Chapters 1-5 test Flashcards
Pangaea was a single supercontinent that existed when?
225 millions years ago
the appalachians were formed how long ago?
350 million years ago
north america took its basic geological shape how long ago?
10 million years ago
Canadian Shield
Massive, anchored land rock that helped shape the basic shape of North America
The Great Ice Age was how many years ago?
2 million years ago
Glaciers had what affect on North America?
- scoured topsoil
- Depressed level of Canadian Shield
- Scoured topsoil
- Formed the Great Lakes and the Mississippi
People came to America across what land bridge?
The Bering Sea Land-Bridge 35,000 years agp
Land Bridge disappeared how long ago?
10,000 years ago
What was the Staple food for the Pueblos, the Aztecs, and the Mayans
Whats was Cahokia?
Settlement created by the Mississippian Natives that housed 25,000 people
Three sister farming
System of planting that used corn, squash, and beans
Who was the famous leader of the Iroquois?
Who were the first Europeans to Discover Europe?
The Norse
Europe was interested in The New World Because of
Sugar, gold, rice, and other “luxuries”
Which Explorer claimed to have journeyed China for 20 years, which wetted European appetite for exploring, and in what year?
Marco Polo (1295)
Who developed the Caravel ship?
The Portugese
Which European power was the first to explore sub saharan Africa?
the Portugese
The Portugese established trade posts with local African Tribes in order to obtain what resources?
gold and slaves
Who rounded the southern tip of “the dark Continent” and in what year?
Bartholomieu Dias 1488
Who was the first European to reach India and in what year?
Vasco de Gama 1458
When did Christopher Colombus reach the Americas?
October 12, 1492
What was the number one European killer?
Treaty of Tordesailles was between what two countries and in what year?
1492, Portugal and Spain
Who was the dominant European power in the Americas during the 1500’s?
Who discovered the Pacific Ocean?
Nunez Balboa
Who’s vessel circumnavigated the globe?
One of Magellan’s
Who explored Florida?
Juan Ponce de Leon
Who explored New Mexico, Arizona, and Kansas
Francisco Coronado
Where were the “West Indies”
The Caribbeans
What did Spain use the West Indies for?
As bases for men, horses, and storing supplies
Slave system in which the government gives away slaves if the masters promise to convert the slaves
Who sailed from Cuba to Mexico in order to plunder the Incans?
Hernando Cortes
Who was the famous leaders of the Aztecs?
What is the “Sad Night”?
The Spanish get attacked by the Aztecs
Spanish created fortresses to
fortify their borders, protect themselves from other nations, and to convert more natives
What was The Battle of Acoma?
Spanish against Pueblo
What was Popes Rebellion?
Pueblo people fighting the Catholic Church
Who did the French send down the Mississippi?
Robert de la Salle
Who started the string of Spanish missions up the Californian Coast?
Father Junipero Serra in San Diego
Black Legend
European Reputation that all Europeans do is kill and steal from Natives
Protestant Reformation
King Henry VIII breaks away from Catholic Church as a Protestant. Protestant vs. Catholic conflicts begin
Sir Francis Drake
English Pirate who plunders Spanish ships and brings back fortune to England
Roanoke Island
Colonized by Sir Walter Raleigh. Later it mysteriously vanishes.
The Protestant Wind
130 Spanish ships get destroyed by English Navy, they are then scattered by a strong storm
What depression in a trade left to thousands of english poor and homeless?
Woolen Trade Depression
Only Eldest Sons Inherited wealth and land
Joint Stock Company
Company in which its capital was made up of a pool of investors’ money
Virginia Company
Joint Stock Company that received charter from King James I to settle new World
founded May 24, 1607
John Smith
Lead the diseased Virginians to fight off Natives and Survive
What was life like in early Virginia?
Massive Disease outbreaks, major casualties
Native Americans who had tense relationships with English colonists
First Anglo-Powhattan War
De La Warr leads war against natives (1610), treaty end war in 1614
Second Anglo-Powhattan War
(1644) Natives try one more push against colonists, were beaten and banished from the territory
What cash crop changed the culture of Virginia?
Who founded Maryland?
Lord Baltimore
Maryland prospered on what crop?
Indentured Servants
White laborers who agreed to work in the New World in exchange for free Trans Atlantic passage, and amenities in the New World
Act of Toleration
Catholics sign treaty with Protestants, because they felt threatened
Was Maryland religiously tolerant?
Yes, defended rights of Christians AND Catholics
What was the cash crop of the Caribbean
What was the race of the majority of the population in the Caribbean’s?
Barbados Slave Code
Allowed white slave owners to inflict cruel physical punishment on blacks
Who was the first American stat to adopt the Barbados Slave Code?
who founded Carolina?
Displaced Farmers
Why was Parliament mutinous to King Charles?
because he dismissed them
Who increased royal involvement in the American colonies?
King Charles II
Which state prospered by supplying goods to Barbados?
Which native tribe did Carolina attack in 1707?
