Chapters 1-2 Flashcards
the 1st human-like creatures
chronology of the 1st humans
homo erectus
homo sapiens sapiens
paleolithic age
designates the early period of human history (stone age)
Neolithic revolution
(newstone) a significant change in living patterns- hunting gathering plants, and food production
a complex culture in which large numbers of human beings share a variety of common elements
Basic characteristics of a civilization
- urban focus- cities became the center of development
- A distinct religious structure- gods = success
- A new military and political structure-organized bureaucracy
- a new social structure based on economic power-> kings -> priests -> political leaders -> warriors -> free people -> slaves
- the development of writing- written records
- new forms of significant artistic and intellectual activity- architectural structures
the valley between the tigris and euphrates in southeast asia( the land between the rivers)
Sumerian cities
were surrounded by wall made of mud bricks- the best building was the temple which was dedicated to the chief god/godess
massive stepped tower with a temple built in it
government ruled by a divine authority
the mesopotamian gods
were considered agents of the gods and got their power from them
sumerian eletes
royal and priestly officials and their families
sumerian dependent commoners
the eletes clients who worked on their proprietary
sumerian free commoners
farmers, merchants, fishers, scribes, and crafts people
sumerian slaves
belonged to the palace officials
the Akkadian empire
sargon had much military power
his grandson naram sin= was the king of the 4 corners (world) but became very prideful, and at the end of his life the empire was lost
Hammurabi’s empire
“the son of babylon” reunited mesopotamia. Man of war and peace.
code of hammurabi
first written law- beginning of western law
the culture of mesopotamia
success depended on the gods
each city-state connected with a god
the temple was the true center of the community
enuma elish= a story about creation
polytheistic- worshiped many gods
cuneiform- first system of writing- mostly for record keeping, made it possible to communicate ideas in new ways
seeking to foretell future events by interpreting divine signs
consequences of neolithic revolution
permanent settlements trade specialized division of labor improved tools domestication of animals development of writing use of metals copper + tin = bronze
Old kingdom
king menes of upper and lower Egypt unified them into 1 kingdom.
the set of rules/guidelines that the pharaoh adheres to
“Steward of the land” directly responsible to the king- in charge of the bureaucracy
Middle kingdom
“golden Age” 2055-1650 B.C.E
society and economy of the middle kingdom
wealthy people had more power below the upper class were the merchants and artisans merchants worked in trade up and down the nile river to other towns and villages artisans were great craftsmen who made: stone dishes, painted boxes of clay furniture, gold, silver, copper, paper, clothes, rope, most people worked on land that belonged to the pharaoh lower class = serfs, common people who were bound to the land
the culture of Egypt
religion = society
pharaoh gave the cosmic order
sun cult developed because they realized that the sun way powerful
pharaoh = son of re (god)
the pyramids
large complexes dedicated to the dead
stocked with good things for the dead to take with them to the other side
mummification- slowly dried the dead body to prevent it from rotting
The Egyptians art and writing
wall paintings and statues of gods and kings in temples were for a spiritual purpose
Hieroglyphics = signs that depicted objects and had a sacred value at the same time
Reasons why Egyptian civilization was considered the gift of the nile
annual predictable flooding food surplus transportation- security changelessness
took over egypt, and taught how to use bronze in a new way- warfare, war chariot, compound bow, and a heavier sword
new kingdom
more militaristic and imperialistic
most powerful state in the ancient near east
ended in the 20th dynasty in 1070, and became a province in rome
religious change in the new kingdom
Akhenaten introduced the god if the sun disk as the chief god
changed the capital to akhetaten
tried to changed traditional religion but failed
Daily life in ancient egypt
wisdom literature = marry young, and establish a home and family.
followed monogamy, but could have more wives if they could not bear children.
pharaohs could have harems, but only one queen
women were highly respected
marriages were arranged by parents
adultery was punished
used cats as a retriever for hunting
the hittite empire
1st people to make use of iron- stronger cheaper weapons
constant fight over the throne
the law code was not that harsh
religion combined indo european deities and mesopotamia
the hebrews united kingdom
1st kings = saul, david, solomon
the divided kingdom
the kingdom split after solomon’s death
10 northern tribes
2 southern
the spiritual dimensions of israel
Yahweh = chief/ only god
all other gods are idols
he created nature but is not defined by his laws
prophets were sent by god to be a voice to the people
all nations will one day come to the god of israel
god is above all
one day there will be peace
first 5 books of the OT
law code
social structure of the hebrews
followed the 10 commandments
the men of rank and influence- were officials of the king military officers civil officials and governors
king could have 18 wives civilians could have 4
more wives = more children/sons
arranged marriages
scattered the jews throughout the land after the babylonian captivity in the 6th century
the phoenicians - purple people
founded new independence
rebuilt their cities after they were destroyed by the sea people
expanded trade-sea- to a foreign market aswell (purple dye, glass, wine, lumber)
major cities: Byblos, tyre, and sidon
carthage major city and trading station
transmitters of culture
Assyrian empire
had many foreign rulers
kings = absolute authority
eliminated governorships
iron weapons
assyrian military
effective military leaders and fighters army was well trained and organized great at sieges and cutting off supplies of enemies terror warfare great and powerful army
assyrian culture
mixed freely with other nations
ethnic differences were not very important
chief god = ashur
used ag products as an exchange method
mix of mesopotamia, sumerian, and babylonian culture
masculine world
religion reflected other cultures
the neo- babylonian empire
KIng nabopolassar-626-605 established a monarchy
king nebuchadnezzar -605-562- made babylon known for great lands, trade routes, and industries- especially textiles and metals
rebuilt babylon as the center of the empire
marduk=chief god
hanging gardens
King naberius- 555-539- neglected marduk and went to the god of the sun sin
the persain empire
organized clans led by petty kings fell under the medes- became 1 largest empire that has ever been divided into 20 different provinces
persian religion
zoroastrianism- the god ahuramazda=good fights against the evil spirit= ahriman
should have good thought, right and piety
cyrus the great ( persian)
made the satrapy- province wise ruler king of all unusually a very good ruler `
governor of many little governments