Chartlet #5 Flashcards
Latitude 33°45’N
・9mm to the S of the upper corner of the west-facing face of Pier F (Dock 20).
・2.8mm from the top of the west-facing dock in Basin Six.
・10.5mm from the top of the western shore in West Basin.
Longitude 118°14’W
・89.5mm to the E of the corner of the face on the south side of Terminal Island.
・Splits the middle of the base of Pier 12 on the Navy Base Mole.
Longitude 118°13’W
・11mm to the W of the west-facing face of Pier F (Dock 20).
・6mm to the E of the tip of the Navy Base Mole.
Longitude 118°12’W
・28mm to the E of the corner of the western-most south face of Pier G in the Southeast Basin.
・18mm to the E of the corner of the north face of Pier J in the Southeast Basin.
・18mm to the E of Light “4”’s corner of the southern-most face of Pier J.
Restricted Area Line
21mm from South-SouthWest corner of Pier T, runs due S until Navy Base Mole.
South corner of Pier T - Reference Point
SPT: 203° at 29mm.
Navy Base Mole Elbow - Reference Point
NBME: 119° at 11mm.
Navy Base Mole Base - Reference Points
・NBMB #1: 172° at 56mm.
・NBMB #2: 134° at 43mm.
・NBMB #3: 145° at 56mm.
West tip of Pier J - Reference Points
・WPJ #1: 244° at 45mm.
・WPJ #2: 29mm due W.
・WPJ #3: 171° at 53mm.
South-SouthWest corner of Pier J - Reference Point
SSWPJ: 226° at 16mm.
Middle Harbor & LB Channel W Channel Lines
・Line that runs parallel off of eastern face of Pier T extends 5mm past end of dock.
・Turns towards a point that is 65mm due N of N corner of tip of Navy Mole.
・Runs on a heading between SE tip of Pier T towards base of Pier 15 on Navy Mole. Stops 1.5mm above 33°45’N
・Runs towards a point that is 22mm due N of N corner of tip of Navy Mole.
・Slightest of turns, then heads towards a point that is 9mm due N of E tip of Navy Mole.
・Heads to WPJ #1.
・Heads towards 8mm to the N of the hump for LB Light. (Line is parallel to line drawn between the NE corner of Pier J, and SW corner of Slip J - Chartlet 5 only)
Middle Harbor & LB Channel E Channel Lines
・From its point due N of the flat western face of Pier F, it runs towards 2mm to the W of tip of Navy Base Mole. Stops 2mm S of 33°45’N.
・Runs due S, 1.5mm to the E of 118°13’W. Stops 2mm S of being abeam of Pier F point where light “10” resides.
・Goes to WPJ #2.
・Goes to SSWPJ Reference Point.
・Goes to SEPJ Reference Point. (Aims to the NW towards where the Harbor Restricted Area crosses 33°44’N - for Chartlet 5 only).
West Basin Entrance Cable Area
・Line #1: Starts 2mm from N tip of Navy Base Mole Point. Crosses channel and touches tip of top finger pier.
・Line #2: Parallel to the first, and runs 3mm away from tip of Navy Base Mole. Goes past Navy Base Mole by 4mm.
・Line #3: Goes up to S side of Navy Base Mole and is 5mm long.
・”Cable Area” between Lines.
Prohibited Anchorage
・Starts 28mm from the top of the western shore in West Basin. Perpendicular to dock face, goes until just above 33°45’N.
・Turns down, perpendicular to dock face on northern shore in West Basin. Stops due W of the middle of top chunk of E-most shish-kebob.
・Next line is parallel to dock face on northern shore of West Basin. Goes to STPT Reference Point.
・It stops 5mm before it hits this point. And the next line starts 5mm from this point, but still in line. Once you draw the next line, draw a small line between these 5mm gaps and erase STPT.
・Heads towards a point 4mm due E of tip of Navy Base Mole. Ends at first line of the cable area at the entrance to the West Basin.
