Chapter Three: Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
The study of the organs and systems of the body:
The three parts of cells:
nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane
Control center of cell activity:
Outer surface of cell which the protoplasm is enclosed:
cell membrane
Most activity or production of the cell take place in the:
Process of building up larger molecules from small ones:
Release of energy within a cell necessary for the performance of specific body functions:
The role of epithelial tissue:
cover and protect body surfaces and internal organs
Type of tissue that coordinates body functions and carries messages to and from the brain and spinal cord:
body structure composed of two or more cells of different tissue:
Group of body structures that together, perform one or more vital function of the body:
Skin makes up what system?
Integumentary system
physical foundation of the body:
skeletal system
Point where two or more bones are jointed together:
Osteology is the study of:
Technical term for bone:
Long bones are found in the:
Bone is the hardest structure in the body and is composed of 1/3 organic matter and:
2/3 mineral matter
NOT a function of the skeletal system:
sending and receiving body messages
Body system that has the function to give the body shape and strength:
skeletal system
NOT a bone of the cranium
Bones most affected by scalp massage:
Parietal bones form the:
crown and upper sides of the head
Two bones located on either side of the head above the ears and below the parietal bones:
temporal bones
Largest bone of the facial skeleton:
The upper cheek and bottom of the eye socket are formed by the malar and the:
The smallest bones of the facial skeleton that form the front part of the inner, bottom wall of the eye socket are:
cervical vertebrae
Large. flat bone extending from the middle of the back, upward to the joint where it attaches to the clavicle:
Bone located on the little finger side of the lower forearm:
Eight carpals held together with ligaments make up the:
Five long, thin bones that form the palm of the hand:
The study of the structure, function and diseases of the muscles:
One function of the muscular system includes supporting the:
skeletal system
Muscles that respond to commands regulated by will:
Muscles that respond automatically to control carious body functions:
Non-moving portion of the muscles attached to bone or other fixed muscles:
Tissue that contracts when stimulated to produce motion:
muscles affected by massage are generally manipulated from the:
insertion to origin
Formed by the frontalis and occipitalis muscles:
Muscle that controls the eyebrows by drawing them in and downward:
Muscle located between eyebrows across bridge of nose:
Raising upper lip is controlled by what muscle?
quadratus labii superioris
What muscle pulls the lower lip down or to the side?
quadratus labii inferioris
Which two muscles perform chewing (mastication)?
temporalis and masseter
Which muscles are used when nodding yes or no?
sternocleido mastoides
Drawing the head back, rotating the shoulder blades and controlling the swing of arms are controlled by the lastissimus dorsi and the:
Muscle that turns palm of hand up:
Muscle that bends the wrist and closes the fingers:
Muscle that straightens the fingers and wrist:
What system is directly influenced and stimulated by a massage?
Nourishes parts of the body not reached by blood:
The heart muscle is encased in a membrane called the:
The lower chambers of the heart:
left and right ventricles
Sticky, salty fluid circulating through the body bringing nourishment and oxygen to all of the body:
Cells that fight bacteria and other foreign substances is called leukocytes or:
white blood cells
What component of blood gives the body ability to stop blood flow when the skin is broken?
The fluid part of blood:
Thick-walled vessels that carry blood away from the heart:
Which vessels carry impure blood (containing carbon dioxide) back from the capillaries to the heart?
Which arteries supply blood to the face, head and neck:
common carotid arteries
Occipital arties supplys blood to the:
back of the head
Which artery supplies blood to the lower portion of the face?
external maxillary
Which artery supplies the sides of the nose with blood?
Which artery supplies blood to the lower lip?
interior labial
Which smaller branch of the external maxillary artery supplies blood to upper lip and septum:
superior labial
Which artery supplies blood to the crown and sides of head?
Which artery supplies blood to parts of the forehead and eyes?
Filters out toxic substances, like bacteria and adds antibodies to the lymph fluid:
lymph nodes
Body system that displays localized swelling die to an infection:
The nervous system is made up of:
central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems
The brain, spinal cord, spinal and cranial nerves make up the:
central nervous system
Largest nerve tissue in the human body:
At the end of each axon, responsible for sending messages away from the nerve cell in the form of nerve impulses:
nerve terminal
Another name for nerve cell:
Components that work in harmony to receive and interpret stimuli and send resulting impulses to the appropriate tissues, muscles and organs:
brain, spinal cord and nerves
Which nerves carry messages from the brain to the muscles?
The trifacial nerve is also known as the:
fifth cranial nerve
Cranial nerve responsible for transmitting facial sensations to the brain:
Main nerve branch to the top one-third of the face:
Division of ophthalmic branch that affects the upper eyelid, eyebrows, forehead and scalp:
The primary motor nerve of the face:
facial nerve
Nerve that extends to the lower eyelid side of the nose, upper lip and mouth:
What branch of facial nerve extends to the upper muscles of the cheek?
Nerve that extends to the muscles of the mouth:
Facial nerve extending to the muscles of the temple, sides of the forehead, eyebrow, eyelid and upper cheek:
Cervical nerve extending into the side and front of the neck to the breastbone:
cervical cutaneous
Nerve extending down the little finger side of arm and into palm of hand:
Nerve extending down the thumb side of the arm into the back of the hand:
What causes tight, fatigued muscles to feel relaxed and soothed?
stimulation of sensitive nerve tissues
Why is peristalsis important in the functioning of the digestive system?
propels food down the esophagus
The gastrointestinal system includes the:
pharynx, stomach and esophagus
Why is the respiratory system important?
Inhalation of oxygen
Why is breathing through the nose healthier than breathing through the mouth?
the nose contains mucus membranes that filter out dust
System compromised of glands that manufacture chemical substances called hormones: