Chapter 13-15 Flashcards
Corrupt Bargain
alleged deal between presidential candidates John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay to get Adams elected. Scandal was used for Andrew Jackson’s campaign four years later
Spoils System
Jacksonian Policy of rewarding political supporters with public office
Tariff Of Abominations
High tariff that favored northern manufacturers and made the south very angry
nullification crisis
showdown between President Andrew Jackson and Carolina Legislature, which declared the 1832 tariff null in its state, and threatened secession if the federal government tried to collect duties. Resolved and compromised by Henry Clay in 1833.
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Passed a measure to resolve the nullification crisis, tariffs were to be lowered gradually over ten years.
Force Bill
Passed by Congress alongside the Compromise Tariff, it authorized the president to use the military to collect federal tariff duties because for Jackson it
Indian Removal Act
Ordered the removal of all East Mississippi tribes to migrate West to reservations. Resistance resulted in American Army intervention
Trail of Tears
forced march of 15,000 Cherokee Indians from their Georgia and Alabama home to Indian Territory
Black Hawk War
Series of Clashes in Illinois and Wisconsin between American forces and Indian chief Black Hawk of the Sauk and Fox tribes, who unsuccessfully tried to reclaim territory lost under the 1830 Indian Removal Act
Bank War
Battle between President Andrew Jackson and Congressional Supporters of the Bank of the United States over the bank’s renewal moneyed interests at the expense of western farmers
Anti-Masonic Party
First founded in New York, gained considerable influence in New England and Mid Atlantic during the 1832 election. Didn’t like the secretive aristocracy in politics
Pet Banks
Popular Term for pro-Jackson banks that received the bulk of federal deposits when Andrew Jackson moved to dismantle the bank of the United States.
Specie Circular
U.S. Treasury decree requiring that all public land be purchased with metallic currency
Panic of 1837
Economic crisis triggered by bank failures, elevated grain prices, and Andrew Jackson’s efforts to curb over speculation on the western lands, affected the poor classes heavily, especially in the west
Fortress in Texas where 400 American volunteer soldiers were slain by Santa Anna in 1836, cry for Texan independence
Texas outpost where American soldiers were massacred by Mexican Forces in 1836
Battle of San Jacquinto
Resulted in the capture of Santa Anna, who was forced to withdraw his troops from Texas and recognize Rio Grande as Texas’s Southwestern border
Denmark Vesey
led a slave rebellion in Charleston in 1822, led to South Carolina getting scared that their slaves would follow suit
John C. Calhoun
denounced Tariff of Abominations as unjust and unconstitutional in The South Carolina Exposition
Black Hawk
Native American from the Sauk and Fox tribes to resist eviction from their lands, got crushed
Nicholas Biddle
President of the bank of U.S.
Daniel Webster
tried to save the bank from Jackson’s wrath
Henry Clay
resolved the nullification crisis, part of the corrupt bargain
Stephen Austin
new regime in Mexico granted him Land in Texas so he could become Roman Catholic and Mexicanized
Sam Houston
Fought with Texan rebels, future governor of Texas
Santa Anna
Mexican dictator who fought against the American rebels
William Henry Harrison
War hero of Tippecanoe, Whig president of the United States
Self Reliance
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s lecture that reflected the self-sustaining transcendentalist way of thinking of the time
the principal marketplace of the Northwest fur trade, which peaked in the 1820’s
Ecological Imperialism
Historian’s Term for the destruction of Western natural resources through hunting, logging, mining and grazing
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Irish society that served to help the downtrodden Irish Immigrants of the time
Molly Maguires
secret organization of Irish Miners that campaigned, violently against poor working conditions in the Pennsylvania mines
Tammany Hall
Powerful New York Political machine that drew support from the city’s immigrants that depended on Tammany Hall patronage. Irish would grow to dominate it
Know-nothing Party
Nativist political part, also known as the American party, which emerged as a response to immigrants, wanted rigid restrictions on immigration
Awful Disclosures
Maria Monk’s sensational exposure of the alleged horrors in the Catholic convents, nativist fear of Catholic Influence
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney’s invention that sped up the process of harvesting cotton, made it cash crop, and revitalized the south
Patent Office
Federal Government bureau that reviews patent applications, legal recognition of a new invention, exclusive rights to the people who actually made the machine, prevented someone from stealing ideas
Limited Liability
legal principal that facilitates capital investment by offering protection for individual investors, who, in cases of legal claims of bankruptcy, cannot be held accountable for more than their shares.
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that strengthened the labor movement by upholding the legality of labor unions