Chapters 13 and 14: Symptoms of parietal and occipital damage Flashcards
What is visual agnosia?
Inability to recognize objects by sight or the inability to draw or copy them.
Visual Agnosia includes…
Object agnosia
What is object agnosia?
The failure to recognize objects.
What is prosopagnosia?
the inability to recognize faces
There are two streams of analysis that start in the striate cortex. What are they?
- Dorsal Stream
- Ventral Stream
What does the dorsal stream help with?
It helps with recognizing where an object is located.
What is the ventral stream help with?
It helps with it recognizing what an object is.
Balint’s syndrome
Includes disorders related to spatial perception
Balint’s syndrome includes three different disorders which are `
- Optic ataxia
- Ocular apraxia
- Simultanagnosia
Optic ataxia
A deficit in reaching for objects under visual guidance. The object is recognized but the movement to reach out is misdirected.
Ocular apraxia
Impaired visual scanning/impaired voluntary eye movement.
Parietal lobe lesions on the left hemisphere can lead to…
Gerstmann Syndrome
Gerstmann syndrome
Includes disorders such as…-
Finger agnosia
-Right-left confusion
Finger agnosia
Inability to name or recognize fingers
Inability to write
Inability to do math operations
Where does the dorsal stream start and finish?
It begins in the striate cortex and ends in the posterior cortex of the parietal lobe.
Where does the ventral stream start and finish?
It begins in the striate cortex and ends in the cortex interior of the temporal lobe.
What is simultagnosia?
Inability to perceive the visual field as a whole. People have difficulty perceiving more than one object at a time.
Left parietal symptoms include disorders of language. True or False?
DIsorders of language include..
What is apraxia?
Inability to carry out purposeful movements in the absence of paralysis or paresis.
What is dysphasia?
Speaking slowly and deliberately, making many grammatical errors.
What is dyslexia
Problems reading
Right parietal lobe lesions include…
- Contralateral neglect
- Constructional apraxia
- Topographical deficits
- Difficulty in identifying objects in unfamiliar views
Constructional apraxia
Impairments in combining blocks to form designs
Topographical defecit
When someone is unable to draw maps of well known regions
What does attention mean?
The ability to consciously select/focus on information and ignore irrelevant information for a period of time.
What are the attention brain areas?
Parietal and frontal lobe. MAINLY the parietal lobe.
What assessments are used to assess attention in patients?
Stroop Word Trial
WAIS- Digit Span
Trails A