Chapter 3-4 test Flashcards
What did early Greece look like?
Mountains and sea helped develop it.
Isolated by mountains
Willing to fight for their independence from other nations.
long sea coast- helped fight people coming from the sea, and had many trade ports.
Split into Sparta, Athens, Thebes, Macedonia, and Thessaly
The terrain encouraged the development of independent communities that fostered political participation
What made up Minoan Crete?
Earliest civilization in the Aegean region. Used bronze for weapons not Greek but influenced them. Much sea travel. Grain= taxes to the king. Ended around 1450 B.C.
What was Mycenae like?
Palace centers were built on hills surrounded by stone walls
War people
torched around 1190 B.C
What were the Greeks like in the dark ages? 1100-750 B.C
Population declined, and food production dropped.
Many left Greece
Saw revival in trade and other things other then agriculture
Iron replaces bronze
Phoenician alphabet
Why is Homer important?
Wrote the Iliad and the odyssey that described the conditions of the human brain.
Iliad = men week, and gods = strong
odyssey = virtue is better then vice
Educated Greeks
What was the Polis?
Encompassed a town or city and it’s surrounding countryside.
Place of refuge during an attack.
Varied in size
What was the new military system for the Greeks?
Hoplites: heavily armed infantry- wore bronze or leather
Phalanx: rectangular formation of shoulder forming
Used citizen soldiers
Engaged enemy head on
Growth of trade in Greece?
Expanded overseas
The effects of colonization in Greece?
Diffusion of the Greek cultural, helped the Greeks get their identity, and increased trade.
Tyranny in the Greek polis?
Got power from force
Kept power my paying soldiers
Encouraged cultural development
Power corrupts, and because of that no one wanted them
Liked order, stability, and conformity- fought to keep it that way
Created a military camp
Perioikoi: free people, but are not citizens who were required to pay taxes and perform military service
Helots: Bound to the land, and forced to work on farms and household servants for the spartans
New Sparta
Babies examined to live or not
boys were taken from mothers at 7
at 20 men enrolled in the army- 60 got out
Declared war on the helots each year to keep them from revolting
The spartan state?
Oligarchy- ruled by 2 kings
Gerousia- a council of elders
apella- assembly of all male citizens
eplors- 5 men over 30 elected annually
Reforms of solon 594 BC
Athens Canceled all debts freed slaves outlawed humans as collateral wealth = political office instead of birth
the move to tyranny in Athens 560 BC
Pisistratus seized power
gave land and loans to the poor
villages and townships as the basic unit of life
Greek culture in the Archaic age
Pottery and sculpture were influenced by Egypt
Kourosh- life size stone statues of naked men
sappho-greatest female poet
The first persian attack
Ionian revolt - 499-494
Persian invasion 490- battle of marathon
Athenians and plataeans confronted persians
Persians = light armed troops, mobile, flexible, relied on missiles
Greek = armed with heavy shields, relied on spear thrusts- close range (persians lost)
the invasion of xerxes 480 BC
Persian (monarch) - lost had 150,000 troops, 700 ships Greeks held off persia for 2 days Greeks formed a large army - 479 BC Greeks destroyed a lot of the Persian fleet in the battle at Mycale Battle of Thermopylae 480 Battle of Salamis 480 Battle of plataes 479
The growth of the Athenian Empire
Delian league - new leadership against the persians - dominated by Athenians -island of Delos
Athens provided most of the ships to attack the persians
Persia was defeated in 469 BC
The age of Pericles -Athens
Expanded democracy at home while severing its ties with sparta ecclesia- the assembly of the people strategoi Ostracism Aristocrats held most of the offices.
elected generals
allowed officials to write down who they didn’t like or thought they thought were harmful
heavily armed infantry- wore bronze or leather
rectangular formation of shoulder forming
life size stone statues of naked men
The great peloponnesian war
Started by Spartan fear of Athens' naval power Athens - navy to give people supplies Sparta- land power Plague on Athens 1/3 gone Athens surrenders Greek city-states had petty wars
the decline of the Greek city-states
continuing warfare
oligarchical rule not working
First historian- wrote about the persian wars- put the gods into the explanation of history
Wrote about the peloponnesian war- fought in it- did not put in the gods as the explanation for what happens.
