Chap 8: Wildlife and Range Management Flashcards
What is wildlife management according to Giles (2000)?
The science and art of changing the characteristics and interactions of habitats wild animal populations and men in order to achieve human goals by means of the wildlife resource
What does biodiversity refer to?
The total variability of living organisms on the planet defined in terms of genes species and ecosystems which are the outcome of over 3000 million years of evolution
What is consumptive utilization?
The extraction of resources for the production of consumer goods and services including food skins/hides arts/crafts oils medicines live animal trades sport hunting and mineral exploitation
What is non-consumptive utilization?
The provision of natural amenities and services for recreational use such as game viewing nature trails swimming boating and other recreational activities without extracting resources
What are the three main national wildlife management policies in Nigeria?
- Bush meat production to increase protein intake 2. Preservation of national heritage 3. Promotion of recreation and tourism
What are the major problems militating against wildlife management in Nigeria?
- Inadequate funding 2. Scarcity of trained manpower 3. Poaching/illegal hunting 4. Competition with land users 5. Lack of necessary equipment
What is ecological extinction?
The reduction of a species to such low abundance that though still present in the community it no longer interacts significantly with other species
What is the difference between extinction and extirpation?
Extinction means species is no longer existing while extirpation means species is not extinct but no longer occurring in a wild state
What is sustainable use in wildlife management?
The rate of harvest within the capacity of species and their habitats to maintain them; can be either consumptive or non-consumptive
What are the main objectives of game ranching?
To find suitable alternative species to conventional domestic animals that can better survive and utilize semi-arid habitats of Africa
How does religion influence wildlife management?
Religion affects attitudes toward killing animals treatment of certain species as sacred or taboo and views on wildlife as God-given resources requiring stewardship
What percentage of animal protein comes from wildlife in rural areas of Ghana?
65% of protein consumed in rural areas comes from wildlife according to FAO 1969
What are the key values of wildlife?
Direct food source economic value (trade) ecological value (pollination seed dispersal) educational value cultural/religious value scientific research value
What is ex-situ conservation?
Management of plants and animals removed from their normal habitat including zoos gene banks botanical gardens plant orchards
What is in-situ conservation?
Management of wild populations in their adaptive environment including national parks game reserves forest reserves bird sanctuaries