Chartlet #14 Flashcards
Latitude 33°45’N
・8.2mm to the S of the main dock of the cruise ship dock.
・2.8mm from the top of the west-facing dock in Basin Six.
・10.5mm from the top of the western shore in West Basin.
Longitude 118°11’W
・Touches the southern point of the nub in the NE corner of Shoreline Marina.
・23.8mm to the E of the Cruise Ship Dock.
・15mm to the E of the of the east face of Pier J.
Longitude 118°10’W
120mm due W of the end of the chart.
SouthEast corner of Pier J - Reference Points
・SEPJ #1: 212° at 41mm.
・SEPJ #2: 113° at 48mm.
Middle Breakwater East - Reference Points
・MBE #1: 8mm due N of the hump for LB Lt.
・MBE #2: 238° at 8mm.
Long Beach Breakwater - Reference Points
・LBB #1 Reference Point: 332° at 29mm.
・LBB #2 Reference Point: 7mm due W of the end of LB Breakwater.
・LBB #4 Reference Point: 046° for 13mm.
Pier J South Breakwater - Reference Points
・PJSB #1: 073° at 63mm.
・73. Off Pier J Northern Breakwater Knuckle Buoy “2”: 55mm due NE of the end of Pier J South Breakwater.
・PJSB #2: 036° for 52mm.
Pier J Dock 260 - Reference Point
PJ260: 38mm due NE of the end of the northern dock face in Slip J (Dock 260).
Long Beach Cruise Terminal North - Reference Points
・LBCTN #1: 141° at 14mm.
・LBCTN #2: 079° at 60mm.
Island Freeman - Reference Points
・IF#1: At a point due N of E end of island and in line with W face of Island Freeman.
・IF#2: 93. Inside Anchorage E-3, Eastern Mooring Buoy “M-3”: 338° at 35mm.
LB Channel W Channel Lines
・From MBE #1 lines goes to MBE #2.
・Line runs from MBE #2 at 175° (parallel to the range line) to the end of the chart.
LB Channel E Channel Lines
・Goes to SEPJ #1 Reference Point.
・Goes to LBB #1 Reference Point.
・From LBB #1 lines goes to LBB #2.
・Line runs at 175° (parallel to the range line) to the end of the chart.
Pier J Entrance Range Line
・Line extends due East, 6mm N of S-most docks in Slip J. Dashes until 118°11’W.
LB Breakwater Cable Area
・Goes 12mm due N of hump for LB Light.
・Crosses exactly to the E.
・Meets with line 12mm due N of 1mm from end of LB Breakwater.
・Goes 12mm due S of 1mm from end of LB Breakwater.
・Crosses exactly to the W.
・Meets with line 12mm due S of 1mm from E end of Middle Breakwater.
LB Entrance Range Lights & Course Line
・70. LB Entrance Lower Range Lt: 3mm away from Pier J on southern jetty for the Pier J Slip.
・74. LB Entrance Upper Range Lt: From Lower Range Light, in line with Range Line, sitting on the northern jetty for the Pier J Slip (8.5mm for reference).
・Line extends 175° to the end of the chart. Dashes until the LB entrance. (22mm from Middle Breakwater).
D Anchorage Outline
・From LBB #4, goes due east, 9mm above breakwater, until the end of the chart.
・From LBB #4, points directly N for 61mm (to SEPJ #2 for Chartlet 8).
・Turns to PJSB #1.
・Runs due E to end of chart.
Explosives Anchorage Radius
・Center is 355° at 34mm from where top of LB Breakwater reaches the end of the chart.
・Radius is 146mm.
E Anchorage Outline
・Starts at PJSB #1. Shares lower line with Anchorage D.
・Goes to PJSB #2.
・Goes to PJ260.
・Goes to LBCTN #1.
・Goes to LBCTN #2.
・Runs at 110° to 0.5mm away from IF Reference Point.
・Almost perpendicular (1 degree flatter) to top of Anchorage D Line.
Special Anchorage Area E-1
・Go 50mm along last line from corner of Anchorage E near IF Reference Point. This. Is where it starts.
・Runs parallel to top line of Anchorage E Outline. Ends at crossing of next line.
・Go 32mm along top line of Anchorage E Outline away from LBCT #2. From here head due South until crossing the line above.
C Anchorage Outline
・Starts 16mm from FI Reference Point, in line with top line of Anchorage E Outline..
・Runs at 116° to end of chart
・Runs at 179° to a point 1mm S of due East of Freeman Island.
・Then goes 094° to the end of the chart.
- East of Island White Mooring Buoy
Due E of N end of Island White’s peninsula. 32mm from edge of the chart.
- SW of Anchorage C-1 Mooring Buoy “S-2”
62mm due East of the Western-most tip of Island Freeman
Rest of LB Mooring Buoys
・93. Inside Anchorage E-3, Eastern Mooring Buoy “M-3”: IF#2.
・95. Between Anchorages E-2 & E-3 Mooring Buoy: From IF #2, 290° for 36mm.
・94. Inside Anchorage E-3, Western Mooring Buoy “M-4”: On same line as above, 1mm W of 118°10’W.
