What is agricultural extension?
An informal educational process aimed at improving the standard of living of rural people through knowledge and skill transfer.
What is the main goal of agricultural extension?
To assist rural people in improving their farming methods and livelihoods through planned changes.
What is the scope of agricultural extension?
Includes teaching, counseling, research dissemination, and promoting the adoption of improved farming practices.
What is the role of an extension agent?
Acts as a communicator, advisor, educator, and link between research institutions and farmers.
What are the principles of agricultural extension?
Helping people help themselves, two-way communication, and programs based on local conditions and needs.
What is the meaning of ‘helping people to help themselves’ in extension?
Empowering farmers to solve their problems independently using knowledge and resources.
What is the role of communication in agricultural extension?
Facilitates the exchange of ideas, facts, and techniques to influence farmer behavior positively.
What are the types of communication methods in agricultural extension?
Individual contact, group contact, and mass media methods.
What is individual contact in extension?
Face-to-face interaction, such as farm visits, office calls, and informal conversations.
What are group contact methods in extension?
Engaging with groups through demonstrations, field trips, group discussions, and training.
What are mass media methods in extension?
Using radio, TV, newspapers, posters, and films to disseminate agricultural information to a large audience.
What is rural sociology?
The study of rural life, social structures, and relationships in agricultural communities.
Why is rural sociology important in agricultural extension?
It helps understand the social and cultural context of rural communities for effective program design.
What is the rural change process?
The process of planned or unplanned changes in rural communities to improve living conditions.
What is planned change in rural communities?
A deliberate effort to improve rural conditions through organized programs and interventions.
What is the significance of the social action process in extension?
Encourages collective efforts to address social problems and implement change in rural areas.
What are the stages of the social action process?
Inception of the idea, legitimization, diffusion, goal setting, mobilization, and execution.
What is the diffusion process?
The spread of new ideas or innovations from their source to ultimate users or adopters.
What is adoption in agricultural extension?
The decision by individuals to fully utilize and implement a new innovation or practice.
What is the adoption process?
The mental stages individuals go through from awareness of an innovation to its full use.
What are the stages of the adoption process?
Awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.
What is the role of demonstrations in extension?
To show farmers how to use new techniques or practices effectively.
What is result demonstration?
An extension method that shows the benefits of adopting a particular practice or technology.