Chapter Seventeen Flashcards
grant, reluctant to spend more money and sacrifice more lives in battle adopted a policy of…
the government sought control of indian lands and promised in return annuities and put the indians in land reserved for their use called…
what was passed by congress, divided the reservations and allotted parcels of land to individual indians as private property?
Dawes Allotment Act
indians that left the reservations were termed…
it became who’s fast to bring the hostiles back to the reservation?
U.S Army
what was the biggest killer of native americans?
when were 38 indians hanged?
santee/great sioux uprising
who will assist the U.S. army in its war against their old enemy the sioux?
crow, arikara, pawnee, and shoshone
in the 1920s the supreme court awarded them $122.5 million in compensation the sioux refuse and press for their return
Black Hills
form of nonviolent resistance
Ghost Dance
in 1868 general phillip sheridan acknowledge and applauded white hunters for “destroying the indians commissary”
from 1870 to 1890, corporate consolidation occurred in…
mining, ranching, and agriculture
In 1859 Californian Gold rushers the richest silver ore strike on the continent in Nevada
Comstock lode
Quickest way to make money was to
sell land claims or
forming companies in selling stock in that company
Open Range
Barbed Wire