・97. Inside Anchorage E-5, Eastern Mooring Buoy “PT”: From IF #2, 224° for 53mm.
・96. Southern Edge of Anchorage E-3 Mooring Buoy “Fl”: On the edge of circle for anchorage E-3, halfway between line from above and 118°10’W.
・90. Inside Anchorage C-1 Mooring Buoy “H”: From IF #2, 107° for 91mm.
・92. West of Anchorage C-1 Mooring Buoy “M-2”: On same line as above (107°), due S of E end of Island White.
・Starts at end of chart, 1mm N from the top line of the Anchorage C Outline.
・Goes in a straight line to the NW corner of the Anchorage C Outline.
・Continues west, curving slightly down as it rises no more than 3mm above Anchorage E Outline.
・Connects with the NW corner of the Anchorage E Outline.
・Continues west, still curving slightly down until it reaches 9mm below the Shoreline Marine Breakwater.
・Curves more now, and reaches landfall 9mm to the W of the 2nd pier west of the Queen Mary.
Freeman Island Cable & Pipeline Area - Eastern Line
・Line starts at NW corner of the Anchorage C Outline.
・It runs parallel to a line drawn between Isl. White’s S-most Marker and Isl. Freeman’s NE-most Marker
・Extends 10mm to the N of its starting point and stops.
・Runs to the S of its starting point until abeam the NE-most Marker on Isl. Freeman.
・Then curves slightly to the SW until meeting with the Explosive Anchorage radius and ending on Isl. Freeman.
Freeman Island Cable & Pipeline Area - Western Line
・Starts 4mm to the E of Island Freeman’s NW Point.
・Runs from starting point, through the NE corner of the Anchorage E Outline, then extends 15mm to the N.
・”Cable & Pipeline Area” between Lines.
Eastern Cable & Pipeline Area - Bottom Line
・Starts at end of chart, 5mm N from the top line of the Anchorage C Outline.
・Runs parallel to the pipeline, until due S of the E end of Island White.
・Curves up to meet top end of Freeman Islands Eastern Cable and Pipeline Area line.
Eastern Cable & Pipeline Area - Top Line
・From middle of flattest spot on SE side of Island White, 122° until the end of the chart.
・”Cable & Pipeline Area” between Lines.
General Anchorage P
・Line starts on the coast, due N of Buoy “2”.
・Heads to the S for 28mm. (Line is 25.5mm from Shoreline Marina eastern breakwater - for Chartlet 9).
・Goes to the N-most marker on Island White.
・From the S-most marker on Island White to chart end. Line is parallel to the top of Anchorage C Outline.
Cable Area (East of Island Grissom) - Bottom Line
・Line runs from E-most point of Shoreline Marina Breakwater to NE-most point of Shoreline Marina Outer Breakwater
・Extends 17mm out and stops.
Cable Area (East of Island Grissom) - Top Line
・Starts on Island Grissom’s S shore at a point due S from tip of Shoreline Marina’s Eastern Breakwater
・Runs to tip of Island White’s peninsula.
・”Cable Area” between Lines.
Pipeline Area (East of Island Grissom) - Bottom Line
・Starts at top end of Freeman Islands Western Cable and Pipeline Area line.
・Curves down and west to meet with top line of the Anchorage D Outline. Curve is similar to anchorage E-3.
・Runs entire length of top line of the Anchorage D Outline.
・Curves up to meet NE end of Shoreline Marina’s Outer Breakwater. Stops 1mm from breakwater.
Pipeline Area (East of Island Grissom) - Top Line
・Starting point is in line with top end of both of Isl. Freeman Cable and Pipeline Area lines and is equidistant.
・Curves down to a point that is due N of where Anchorage E-3 gets closest to the Anchorage E Outline.
・Runs parallel to top line at 12mm off.
・Starting from due N of where Anch. E-1 gets closest to the Anch. E Outline, curves up to meet Cable Area bottom line.
・”Pipeline Area” between Lines.
Pipeline Area (West of Island Grissom) - Bottom Line
Starts where the initial Pipeline Area’s Bottom Line ended.
Runs to the SW, easing around with an S-curve to end at the same location as the Pipeline.
Pipeline Area (West of Island Grissom) - Top Line
・Starts to the S of NE curve of the Shoreline Marina Breakwater.
・Follows the same curve as the Bottom Line, about 12mm off, increasing to 14mm off.
・”Pipeline Area” between Lines.
Cable Area (West of Island Grissom) - Top Line
・Starts just below W-most marker on Island Grissom
・Goes to the W, intersecting the tip of the horizontal pier that is third down from the top.
・Runs on this line past the Shoreline Marina Breakwater.
Cable Area (West of Island Grissom) - Bottom Line
・Starts where the last cable line met the Shoreline Marina Breakwater.
・Continues back through the end of the Breakwater, parallel with the Top Line.
・”Cable Area” between Lines.
Spruce Goose Dome
Due W of middle of accessways to Long Beach Cruise Terminal. Due S of 1mm E of Queen Mary support.
Shoreline Marina Tower
9mm due SE of crossing of 33°46’N and 118°11’W
LB Building
Due N of E end of Island White. 1mm N of where 118°11’W crosses the Long Beach shore.