Chapter Ten Flashcards
Explain how President Thomas Jefferson sought to apply the principle of republican simplicity during his first administration
4/5 needed:
Jefferson walked the inaugural route
Wore plain clothes
No more weekly formal receptions
Scaled back Federalists building programs
Cut federal budget
How did Jefferson attempt to undo the Federalist innovations of earlier administrations?
Reduce size of Army and Navy
Reduce national debt
Abolish federal internal taxes
Why did Congress declare war on Greet Britain in 1812?
The War Hawks from the West and South sought to legitimize attacks on the Indians, and seize Canada and Florida
Impressment and Defend American Honor
The Shawnee chief Tecumseh responded to the many challenges facing Native
Americans in the early republic by
proudly embracing Native American traditions.
Why did American leaders place so much importance on keeping the issue of slavery out of national policy?
Part one???
Due to its divisiveness
Part one of response four
Why had maintaining a sectional political balance become so important?
Part two-
The Constitution makes no mention of the legality of slavery
Within the 10th amendment it is a states issue
Article 6 “the supremacy clause” within the Constitution would allow a Federal law outlaw it
The sectional balance in the senate maintained
- Why did Federalist Alexander Hamilton support Jefferson over Aaron Burr as the presidential election of 1800 played out in the House of Representatives?
Hamilton believed that Burr would be more dangerous to the presidency
The alleged plot by Gabriel, a twenty four year old slave, to stage a slave rebellion led white Virginians to
Hang twenty seven black men for contemplating rebellion
Why did Thomas Jefferson criticize Alexander Hamiltons vision of government
Jefferson thought it promoted the interests of greedy speculators and profiteers
According to Jefferson, the source of true freedom in America was the
Independent farmer
Why did John Adams appoint his famous midnight judges during the final weeks of his presidency?
To leave as many Federalists as possible in government positions
What was the lasting effect of the Marbury vs Madison Supreme Court decision?
The court claimed to the right to disallow a law on the grounds that it was unconstitutional
Why did the United States express concern after Spain returned Louisiana to France?
France was then under the rule of powerful expansionist Napoleon
What happened when Robert Livingston approached the French about buying New Orleans?
He purchased the entire Louisiana territory
The exploration of the Spanish and Indian territory west of the Mississippi River by Merriwether Lewis and William Clark succeeded in
Collecting valuable information on the natural environment of the region
How did Congress respond to the sinking of the ship Chesapeake in June 1807?
It prohibited all U.S. ships from traveling to all foreign ports
How did the Embargo Act of 1807 affect the United States?
It increased unemployment in the US
How did women in early nineteenth century Washington DC play key roles in political circles?
By networking through “calling”
In negotiating the Treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809, William Henry Harrison angered the Shawnee chief Tecumseh by
Negotiating with chiefs who had no legitimate claims to the land they ceded to the US government
What did the Non Intercourse Act of 1809 do?
It prohibited trade with England and France and their colonies
Most of the young congressmen known as War Hawks were
From the West and South
Why did congressmen from New England and some Mid-Atlantic states oppose war with Great Britain in 1812?
They feared the the war would hurt commerce
The Battle of Horseshoe a bend was marked by the
Death of over 500 Native Americans
What did British soldiers do once they entered Washington D.C. in 1814
The set fire to much of the city including the White House
How did the War of 1812 and the Hartford Convention affect the Federalist Party?
The Federalist Party died as a political force after opposing a popular war
Which group suffered the greatest losses in the War of 1812?
Which of the following voting laws passed in many states during the early nineteenth century?
The exclusion of felons from the voter rolls
In 1823, President James Monroe issued what became known as the Monroe Doctrine, a statement that the Americas
“Are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by an European power”
What complicated the presidents election of 1824?
Four candidates sought the support of one political party
What event convinced Andrew Jackson that John Quincy Adams became president as the result of a “corrupt bargain”
Adams made Clay his Secretary of State