Chapter Nine Flashcards
Discuss Hamilton’s three-part economic program for the new federal government and the success of each of the three components
A) the Public Debt-Hamilton plans to assume the states unpaid war debt
-But not pay either off (pay interest)
-Establishes American Credit
-Hamilton gets to assume debt. The Virginians get the Capital (D.C.) located on the banks of the Potomac
B) First Bank of the United States
-The bank would hold all government monies and fund domestic manufacturing and stabilize the economy by managing credit, interest rates, and currency values
-GW agrees and signs it into law
C) The Report on Manufactures
-Create A program to encourage domestic manufacturing through Federal grant subsidies and impose protective tariffs on those products from overseas
-This will fail due to the import tariff
Describe in detail the Indian policy of the Washington Administration. Include conflicts and their outcomes and solutions for both the U.S. government and the Indians
1) to clear the way for permanent settlements in Ohio
2) General Harmar
3) Were ambushed and defeated by Miami and Shawnee Indians.
4) St. Clair
5) Are ambushed and crushed at the Battle of Wabash
6)Mad Anthony Wayne
7) The Battle of Fallen Timbers
8)Treaty of Greenville
—The treaty cedes most of Ohio to the Americans and establishes Indiana as Indian territory
In the 1790’s America had conflicts with both England and France. Include specific examples to explain how both Washington and Adams handled these situations as they arose.
In may of 1773 GW issues The Neutrality Proclamation
Goal: Stay out of Europe
Washington sendsChief Justice John Jay to negotiate with British in 1794
Result: is the Jay’s Treaty of 1795
Despite its unpopularity we avoided war with England
XYZ Affair—Adams sends a delegation to negotiate peace with France called the Quasi-War
The Result: Adams adverts war with France
What were the differences between the Federralists and the Republicans in the 1800 presidential election?
Strong federal government
Pro England
Pro Commerce
Fear Anarchy
States Rights
Pro French
Favored an Agrarian society
Feared Tyranny
Why was GW quickly and unanimously elected president in February 1789?
He personified the republican idea of leadership
How did Washington conduct himself once in office?
He encouraged pomp and ceremony to create respect
Whom did Washington choose to be his secretary of the treasury?
Alexander Hamilton
In response to promises that had been made in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution, James Madison drew up the
Bill of Rights
significantly, no one complained about the Bill of Rights failing to protect
The right to vote
Why did American cotton production experience a boom in the late 1790s?
the invention of the cotton gin allowed greater production
Congress rejected which of Hamilton’s economic program?
the import tariff
To meet the interest payments on the national debt under his consolidation plan, Hamilton convinced Congress to pass
An excise tax on whiskey
How did President Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?
he nationalized the Pennsylvania militia
what happened to the two men convicted of treason during the Whiskey Rebellion?
Washington pardoned them
Which of the following describes the U.S. government’s early policy toward Indians in the Northwest Territory?
displace the Indians and clear the way for permanent settlements in Ohio
what happened when General Anthony St. Clair led troops into Indian territory in the fall of 1791?
his army fell to defeat after a surprise attack by Indians at the Wabash River
In 1794, General Anthony Wayne’s defeat of the Indians at Fallen Timbers resulted in
The Treaty of Greenville
how did most Americans react to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789?
They celebrated the victory of the French people
What was President Washington’s first reaction to the war between England and France
he issued a proclamation of neutrality
how did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804affect white Americans?
White Americans became fearful that the rebellion might spread to American shores
In his farewell address, President Washington spoke for a “unified body politic” and against
Permanent alliances with foreign countires
In the 1796 presidential election, opponents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
Ended up as president and vice president
During President Adam’s one term in office, VP Jefferson
Withdrew from active counsel of the president
How did President Adams attempt to advert a war with France in the fall of 1797?
He sent three men to negotiate peace with France
X, Y, and Z were code names for which of the following?
three French agents sent to meet with American commissioners
How did the United States react to the XYZ affair?
Congress launched an undeclared war with France
what was the purpose of the Sedition Act of 1798?
to punish revolt and conspiracy