first greek plays = tragedies
wrote 98 but only 7 survived
only complete trilogy = oresteia
wrote oedipus the king- theme:a free man must be responsible for his actions
created more realistic characters
portrayed war as barbaric had compassion for women and kids
good v. evil
Greek comody
developed later than tragedies
Aristophanes - 450-385
started as inappropriate and dirty
The arts
civilize emotions by making different expressions of human being, life like, and ideal beauty
improved temples- the parthenon- greatest example of greek architecture
classical architecture
classical architecture
the search for calm, clarity, and freedom from super focused detail
a group of philosophical teachers who believed that understanding the universe is beyond the human mind
469-399 taught plato goal of education = improve the individual socratic method "corrupted youth"
socratic method
Q and A leads students to see things for themselves
greatest philosopher of western civilization
The academy
the republic- his ideas of how government should work
distrusts democracy
Went to school Plato Established
Tutored Alexander the great
the good forms of government are monarchy aristocracy and constitutional government but monarchy turned into tyranny aristocracy turned to oligarchy and constitutional government turned into radical democracy but the constitutional democracy was the best
Greek religion
Temples were the major buildings religion was social and practical in every day life they had 12 chief gods of Mount Olympus has a polytheistic religion each polis had one main God the first Olympics were in 776 and we’re held every four years
Mystery religions
Resident foreigners in Athens
Slavery in Athens
Everyone wanted at least one slaves
Slaves did the Diatomic ask or skilled/unskilled workers were paid the same as citizens
Life in Athens
nuclear family
women always had a male guardian
hetairai- glorified prostitute
male homo- accepted
Hellenistic- new series of kingdoms that blended the achievements of the eastern world with the cultural of the Greeks
Macedonians not Greek but were treated like Greeks in the Olympics
under king Archelaus became an important kingdom (413-399)
Philip and the conquest of Greece
Spent 3 years as a hostage
Created lighter armed soldiers
Used 18 ft spears 2x as long as the Greeks
improved catapults
Athens fought Macedonia at the battle of chaeronea 338
Philip crushed them
Greek states made an alliance- Corinthian league
Unified Macedonia, created a powerful military machine, and subdued the Greeks
Alexander the Great
334- Captured half of the western part of Asia Minor
333- Battle of Issus (won)
Sieged tyre and Gaza to prevent persian control-built a bridge- took 6 months
332- Syria Palestine, and Egypt were under Alex
331- Fought Persians @ Gaugamela
Daris killed by one of his own men
330- Took over as king of Persia
327- Battle of the Hydaspes river Won part of India 323- died at 32 from alcohol, wounds, and fever
Alexander’s military success
Great leader Good tactical skills Quick to adapt Loyal soldiers did not hesitate payed attention to details Good use of siege warfare
Alexander’s legacy
Created a new age-hellenistic
Created more opportunities for the Greeks
Greek culture spread throughout the near east
Clash and fusion of different cultures
Transformed army into a international one
The 4 kingdoms
Antigonid- kingdom of Macedonia
Seleucid- kingdom of Syria-Largest hard time controlling eastern territories
Attalids- kingdom of Pergamum
Ptolemaic- kingdom of Egypt
Chandra gupta- created a new state, and drove out seleucid forces
Asoka= greatest Indian ruler
Political and military institutions int the hellenistic kingdoms
Monarchies created stability
To the Greeks monarchies were barbaric
Greeks kept the leadership positions, and kept non Greeks out
war was a crucial part in the Hellenistic world
Used elephants new siege towers, and Catapults
Hellenistic cities
Dominated by Gree cultural Military cities- kept order few hundred - dependent on king Independent cities- thousands of men- Seleucus- kept finding new cities Spread throughout the east Greeks were "better" than everyone else planned cities rectangular grid
Economic trends in the Hellenistic cities
Greeks kept their farming patterns Farms were owned by kings Industry spread east Trade grew less political barriers greatest trade= grain
New opportunities for women (rich)
some kings married sisters
managed slaves
educated in music, literature, athletics
Role of slavery in the hellenistic cities
normal part of life
Became slaves because: children of slaves, sold by parents, children who were left to die kidnapped by pirates, prisoners of war
Macedonians, thracians, and Italians were more money
Were hellenized
The transformation of education in the hellenistic cities
Gymnanism- mainly for athletics, but transformed into a school.
Payed for by the rich people
Gymnasiarch- the head of the gymnasium- not paid
wrote poems about the beauty of nature
New directions in literature
Alexandria- brought scholars and poets there
Athens= theatre center
new kind of comedy- entertained instead of making fun of politics
more historical and bio lit
play writer- best rep for the new kind of comedy
Chief historian
Hellenistic art
more greek sculptors
moved from idealism to emotional sculptors
Separation between science and philosophy
Systematic observation- the starting point for generalization
developed a heliocentric view of the universe
The belief that the earth rotates around the sun and on an axis
The belief that the earth is the center of the universe
said the earth was round, and came very close to the actual circumference
287-212 Most famous scientist in the hellenistic period known for spheres and cylinders established pi inventor of the weapons
Hippocrates- the first to separate medicine from philosophy by stressing natural explanation
Erasistratus- process of digestion
Herophilus- brain, eye, liver, and nervous, and the reproduction
used dissection and vivisection
Epicurus 341-270
the doctrine of pleasure- true good
gods do not play an active role on the world
happiness= goal in life
Zeno 335-263
most popular philosophy
true happiness came from the will of nature
All people are =
The Jews in the hellenistic world
Jews religion was different from all the rest- monotheistic
Judas Maccabeus- led a revolt
Recaptured temple- hanukkah
lived by their own laws
King Phillip allowed Greek city-states autonomy in what?
Domestic affairs only
The economy of the Hellenistic kingdoms is most noted for?
expansion of commerce and trade