The Savannah Indians
What Became an important cash crop in Carolina?
What was a busy sea port town in Carolina
Charles Town
Who was North Carolina’s original population?
sqatters to poor for Virginia
somebody who lives on land they do not have legal rights to
What was North Carolinas reputation?
didn’t respect authority, irreligious
The Tuscarora War
Battle for land between the Tuscarora Indians and North and South Carolina (1711)
What was the main reason for the establishment of Georgia?
To act as a “buffer” against Spaniards, Natives, and French
Who was Ogelthorpe?
Philanthropist, millitary leader, lead massive reforms in imprisonment rights
What were the main characteristics of a plantation colony?
Lack of Schools
Some Form of Religious Tolerance
Who started the Protestant Reformation in England?
Martin Luther
What was Calvinism?
Man is weak, God is omnipotent, one must follow god or else go to hell
What was Puritanism?
Christian Branch that believed the Church had many unnecessary practices, wanted to “purify” Church of England, or separate
Who harassed the Puritans to migrate?
King James
Where did the Mayflower end its voyage?
Plymouth / New England
What was the Mayflower Compact?
Contract signed on the Mayflower stating that the colonists would decide what was best for the colony by majority
What was winter like for the New England Colonists?
Major casualties
Who was William Bradford?
New England Governor who was elected 30 times
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Non separatist puritans who got royal charter.
The Great Migration
70,000 religious / political refugees leave England for the New World
Who was the only religious group allowed to vote in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Who was Anne Hutchinson?
Woman debater who caused religious problems in Massachusetts.
Who was Roger Williams?
wanted a complete break from church of England, questioned Bay Colony charter for not compensating Natives, established Rhode Island
Rhode Island had reputation of being what?
religiously tolerant / liberal
What were the Fundamental Orders?
Charter made in Connecticut, gave a lot of political power to the people
The Pequot War
Pilgrims and Narragasset Indians vs. Pequot Tribe over land, Pequots were beaten
King Phillip’s War
Native Leader Metacom leads native revolt against white people, 52 Puritan Villages attacked.
The New England Confederation
Formed by four colonies to defend each other from enemies and share resources
Dominion of New England
Group organized by the crown, wanted to replace the New England Confederation
Navigation Laws
Ruined American trade with nations other than Britain, made America pay a fee for English middleman
Dutch West Trading Company
Dutch Organization that remained in the Caribbean, ran slave trade, raided spanish ships.
Feudal Dutch Estates
Who conquered Dutch New Amsterdam?
The English Duke of York
Who established Pennsylvania?
William Penn
What was Pennsylvania like?
Religiously tolerant
Friendly to Natives
Why were Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, and New Jersey known as “bread colonies?
Heavy Grain Exports
What was life like in early Chesapeake?
Hard, full of disease
The Head Right System
System in which a master would pay for the passage of an indentured servant across the Atlantic, and in return would gain 50 acres of land
Why were indentured servants becoming angry?
Land and benefits were becoming increasingly harder to supply to them
What was Bacon’s rebellion?
Nathaniel Bacon and 1,000 other angry indentured servants run governor Berkley out of Jamestown, and then they torch the capital
What did the loss of the Royal African Company do for America?
It made it possible for American to cash in on the slave trade
New York Slave Revolt
Slaves revolt against masters, 9 whites dead
South Carolina Slave Revolt
50 slave try to escape to Spanish Florida, but are caught by the local militia
What were the wealth gaps like in the South?
Congregational Churches
New England place for town meetings, where mean with property could discuss happening and orders in the community
The Jeremiad
Type of preaching in which the priest would scorn the people for sin
The Half Way Covenant
Baptized people were “half admitted”, and had to attend church more to be fully accepted
Salem Witch Trials
Moment of paranoia in New English history in which the Church spent countless trials on executing “bewitched” women
Leisler’s Rebellion
Fight between lordly land owners and lower class workers
The four main cities were what in the 17th century?
Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Charleston
Paxton Boys
Scots-Irish men who killed natives in protest of the Quakers peaceful relations with them
Where was most of the wealth in the Colonies concentrated?
(1700’s) plantation south
Triangular Trade
New England, to Africa, to The West Indies, back to New England
The Molasses Act
Ruined American Trade with French West Indies, made America buy molasses exclusively from Britain
Free will will bring you to heaven, not predestination
Johnathan Edwards
believed that free will was folly, only through predestination and devotion to god could one go to heaven, started Great Awakening
The Great Awakening
Surge of religious conversions and fear of hell
George Whitfield
Orator preaching style that accused audience members of horrible sin, and caused lots of conversions
What were colleges’ main purposes?
to train boys for ministry
Phillis Wheately
Girl who overcame poor background to become famous american poet
The Zenger Trial
Trial in which John Zenger is accused of twisting truth due to accusation of royal governor. Freedom of press is demonstrated when Zenger wins the trial
What were the two government branches?
The upper branch: royal governors
The lower branch: representatives chosen by the people