Northern Radius of Harbor Restricted Area
Center is at point 0.5mm N of due E of tip of Pier 15 on Navy Base Mole, and 0.5mm E of 118°13’W. 53mm radius.
Southern Limits of Harbor Restricted Area
・First line goes from tip of Pier F (at light “F”) to notch just inland of Light “8” on Pier J.
・This line continues through Pier J and goes another 4mm.
・Next line goes from Tip of Navy Mole to 3mm away from WTPJ #1 Reference Point.
・Goes to WTPJ #3 Reference Point.
・Turns up and goes to the small line that juts out of Pier J.
Anchorage B Outline
・Starts near WPJ #1 Reference Point. Is actually 2mm away, towards NE tip of Pier F peninsula.
・Line One goes from this point directly at tip of Navy Base Mole. Stops 10mm away, at 118°13’W.
・Starting again from first starting point, aim towards LB Light. Stops 2mm to the E of due S of corner turn of flat face of N dock of Slip J.
・Next line is perpendicular to the last one. It aims NE at the NE-most corner of Pier J. Stops 6mm N of Middle Breakwater.
・Runs parallel to Middle Breakwater until MBC #1.
・Goes from MBC #1 to SMSS Reference Point.
・Next line starts 10mm from Middle Breakwater, perpendicularly. It runs almost parallel (0.5° flatter) to Pier 400, 5mm off. Stops at NBMB #1 Reference Point.
・NBMB #1 to NBMB #2.
・NBMB #2 to NBME.
・NBME to where Line One ends at 118°13’W.
Special Anchorage Area B-1
・From NBME almost due S (2° to the E). Stops 14mm past 33°45’N
・Next line runs from location on Anchorage B Outline due N of E-most point of Pier 400. Goes to end of first line.
Anchorage B Cable Area
・Same line as first line for Special Anchorage Area B-1. Starts from land and 1mm S of 33°45’N.
・Turns to the E, goes for 25mm, and ends 1mm N of 33°45’N.
・Runs back to Navy Base Mole, parallel to first line.
LA-Priv Mooring Buoys
- Special Anchorage B-1 Mooring Buoy “LA-5”: NBMB #3.
・57. Special Anchorage B-1 Mooring Buoy “LA-4”: 19mm from LA-5, along the line parallel with Pier 400.
・58. Special Anchorage B-1 Mooring Buoy “LA-3”: 19mm from LA-4, along the line parallel with Pier 400.
・59. Special Anchorage B-1 Mooring Buoy “LA-2”: 19mm from LA-3, along the line parallel with Pier 400.
・60. Special Anchorage B-1 Mooring Buoy “LA-1”: 20mm from LA-2, along the line parallel with Pier 400. 1.5mm away from Special Anchorage B-1 Line.
Mooring Buoy Above Navy Base Mole
- Above Turn in Naval Base Mole - Mooring Buoy: Due W of base of Pier 16 on Navy Base Mole. Due N of NBME Reference Point.
4x Mooring Buoys Below Navy Base Mole
- Below Turn in Naval Base Mole - Mooring Buoys (x4): Top one is 4mm due S of NBME Reference Point. Bottom three are basically in a line. They start [around 6mm] S of first mooring buoy.
Back Channel S Range Light & Course Line
・51. Back Channel Southern Range Lt: From nob N of Light “10” on Pier F: 073° for 17mm.
・Line extends to next Directional Light at 156.5°. Dashes until abeam of N edge of Pier T’s east facing Dock 122.
Pier J Entrance Range Lights & Course Line
・65. Pier J Entrance Upper Range Lt: 6mm N of S-most docks in Slip J. 2.5mm from edge of W-most docks in Slip J.
・66. Pier J Entrance Lower Range Lt: 6mm N of S-most docks in Slip J. 13mm from edge of W-most docks in Slip J.
・Line extends due East. Dashes until 118°11’W.
Long Beach Channel Buoy “3”
- LB Channel (Marks 60’ Curve) Buoy “3”: On the S Channel Line. Due S of 1mm E of E-most edge of Southeast Basin.