Chapter 13 test Flashcards
What did Christian/northern Renaissance humanism focus on/believe?
They were educated on the greco-roman
Looked at the writings of the early Christians
Believed that through education, the catholic church could be reformed
In order to change society the person must change.
What was important about Erasmus?
Taught inner piety
Wrote the handbook of the Christian knight- Christianity should be a guide for everyday life
Wrote Annotations- commentary on the vulgate Bible
Wrote The Prince of Folly- criticism of corrupt things in society
Thomas more
Wrote Utopia (nowhere) about the idealistic life
What led to the reformation?
Corruption of the church
Clergy held by nobles
Popes preoccupied with power/money
Pluralism- Church officials take more than one position in office
Johannes Geiler
Denounced the corruption of the clergy
Wrote the oratory of divine love- emphasised personal spiritual development and acts of kindness
Martin Luther
Born in Germany
Worried about the assurance of salvation
Saved by faith not works
95 theses - addressed the abuses in the sale of indulgences
Diet of worms
Wanted Luther to recant, but he didn’t
was excommunicated because the elector of saxony kept him alive
Pamphlets of 1520
- Address to the nobility of the German nation- overthrow papacy starting a German reform church
- The babylonian captivity of the church- attacks the sacramental system
- On the freedom of a christian man- doctrine of salvation
How did Lutheranism spread to?
Luther started in Saxony by translating the NT into German.
Spread to cities through preaching because not many could read.
The peasant’s war
led by Thomas muntzer
Went up against the rulers
Luther responded with about how God had placed the authority on earth
What sacraments did Luter keep?
Communion- denied transubstantiation
baptism- rebirth through grace
charles V of Germany
Controlled over naples, Spain, and HRE Very catholic Fought over land with Francis I Pope took Francis' side bc Charles was gaining too much power Habsburg-Valois war
Suleiman the magnificent
Leader of the ottoman empire (from turkey)
Killed Louis of Hungary at the battle of Mohacs
advanced all the way to vienna
defeated by charles V in Austria
Diet of Augsburg(1530) (Germany)
Made Lutherans return to the Catholic Church
Schmalkaldic league
8 princes made a defensive against the diet of augsburg-allied with france
Peace of Augsburg(1555)
affirmed the division of Christianity
Union of kalmar (1397) Scandivia
Unified Denmark, Norway, and sweden
Failed to do anything
Ruler christian II was overthrown by Gustavus Vasa- which led to the Lutheran Reff. in sweden - Swedish Lutheran national church
Ulrich Zwingli
Began the Reff. in Switzerland
Spread his ideas through debate
Preached that the papacy didn’t have authority
No music, pilgrimages, praying to saints, relics
Looked to the state to oversee the church
Marburg Colloquy (1529)
league of evangelical cities
Communion was taken symbolically
All were equal
suffer from faith
believers baptism
communion- remembrance
Menno simons
Created the mennonites
Henry VIII (England)
had 5 wives
initiated the Reff. in England
Act of Supremacy (1534)
Said the king was the head of the church of Eng.
Thomas Crmwell
Closed 400 monasteries
John Calvin
Wrote the institutes of the Christian Religion Kept baptism and communion Taught: Clergy can marry sovereignty of God Justification of faith in God
Special body for enforcing moral discipline private/public
The family impact of the protestant Reff.
focused on mutual love
men was head of household
Education in the reff.
introduced secondary schools
added religious instruction
How did religious practices change?
No: indulgences, relics, pilgrimages, holy days, monasticism
More: private prayer, church family worship,
founded by Ignatius Loyola
Absolute obedience to the papacy/catholic church
3 Major objectives
1. Education is crucial to combating protestantism
2. Propagation of catholic faith among non-catholics
3. fight protestantism
Pope Paul III
Took a study to find out the church was corrupt
Roman inquisition
Pope Paul IV
Created the index of forbidden books- list of books catholics were not allowed to read- immoral/protestant teachings
The council of trent
reaffirmed the traditional catholic teachings -opposed protestant teachings
French Calvinists
Rich religion
Ultra Catholics
Opposed the huguenots
Placed politics before religion - not worth war
Edict of Nantes
Catholicism= religion of france, but let the huguenots have religious freedom
Philip II
Controlled the Netherlands, Spain, parts of Italy, and the new world
Wanted all catholic
imported silver and gold in the New world
Elizabeth I
Encouraged piracy and anyone who aided weakening spain/france
Spanish aramada
England won