Chapter 10 Test Flashcards
William of Normandy
Battle of Hastings 1066
Tried to get the king more power with the salisbury plan. which made the people swear loyalty to the king.
Henry ii
Royal court: extended the king’s power
Common law: The king made laws for the whole land
King John
Magna Carta: the great charter- limited the king’s power.
Edward i
Parliament: The kings great council, he needed money, so he invited 2 knights from each city in order to let the king raise the taxes.
Hugh Capet and the Capetian Dynasty
controlled the Isle of france
Phillip ii Augustus
Got the 4 lands from John of England
Philip iV the fair
started the estates general- nobles, church, and the people.
Offensive by the Christian Kingdoms begun in the 11th century
North- Christians V. South- Muslims
Redistributed the land from muslims to Christians
Frederick I Barbarossa
Tried to get Italy, but Italy sided with the church and red beard lost at the battle of legnano
Frederick II
Tried to get Italy, but lost. Both Italy and Germany were not united.
Teutonic Knights
From the west,
Protected the Christian holy land
attacked prussia
prussia now has German and Christian influences
Genghis Khan
Universal ruler
greatest joy = fighting
got China and Korea
Khubilai Kahn
Got persia, Russia, Poland, and Hungary
The church under Russia
Connected to the EOC with the byzantine empire
Alexander Nevsky
Defeated Germany when they invaded
worked with the mongols
Went from ruling Moscow to Russia
The problems of decline
The people of the church focused more on the king and what he wanted then the pope.
monasteries declined
Abby of cluny
founded by Duke William of Aquitaine
in Burgundy in France
avoided control over theo goverenment
Lay investure
the non-clergy choses a bishop
Pope Greg VII
God’s vicar on earth
there was a investiture controversy over the bishop of Mulan- the 2nd most important city, both king Henry IV and pope gregory VII picked a bishop to rule mulan.
concordat of worms
bishop was elected by the church officials, but the king can give them restrictions.
Pope innocent III
Established papal power in Rome
He believed that he could judge all European affairs.
The interdict of England- forbade priests from giving sacraments to the people in hopes that they will revolt against the king
The Cistercian Order
Founded by St. Bernard of Clairvaux
focused on labor and prayer, lived a simple life
the hierarchy of the catholic church
POPE Papal curia (cardinals) Archbishops Bishops Priests
Womanly duties
Hildegard of Bingen - mystical visions known all over by kings and other leaders.
The franciscans
Started by Saint Francis of assisi preached repentance.
The Dominicans
copied manuscripts, started schools, and libraries, provided places to stay for travelers, helped the poor. founded by Dominic de Guzman wanted heresy out of the church. tried to educate people.
Baptism marriage penance extreme unction holy orders confirmation communion if one took them they would be saved
Special position in heaven.
intercessors before God.
protected the poor
remission of the time spent in pergatory
place of punishment which the soul could be purified b4 going to heaven.
bones of objects of a saint that could heal and preform miracles.
(Albigensian) had a duelist system- Souls are good the human body are evil.
The holy office
the papal inquisition
tried to ferret out all of the heresy. Anyone can be accused.
Persecution of the jews
The crusades
Persecution of the jews
The crusades
Kicked out jews for killing Jesus
The fourth lateran council- made jews wear different clothes than everyone else. created the ghettos
Sejuk Trurks
Nomadic people from central asia
got baghdad 1055
Battle of manzikert- Byzantine emperor challenged the turks bc they tried to expand their boarders. led to the crusades
The schism in the byzantine emperor
division between the Catholic church and the EOC
Pope Urban II
Council of clermont - Urban challenged the people promised the remission of sins to anyone who fought.
First crusade
led by well trained knights motivated by religious fervor money and land
got antioch and Jerusalem
the peasants crusade
looted food and supplies through the balkans
killed by the turks
led by peter the hermit
Crusader states
Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, and Jerusalem
2nd Crusade
Started because Edessa was recaptured by the Muslims FAIL
3rd Crusade
led by frederick Barbarossa- Germany, Richard the lionhearted - England, and Philip Augustus- France
Started as the reaction of Jerusalem to Saladin
4th crusade
Sacked Constantinople
Effects of the crusades
little impact on the Muslim world
Much impact on European - cultural interaction, many young warriors removed from England, Italian cities benefited economically, and attacks on Jews