Chapter Seven: Trichology Flashcards
Not one of the main purposes of hair:
Technical tern for the study of hair:
Which portion of hair displays living cells?
hair bulb
Hair grows from a tube-like pocket called a root sheath or a:
The diameter of a hair fiber will be the same as:
the inside diameter of the hair follicle
The natural flow of hair determined by:
the angle of the follicle
The two primary parts of hair are the hair fiber and the:
hair root
Portion of hair extending above the surface of the skin:
hair fiber
Covers the follicle at the lower portion of the hair root:
Located at the bottom of the follicle, supplying nourishment to the germinal matrix:
Three major layer of hair:
medulla, cortex and cuticle
The pigment that gives hair its color is found in the:
The layer of hair that gives it strength and elasticity
Outer covering of the hair shaft made up of overlapping layers of transparent scales:
Hair that has been pulled out from the root can grow back under what circumstance:
the papilla has not destroyed
Central core of hair shaft sometimes missing in fine hair:
Helps protect hair and skin from becoming too dry:
Oil glands are attached to the side of the:
root sheath or follicle
Formed when sebum produced by oil glands mixes with the body’s perspiration:
acid mantle
Muscle that causes hair to stand on end when cold or scared:
arrector pili
Hair is made up of primarily:
Active growing stage of hair:
anagen stage
The active growing stage of hair lasts from:
2-6 years
Catagen, a brief transitional phase, lasts for what amount of time?
only a few week
The hair growth stage when all cell division stops is the:
catagen stage
The resting stage of hair growth:
telogen stage
Human hair grows about:
1/2 and inch per month
The lips, soles of feet, palms of hands and eyelids have no:
Technical term for eyelash hair:
The hard, resistant layer of protein that protects the hair shaft:
The hard, resistant layer of protein that protects the hair shaft:
The diameter of the hair shaft is much larger in coarse hair than it is in:
fine hair
Hair color is influenced by the amount and distribution of:
eumelanin and pheomelanin
Lack of pigmentation in hair and skin:
Gray hair is caused by a:
reduced color pigment, melanin, in the cortex layer of hair
Hair turning gray also caused by the:
the natural aging process
The degree pf coarseness or fineness of the hair fiber:
Number of active follicle per square inch of hair on the scalp:
Ability of hair to absorb moisture:
Layer of the cuticle that are very close together is which type of porosity:
Extreme porosity is hair that has been damaged by:
over processing
Ability of hair to stretch and return to its original shape without breaking:
Wet hair is able to be stretched to what percent of its length?
40% to 50%
Small cracks starting in cuticle, splitting the hair entirely is known as brittle hair, fragilitis crinium or:
Lumps or swelling along the hair shaft is known as trichorrhexis nodosa or:
gray hair
A condition of alternating bonds of gray and dark hair:
ringed hair
A condition of abnormal coverage of hair on areas of the body where only baby fine or lanugo hair grows:
A condition where beads or nodes form on the hair shaft:
A chronic scalp condition with excessive flaking which accumulates on the scalp. known as dandruff:
pityriasis capitis simplex
Term for greasy or waxy dandruff:
pityriasis steatoides
Red, circular patch of small blisters caused by a vegetable parasite, also know as:
Another term for head lice:
pediculosis capitis
How would tinea capitis be handled by a stylist?
cleanse and massage the scalp with antiseptic lotion
Scalp disease that causes dry, yellow, encrusted areas along with a peculiar odor:
tinea favosa
Red, watery vesticles or pus-filled areas caused by itch mites burrowing under the skin:
Hair color that has the highest number of hairs per square inch on head:
Baby fine, silky hair
Short, fine non-pigmented hair that covers most of the body:
Long, thick pigmented hair such as scalp and eyebrows:
Average amount of daily hair loss:
40 to 100 strands
Most common form of hair loss:
androgenic alopecia
In androgenic alopecia, a combination of heredity, hormones and age causes:
the hairs growing cycle
Step used to determine if hair loss is androgenic alopecia:
examine the hair shaft under microscope
Gradual conversion of terminal hair follicles to vellus-like follicles
androgenic alopecia
In men with androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness take the shape of:
horseshoe-shaped fringe
A smaller diameter ponytail on female clients is a sign of:
androgenetic alopecia
Various hair loss at the end of pregnancy:
postpartum alopecia
Sudden hair loss in round or irregular patches without the display of an inflamed scalp:
alopecia areata
Premature shedding of hair in the resting phase:
telogen effluvium
Hair loss caused by excessive pulling or twisting on the hair or chemical damage:
traumatic alopecia
Brushing hair prior to a shampoo does NOT accomplish:
decreased blood circulation
Type of hair more likely to tangle:
chemically treated hair
Scalp massages relax the muscles and stimulate:
blood circulation
Avoid giving scalp massages prior to these services:
relaxed healthy hair, colored healthy hair and permed healthy hair
For medical and comfort purposes, during a shampoo, elderly clients should:
lean forward into the shampoo bowl
Last step when performing a wet hair service inclusive of draping, shampooing and conditioning:
applying shampoo
At what point should a clients hair and scalp be examined when performing a shampoo?
before shampooing the hair