Chapters 28-30 Flashcards
Social Gospel
a reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to deman better housing and living conditions for the urban poor, linked with settlement house movement, brought immigrants and middle class whites together.
exposed a ton of corruption in America, helped call for reform, exposed child labor, slavers, business manipulation of government, and illegal deeds of trust.
progressive reform measure allowing voters to have a law placed on the general ballot, brought democracy directly to the people.
progressive reform procedure allowing voters to place a bill on the ballot for the final approach, even after it passed legislation.
progressive ballot allowing voters to remove elected officials from office.
Australian Ballot
system that allows voters privacy in marking their ballot choices, introduced to US to counteract the bosses forcing people to vote a certain way.
Muller v. Oregon
Louis D Brandeis convinces Supreme Court to accept constitutionality of limiting the hours of women workers.
Lochner v. New York
happened before Muller v. Oregon, invalidated state law establishing a ten hour day for bakers, held right to free contract.
Woman’s Temperance Union
didn’t want people to drink alcohol, used women’s superior morality as a rallying point for prohibition.
Elkins Act
Law passed by Congress to impose penalties on railroads that offered rebates and customers who accepted them
Meat Inspection Act
followed Sinclair’s novel, subjected all meat to pass federal inspection.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Inspect and regulate the labeling of all foods and drugs that humans were going to use.
Hetch Hetchy Valley
allowed San Francisco to build a dam here, hurt preservationists.
Dollar Diplomacy
policy of supporting US investments and political interests abroad, applied financing of railways in China, then it spread around, founded by Taft.
Payne-Aldrich Bill
originally to lower tariff, got revised a lot, retained high rates on imports, Taft pissed off the progressive wing by passing the bill.
Henry Demarest Lloyd
went against Standard Oil Company, in his book Wealth Against the Commonwealth
Thorstein Veblen
assailed the new rich, wrote the Theory of the Leisure Class, a savage attack on wealth and consumption, making money for the sake of making money, rather than creating goods to satisfy needs, pass positions of power onto useful engineers.
Jacob A. Riis
wrote the Other Half Livers, wrote all about the dirt, disease and misery in the New York Slums.
Robert M. La Follette
progressive governor of Wisconsin, wrested control of powerful companies from corrupt people, regulated public utilities.
Hiram W. Johnson
progressive Oregon governor, broke the grip out of the Southern Pacific Railroad, set up a system for the people.
Florence Kelley
State of Illinois’s first chief factory inspector, leading advocate for factory improvement, took control of National Consumers League, safeguard women and children in the work place.
Frances E. Willard
founded the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, very anti saloon, tried to limit all the drinking.
Glifford Pinchot
head of the Federal Division of Forestry, wilderness was a waste, wanted to use the resources diligently, criticized Taft
Root of the Movement
fought the monopoly, corruption, and inefficiency of big business, use the government for welfare, the people were suffering, Demarest, Lloyd, Veblens, Riis, and Dreiser all wrote book about struggling nature for the poor, socialism stemmed from the immigrants
National Progressivism
led by TR, wanted to curb monopolies, improve the common person’s life, give power to the people, getting rid of corruption, place laws on ballots of the approval of the people, thrived in the citites, directly elected senators, woman also gained more rights, believed women would add higher morality to politics.
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources, led to the creation of the Department of Commerce and Labor.
Progressive Foreign Policy
followed dollar diplomacy, try to support American interests, in other countries.
TR thought it should wilderness should be used effectively, supported by Desert Land Act, Forest Reserve act, and Carey Act.
New Freedom
advocated by Wilson, stronger antitrust legislation, protect small businesses from bank reform, monopolies and tariffs, taking action to increase capitalist competition.
New Nationalism
state interventionist reform program devised by journalist Herbert Croly, and advocated by TR, didn’t stop trusts, instead tried to create stronger regulatory agencies to serve the public.
Underwood Tariff
reduction of rates and enacted an unprecedented, gradual federal income tax.
Federal Reserve Act
established twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks and Federal Reserve Board, appointed by the president, to regulate banking and create stability on a national scale in banking.
Federal Trade Commission Act
banner accomplishment of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, allowed a commission to investigate illegal business practices.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
law extending the anti-trust protections of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, exempted labor union and agricultural organizations from anti monopoly movements.
Holding Companies
company that owns part or all of the other companies’ stock in order to extend monopoly control, exists solely to control other countries.
Workingmen’s Compensation Act
passed under Wilson, granted assistance to federal civil-service employees during period of disability.
Adamson Act
8-hour day for all employees involved in interstate commerce, called for overtime first law regulating hours.
Jones Act
law according territorial status to the Philippines and promising independence as soon as a stable government could be created.
Tampico Incident
arrest of American soldiers by Mexico which lead Wilson to seize Veracruz.
Central Powers
Germany and Austria Hungary
GB, France, Russia, later joined by Italy, Japan, and America
German submarines that destroyed Ally Ships.
British passenger liner that got sunk by Germany, killed 127 Americans
Herbert Croly
wrote The Promise of American Life, both favored consolidation of trusts and labor unions.
Louis D. Brandeis
wrote Other People’s Money, and How Bankers Use It, called for reform in the money business.
Victoriano Huerta
installed as President to the Mexican rebels, tons of bloodshed, Wilson set an embargo against him.
Pancho Villa
enemy of Huerta, received arms from Wilson, tried to eliminate Huerta, killed 16 Americans, challenged Carranza, who replaced Huerta.
John Pershing
Organized troops and went into Mexico, clashed with Carranza’s forces, missed capturing Villa, withdrew his forces after war was declared on Germany.
Charles Evans Hughes
drafted by Republicans, assailed Wilson for not standing up for Kaiser, hated Wilson.
Wilson’s Foreign Policy
took back dollar diplomacy, didn’t want aggressive foreign policy.
Zimmerman Note
Zimmerman from Germany tried to get Mexico to attack US.
Fourteen Points
Wilsons proposal to ensure peace after WW1, end secret treaties, arms reduction, national self determination, and new league of nations
Committee on Public Information
led by George Creel, used mass propaganda in order to raise support for the war effort.
Espionage Act
law prohibiting interference with the draft, and other acts of national disloyalty, worked with the sedition act.
Schenck v. United States
Supreme Court decision that upheld the Espionage and Sedition acts, reasoning that freedom of speech could be suspended when it posed a danger.
War Industries Board
headed by Bernard Baruch, coordinated industrial production during WW1, setting quotas, pushing companies to maximize efficiency.
National War Labor Board
chaired by Taft, aimed to prevent labor disputes by encouraging high wages and 8 hour wages and 8 hour days
Industrial Workers of the World
Wobblies, wanted to build one big nation, advocated industrial sabotage, appealed to those in harsh working conditions
Nineteenth Amendment
women’s suffrage
Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act
Armed uprising debtors that wanted lower taxes and to end foreclosures
Battle of Chateau-Thierry
first significant American Battle in WW1.
Meuse-Argonne offensive
John Pershing led troops to cut off German railroads, few major battles they participated in
League of Nations
a world organization proposed by Wilson and established by the Treaty of Versailles, worked to facilitate peaceful international cooperation, isolationists objections to the league create the major obstacle to American signing of the Treaty
led by Senator William Borah, hard core group of isolationists who opposed the Wilsonian dream of international cooperation, played a part in preventing American Participation in international affairs.
Treaty of Versailles
concluded WWI, secured peace, created territorial mandate system to manage former colonies of the world powers, incorporated very few of the 14 points, did include League of Nations, isolationists deeply opposed to the League.
Arthur Zimmerman
German foreign secretary, secretly proposed German-Mexican alliance, got caught by the US
George Creel
journalist, led the Committee on Public Information, job was to tell America on the war, and sell the work on Wilsonian war aims, typified American war mobilization
Eugene V. Debs
big socialist, convicted under the Espionage Act, sentenced to ten years in a federal penitentiary
William D. Haywood
IWW leader, convicted under Espionage Act
Bernard Baruch
headed the War Industries Board, take central role in economic planning
Herbert C. Hoover
headed the food administration, led charitable drive to feed the starving people, save food for export, wheatless Wednesdays, tried to conserve food and stuff
Henry Cabot Lodge
tried to defeat the Treaty of Versailles, tried to make reservations to the fourteen points
David Lloyd George
Prime minister of Britain, part of the big four, wanted to punish Germany with the Treaty of Versailles
Cause of America’s entry into the War
Germany enacted unrestricted submarine warfare, sunk all ships that were in the war zone, the Zimmerman note, which was a note that was Germany trying to convince Mexico to attack the US, and because Vritain was hurting American economy
Justification and War Aims
under the premise that the war was being fought to rotect democracy and preserve it.
Home front and propaganda
led by Creel, tried to advocate against Germany, during the committee of public information
Woman’s Suffrage in the war
women found more opportunities in the workplace with all the men at war, 19th amendment, woman’s suffrage, did not really support the war