Chapter 11 test Flashcards
What was the main cause of the early 14th century famines?
a little ice age inducing bad weather with heavy rains
Bubonic plague originated in
Black death resulted in a decline of European population by
between 25-50 percent
Pogroms were
organized massacres against the Jews
The flagellants
Believe that they could stop the plague by flogging themselves
What city got the plague first?
during the plague violence
Ars Moriendi means
the art of dying
Economically, the great plague and the crisis of the 14th centuries
Raised wages bc of little labor
The statute of laborers
Tried to limit wages to what they were before the plague, and stopped peasants from moving
English peasants revolt of 1381
was caused by the rising of economic expectations of ordinary people
Causes of the 100 years war
- Henry iii gave up all of his claims to the french territories(except Gascony). Pledged loyalty to the french king. Both france and England wanted the land
- Dispute of over the right to the french throne. Closest hair was Edward iii king of England
- fight over Gascony bc they paid homage to france
- the personalities of philip was caused by the rising of economic expectations of ordinary people vi and edward iii
How did France view their foot soldiers?
As inferior
How did England view their foot soldiers
They knew they needed they and paid them
Who won at the battle of crecy?
England- got the port of calis
Battle of Poitiers
ended the 1st phase of the 100 years war
Peace of Bretigny
Edward gave up his claim to the throne if John gave up control over the English lands.
French payed the ransom for King John
Treaty of troyes
Henry V married the daughter of Charles VI who became hair to the french throne
Joan of Arc saved France by inspiring the French soldiers to break the English siege of
Joan of Arc’s goal in life
- free france
2. charles the dauphin as king
During the reign of Edward III of England, the Great Council of the barons
became the house of lords forming a hereditary body of peers in parliament
Philip VI
tried to help out the estates general, but didn’t work
The Golden Bull of 1356 in Germany
gave seven electors the power to choose the king of the romans
The italian condottieri were
leaders of mercenary bands, occasionally ruling as military dictators
The 3 states that dominated Northern Italy
Milan, Florence, and Venince
The conflict between Pope Boniface VIII and Philip IV of furnace began when Philip
taxed churchmen without the church’s permission
led to the question who has higher power? Pope? King?
Pope died next one was clement V
The papacy at Avignon
Clement V moved the house of the pope from Rome to France
The great Schim
2 popes one frenchman one Italian. loyalties among the church were divided
Marsigli of Padua
Denied that the authority of the king had to listen to the pope
Council of Pisa
tried to get ride of the popes, but just added one
Council of constance
only one pope- Martin V
Mysticism in the 14th century
emphasized in intensely personal feeling of oneness with god
Modern Devotion
To get the oneness with God, one must be like Christ and serve others- works based salvation. Founded by Gerard Groote
William of Occan
Believed that all concepts were names, and only the things perceived with the sences were real.
Divine Comedy
sonnets about his love for a married woman named Laura
Decameron- reflects the post plague values- set during the time of the black death
The canterbury tales - high and low born were portrayed
Christine de Pizan
Wrote the book of the city of ladies defended that women were not evil and could learn
Was more realism which focused on dying, and pain
Physicians- Clergy with education
Surgeons- Preformed Surgeries
Midwives- Delivered babies
Barber surgeons- blood letting pulled teeth
new inventions
improvements on gun powder, cannons, paper, and eyeglasses