Intersects upper elbow of the pier in the Temporary Shallow Water Habitat.
・16.5mm W of the end of Dock 308.
- S of SE Reservation Point Buoy “1”
11mm from SE corner of Reservation Point, in line with E side of Reservation Pt. On corner of Reservation Pt. Channel Lines.
Reservation Point - Reference Point
RP: 1mm further than Buoy “1”, in line with E side of Reservation Point.
Pier 300 Turning Basin Channel Lines
・Lines frame the channel and are 3mm off unless otherwise noted.
・SE Corner Line starts at RP and connects with E Reservation Point Line (below) due W of corner just south of western-most point of Pier 400 (i.e. not the dock face, just below that).
・Line E of Reservation Point runs 12mm off. It starts due W of corner just south of western-most point of Pier 400 and ends 17mm from jetty.
・Inner Corner Line starts from E Reservation Point Line and connects with Pier 300 Line 1mm W of Due S of pip at end of Dock 301.
・E end of Channel Line in line with notch on Per 400.
Pier 400 Bridges
・2 Bridges, in line with Pier 400 peninsula.
・Tip of pier is 9mm wide. Draw the following lines, from the West: 1.5mm, 2mm, 3mm, 2.5mm, 0.5mm (Pier 400 edge, no line).
・”Fixed Bridges. Hor Cl 36ft. Ver Cl 6ft.”
Sewer Crossing Pier 300 Channel
Starts 1mm S of 33°44’N Latitude Line. Goes across the channel perpendicular to the channel.
Sewer Outlet S of Pier 400
Starts 26mm from Edge of Shallow Water Habitat. Due SE for 28mm. Ends at 25’ Obstruction (30mm to Center of obstruction).
Magenta line at NNW corner of Pier 400
From NW corner of Pier 400 channel lines, towards base of 1st pier ruins. Would split gap between Dock 301 and Dock 302.
Reservation Pt. Restricted Area
Starts 16mm from SE tip of Reservation Pt. Runs 4mm off, parallel to Reservation Point. Ends 5mm from Jetty base (runs for 49mm).
- E of SE Reservation Point Buoy “3”
7mm from SE corner of Reservation Point, in line with S side of Reservation Pt. 1mm from Channel Line. Due W of turn for Pier 400 Channel Lines.
- S of Fish Hbr Entrance Buoy “5”
Located where the Pier 300 and E Reservation Pt Channel Lines would have met.
Fish Harbor Entrance Channel
・East Line: Starts due S of pip at end of Dock 301. Angles up at 333° to abeam Light ‘4’.
・West Line: Start 3mm SW of turn of Pier 300 Channel Lines at Fish Harbor Entrance. Angles up at 333° to Light ‘3’.
・North Line(s): Goes from Lt. “3” to W tip of Northern double pier. Angles down due S to meet East Line.
Fish Harbor Anchorage Area A-2 (West)
・Starts due W of Light ‘2’. Runs parallel to the W entrance jetty until channel line.
・Is same line as Fish Harbor Entrance Channel Line - West.
・Runs parallel to jetty - basically touching S face of jetty. Ends at Fish Harbor Entrance Channel Line.
Anchorage Area A-2 (East)
・Starts due E of Lt. “3” and runs due E.
・Next line runs parallel to Double Pier and starts at the channel lines and aims at base of 1st pier ruins. Meets up with the first line above.
・Is same line as Fish Harbor Entrance Channel Line - East.
・Draw this line from just N of middle of Dock 301 towards southern end of point for Lt. “1”. Ends at Fish Harbor Entrance Channel Line.
Fish Harbor S Entrance Cable Area
・Starts at Reservation point, in line with Pier 300 N Channel Line. Ends at Buoy “5”.
・From Buoy ‘5’, touches nub at E end of S Harbor entrance. Ends right before reaching N part of E end Dock 301.
・Goes perpendicular to last line and Touches Point where Lt. “2” sits. Meets up with next line.
・Starts 2mm from base of entrance jetty. Runs parallel with 2nd line until it reaches 3rd line.
Fish Harbor N Entrance Cable Area
・From NW point of double pier, runs to landfall. Touches end of 2nd finger pier.
・From S point of double pier, runs parallel to E channel line to 33°44’N Latitude Line.
・Runs parallel to first line back to the W to landfall.
Tank on Reservation Point
Due S of Fish Harbor Lt. ‘3’. Due E of top of East Channel.
Stack on Reservation Point
7mm to the NE of the Tank.
City Hall Tower
Due W of middle of indent at Dock 83. Due N of N-most dock corner in the N-most corner of Cabrillo Marina
Main Channel Pipeline Area
・Line #1: From just below second finger pier off Dock 79, perpendicular to main channel, over to landfall at Dock 237.
・Line #2: Starts just above 4th ruin down from indent at Dock 83, parallel to Cable Line #1. Ends at Cable #3 (below).
・”Pipeline Area” between Lines #1 and #2.
Main Channel Cable & Pipeline Area
・Line #3: Due E from bottom of indent at Dock 83.
・Line #4: Due W from just below corner at Dock 233. Crosses over to just below slip for Fire Boats (below USS Iowa).
・”Cable & Pipeline Area” between Lines #3 and #4.
Main Channel Cable Area
・Line #5: Start at 15mm from corner of Dock 93A. Crosses over at 110°.
・Line #6: Start at corner of Dock 94 (S end of Express Terminal). Crosses over at 118°.
・”Cable Area” between Lines #5 and #6.
‘USS Iowa’
On Dock 88. 1.5mm N of Main Channel Cable & Pipeline Area. 22mm long.
Vincent Thomas Bridge
Starts 6mm N from corner across from Express. Crosses at 280°. 1.5mm thick.
Magenta Line S of Turning Basin
Just S of VT Bridge. Between Channel Lines. Parallel to bridge.
Magenta Line N of Turning Basin
Parallel to Channel Line going across face of Slip No. 1.
Turning Basin Cable & Pipeline Area
・Starts 10mm from tip of Pier A. Perpendicular to Pier A for 14mm.
・Goes almost parallel to face of Pier A to Dock 100.
・Once it hits the dock, goes parallel to the corner below the Western Face of Pier A (is actually parallel to W-most face of Pier A).
・”Cable & Pipeline Area”